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What Jean says about the Master's in Service Management, Sustainable Service Management

Jean from SwitzerlandWhat is the best thing about your programme?“Without a doubt, the interdisciplinary nature and the cultural exchanges are the best part. In this Master’s programme, every single student has a different professional and cultural background. As a manager, I cherish being exposed to different ways of thinking. When we work in a group, everyone will see the assignment under a diff - 2025-02-27

What Hsuan-Yu says about the Master's in Service Management, Tourism

Hsuan-Yu from TaiwanWhat is the best thing about your programme?“It is diverse in terms of nationalities. I can get abundant knowledge directly from my classmates, not just from the books and other secondary sources. The professors and classmates I’ve met here are so friendly.”Why did you choose the specialisation Tourism?“I love to travel and discover different cultures in the world. Therefore, I - 2025-02-27

Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz

Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research, Sustainability and Campus Development Pro Vice-Chancellor Per Mickwitz. Photo: Charlotte Carlberg Bärg. Per Mickwitz is a professor of environmental policy and a former director of the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE). He has worked for many years at the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) in roles such as researcher and rese - 2025-02-27

Pro Vice-Chancellor Viktor Öwall

Pro Vice-Chancellor for Research Infrastructure, PhD-education, IT and External Engagement Pro Vice-Chancellor Viktor Öwall. Photo: Charlotte Carlberg Bärg. Viktor Öwall is a professor of integrated electronic systems. He obtained a Master of Science and doctoral degree in electrical engineering in 1988 and 1994 respectively. From 1995 to 1996 he was a postdoc at the University of California in Lo - 2025-02-27

What Simon says about some of the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality courses

Simon Holk's experiences of some of the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality courses"Working with course assignments in the Virtual Reality Lab really was the pinnacle of my time at Lund University! In the University’s VR course you learn the necessary theory to design VR applications as well as the hands-on knowledge needed to get you started in creating VR applications. You get to use your crea - 2025-02-27

Academic resources

This webpage presents a list of links to websites that offer useful academic resources, such as tips for academic writing, referencing and thesis writing. All links open in the same window and take you to the website of that resource.  Lund University-specific guides’Academic Writing in English at Lund University’ (AWELU) is an excellent online resource for all students and staff writing texts in - 2025-02-27

Degree conferment ceremony glossary

Absens (in absentia)Absens is Latin for absent, and indicates a promovendus being awarded a degree without being present at the actual ceremony, or in absentia. During the ceremony, the person’s name is read out, with the addition of 'absens'.PhD graduate‘Doktor efter avlagda prov’ (EAP) is the official Swedish denomination for the Latin doctor iuvenis, pl. doctor iuvenes, i.e. new doctoral gradua - 2025-02-27

The doctoral degree conferment ceremony

The ceremonial highlight of the academic year Doctoral degree conferment ceremony In a solemn ceremony in Lund Cathedral, the doctoral students who completed their research studies in the past year and successfully defended their doctoral theses at Lund University have their degrees conferred. At the ceremony, degrees are also conferred on the faculties' honorary doctors. Doctors who completed the - 2025-02-27

Academic traditions

Lund University has two major annual academic ceremonies: the doctoral degree conferment in May and the inauguration of new professors every autumn. Another important tradition is the inauguration of the vice-chancellor. Doctoral degree conferment ceremonyThe doctoral conferment ceremony is the major academic event of the year at Lund University. Ceremonies have been held since the late 1600s, wit - 2025-02-27

Practical information for ceremony participants

InvitationThe invitation is sent out to all those who have publicly defended their thesis or will be defending it since the last degree conferment ceremony. The invitation is sent by post in early March to the addresses registered with the faculties.DateThe doctoral degree conferment ceremony traditionally takes place on the last Friday in May, with a compulsory rehearsal on the preceding afternoo - 2025-02-27

Scholarships and awards

Scholarships for students applying for studies at Lund University Lund University Global ScholarshipThe Lund University Global Scholarship is an academic excellence award targeting top students from all countries outside the EU/EEA. Students who have made a complete application for a Master's programme, or, in exceptional cases, for one of a few selected Bachelor's programmes, are invited to apply - 2025-02-27

Cheating, disruption and harassment

As a student, you are obliged to follow the laws and rules that apply at Lund University. A student who is guilty of cheating, disruption or similar can be disciplined with a warning or suspension. Four disciplinary offences under the Higher Education Ordinance Within academia there are four “disciplinary offences” in relation to cheating, disruptions and harassment. Under the Higher Education Ord - 2025-02-27

Images on the website

PhotographersImages from the following photographers appear on this website, BävmanCharlotte Carlberg BärgJenny LeymanJohan PerssonMikael RisedalKennet RuonaHåkan RöjderPhotographs taken by Lund University staff, and in some cases students, may also be featured.If you would like to know who took a particular picture, or have any other questions or comments, please contac - 2025-02-27

Being a student ambassador abroad

When you are abroad in connection with your studies at Lund University, you are an important representative of the University. As a student ambassador, you are one of the main bearers of our public image, both to the host organisation and to prospective students. As a student ambassador, you can help to raise interest in Sweden and the University. Lund University is ranked 62nd in the 2024 Times H - 2025-02-27

Student health and safety representatives

The student health and safety representative represents you and students at your department or in your field of study on issues related to both your physical, organisational and psychosocial work environment. There is also a principal student health and safety representative at the faculty level. How your representatives can helpYou can turn to your head of department if you discover shortcomings - 2025-02-27

Contact the Lund University Admissions Office

Before submitting a question in the contact form below, please carefully read through the information about the application steps and admission requirements. application steps admission requirements Please note that the Admissions Office at Lund University is not able to give you a preliminary assessment. A decision regarding your eligibility will be made once you have made an application and subm - 2025-02-27

Lund University on social media

There are many ways to find out about our activities and communicate with us through social media. Below is a list of the University’s general channels. There are many more pages, feeds and blogs at faculty and department level. FacebookThe official Lund University Facebook page is primarily aimed at prospective international students and it is also popular with alumni. It focuses mainly onadmissi - 2025-02-27

Alumni Newsletter, Lundensaren

Lundensaren is sent to members of the Lund University Alumni Network six times per year. In this newsletter you can read about research news, fellow alumni, special offers, what is happening at the University and more. Read LundensarenAs a registered member of the Alumni Network, you are automatically on the Lundensaren mailing list. You can also subscribe (without being a member) by filling in th - 2025-02-27

FAQs about the Alumni Network

Lund University would like to keep in touch with you even after you've completed your studies in Lund. As a member of our Alumni Network, you are part of a community with nearly 49,000 alumni scattered around the globe. Even better, it is free to join the Alumni Network! Below you will find answers to FAQs about the Alumni Network. Who can join? The Alumni Network is for anyone who has studied, wo - 2025-02-27

Sport and exercise

There are many opportunities for students to keep fit or take part in sports. In Lund, Malmö and Helsingborg, the student nations, student associations, local sports clubs and municipal sports facilities offer a range of sports and exercise activities. A spinning class at Gerdahallen. Classes and gyms at GerdahallenGerdahallen is one of the largest sports centres in Northern Europe. As Gerdahallen - 2025-02-27