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New media usage for counter-democratic communication : a case study of Uued Uudised

The usage of new media spaces has a strong impact in contemporary politics and democracy as political messages are largely exchanged through new communicative spaces of media. These democratized media spaces are also used for counter-democratic communication by right-wing populists around Europe. This thesis is a case study of the Estonian right-wing populist media platform Uued Uudised. The artic

Approachable environmental activism : a case study of Protect Our Winters Finland and collective action against climate change

Climate change has become an increasingly prevalent topic of discussion within the media. In recent years, a variety of NGOs and social movements have called attention to this global environmental issue, but the resulting action has been insufficient. This thesis explores how modern environmental organisations have readjusted their approach to citizen mobilisation according to the demands of a med

Underrättelseskyldigheten i nordiska standardavtal för entreprenad

I den här uppsatsen har jag undersökt underrättelseskyldigheten i de nordiska standardavtalen för entreprenad. De fyra avtalen jag har behandlat i min uppsats är AB 04, AB 92, AB 18 samt NS 8405. Uppsatsen syfte är att klargöra underrättelseskyldigheten i de nämnda standardavtalen då de är väldigt omfattande och olika i sin utformning. Mitt andra mål var att klargöra skillnaderna mellan de olika aIn this paper I have investigated the duty of notification in the Nordic standard contracts for contracting. The four agreements I have dealt with in my essay are AB 04, AB 92, AB 18 and NS 8405. The purpose of the thesis is to clarify the obligation to notify in the said standard agreements since they are very extensive and different in their design. My second goal was to clarify the differences

”Jag är skoltrött fastän jag inte pluggat en dag i mitt liv” Hur en grupp pojkar erfar och berättar sin sociala position som ”icke-studerande” på ett studieförberedande gymnasieprogram

Fokus i denna uppsats är paradoxen att välja att läsa ett studieförberedande program utan att vara intresserad av att studera. Ett forskningsproblem som rör sig mellan pojkars förhållningssätt till skola, maskulinitetsnormer och en förändrad skola till form och innehåll i ett samhälle som utmärks av senmodernitetens reflexivitet i identitetsskapandet. Syftet är att undersöka den sociala positionen

Mitt studentliv som kvinna. En etnologisk studie om kvinnliga studenters upplevelse av sin studiesituation

From a report presented by Public health agency (Folkhälsomyndigheten), it is common amongst female students to experience the study situation as stressful and filled with anxiety. Because of the discussion about female students study situation and the problems it brings is quite old, I experience it to be important for me as a ethnological student and furthermore to contribute with my ethnologica

Lessons of Northern Ireland - A Comparative Study of Northern Ireland and Cyprus

There are many contributing factors, to why Northern Ireland is regarded as a prime example for conflict resolution. In this thesis, we will seek to test the factors, that several scholars and politicians, such as; Tony Blair, Peter Hain and Jennifer Todd, have argued were the most important to create piece. This will be done through a comparative study with Cyprus, which is still regarded an acti

Yrkeslegitimering – vilka problem ska lösas?: En studie om legitimering av undersköterskor och lärare

Denna uppsats handlar om förslag till legitimering av undersköterskor och lärare, och huruvida dessa kan tolkas som ansatser till professionalisering. Vidare intresserar vi oss för legitimering som statligt styrmedel och vilka problem man försöker lösa med det. Analysunderlaget består av två statliga offentliga utredningar angående respektive yrke, där undersköterskeyrket står i särskilt fokus. I

Den muslimska kvinnan i Europa - En argumentationsanalys av EU-domstolens beslut om religiösa symboler på den privata arbetsmarknaden

Den 14:e mars 2017 publicerade EU-domstolen sitt beslut att ett förbud mot religiösa symboler på arbetsplatser inte utgör direkt diskriminering. Domstolsbeslutet tog avstamp och hänvisade till två fall i Frankrike och Belgien där arbetsgivarna sparkat två kvinnor på grund av deras val att bära hijab under arbetstid. Syftet med denna studie är därför att granska de två fall och se vilka faktorer so

We are not enemies, we just disagree...?

Since independence, Georgia’s political trajectory of democratic development has become all the more aimed towards integration with the EU and further disassociation from the Soviet past and Russia. By the engagements facilitated through the EU’s Eastern Partnership and the Association Agreement, the narrative of Georgian national identity as fundamentally European is seen as an all-encompassing c

Kommuners ansvarstagande - arbete med sysselsättning av asylsökande

This essay examines why municipalities choose to work with daily occupations for adult asylum seekers, when the responsibility lies upon another institution, Länsstyrelsen. The aim is to find out for what reasons they work with daily occupations for asylum seekers. In approaching this research Lennart Lundquist’s implementation theory was used. According to the theory the civil servants must have

Bureaucratic Structures and Implications for Organizational Efficiency - A Qualitative Case Study of the Swedish Police Authority

In this thesis, the relationship between bureaucratic structures and efficiency is evaluated through a case study of the Swedish Police Authority. The collected material consists of semi-structured interviews with police officers from four different stations located in Region Syd. A theoretical framework that posits that there exist two types of bureaucratic structures, enabling and coercive, and

Medborgarideal i förändring? En studie av elevens roll i ett utbildningspolitiskt systemskifte

Citizenship is subject of much debate in democratic societies. This can be explained by the fact that the school systems contribute to the reproduction of the political system through the education of good, democratic citizens. Sweden has gone through major ideological change in the past 30 years, the social democratic welfare state has been influenced by neo-liberal ideas regarding government. Th

Den solidariska välfärdsstatens gränser

In the autumn of 2015, border and identity controls were introduced at the Swedish border in order to control, and to some extent, also reduce the refugee flows to Sweden. This could be seen as a contrast to the Swedish identity characterized by solidarity and generosity in the national, as well as the international context. This paper aims to investigate the political discourse regarding the intr

The Image Game: An Explanatory Case Study on Soft Power as a Strategic Ulterior Motive in Chinese Football

In the 21st century more states are realizing the benefits with hosting “Sports Mega-Events” such as the Olympic Games or the FIFA World Cup. These events create an opportunity for a country to spread a carefully selected image and to gain influence and attraction in the international arena, or in other words, to exercise soft power. This thesis investigates how the Chinese government, through mas

Aeroelastic Analysis of a Morphing Wing for Airborne Wind Energy Applications

The aim of this thesis is to set up a high-fidelity fluid structure interaction (FSI) simulation environment to study the gust load alleviation capability of camber-morphing airborne wind energy (AWE) wings. The simulation environment will enable studying the transient flow phenomena around the wing when encountering wind gusts and gives the possibility of investigating dynamic instabilities. To m

European Integration meets National Politics: Crisis, Europeanisation, and the rise of the AfD

Since the Financial and Eurozone crisis that erupted in 2009/2010, Germany has seen the rise of a new populist radical right party; the Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). In the years after its establishment in 2013, this party has experienced many electoral successes and entered not only thirteen federal state parliaments, but also the European Parliament in 2014. This development is atypical for

Do the ‘Fundamentals’ come first since the introduction of the EU’s new enlargement strategy? Measuring transformative effects in Montenegrin judiciary

This study examines whether the new EU enlargement strategy has brought expected results and led to the changes that go beyond adoption of formal rules and institutions in Montenegro. It establishes whether improvement in the sphere of judicial independence occurred since the introduction of the new EU approach to enlargement, in the next most likely candidate, by analysing the impact of each comp

Political Order in the Anthropocene

The advent of the epoch known as the Anthropocene has been treated as a paradigm shift throughout the natural as well as parts of the social sciences. This shift entails mankind’s becoming of a geological force alongside others. Political theory and International Relations in particular have, however, been slow to pick this up. This thesis is an attempt to fill this gap. In this thesis I examine t

The Power of Discourse

To the reader acquainted with academic discourses about working time reduction, the public discussion about such a policy seems incomplete. This raises the question of how and why certain academic discourses are taken up in the public debate, while others are excluded. This thesis aims at developing a theoretical framework to explore this question in the light of social power relations. It thereby

Kvinnorna som förde Trump till triumf : En kvalitativ undersökning av kvinnligt väljarbeteendet i det amerikanska presidentvalet år 2016

Over the years Donald Trump has made several controversial statements regarding women. Despite that, 42% of all American women who voted in the 2016 election, voted for him. This study examined what it was that made women vote for him. The method used was qualitative, and to collect material, interviews with six women, who voted for Trump, were conducted. General information on voting behavior amo