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Tyst diplomati

Den här uppsatsen ämnar att besvara frågeställningen om den tysta diplomatin kan rättfärdigas i fallet av de fängslade journalisterna Martin Schibbye och Johan Persson. Tyst diplomati är ett ämne som blivit både hyllat och kritiserat och vi vill här belysa en av de värdekonflikter som ligger till grund för debatten. Den tar en neutral ansats där värdena effektivitet och ansvarsutkrävande ställs mo

Funktionshinder eller funktionsnedsättning - Om definitionerna och diskursen

Rådets direktiv 2000/78/EG av den 27 november om inrättande av en allmän ram för likabehandling, det så kallade arbetslivsdirektivet, syftar till att bekämpa diskriminering i arbetslivet bl.a. på grunden funktionshinder. Arbetslivsdirektivet har till stor del införlivats svensk rätt genom diskrimineringslagen (2008:567). I januari 2015 gjordes för diskrimineringslagens vidkommande en språklig ändrThe main purpose of the essay is to investigate two legal terms defining disability, as found in Council Directive 2000/78/EC of 27 November 2000 establishing a general framework for equal treatment in employment and occupation and in the Swedish Discrimination Act (2008:78). The concept of disability according to the Discrimination Act has to fulfil the provisions set up by the EU. The term ”disa

Bakom den hållbara staden: en diskursanalys av Hyllies miljödokument

This study analyzes which meaning is attributed to the concept of sustainable city within Hyllie’s environmental planning. This is done through a critical discourse analysis based on a theoretical framework that has its starting point in three different environmental discourses. The empirical material is primarily based on Hyllie’s environmental program. The analysis focuses primarily on three key

Grön Rehabilitering: Platsens betydelse rörande mänskligt välmående

Stress and mental illness are growing and are the leading causes to sickness and sick relief from work. A lot of the stress is due to psychosocial factors, i.e. how the individual is shaped by and herself shapes the environment (the context she is currently in) through social norms. Norms which are culturally contingent and shaped with the capitalistic system. Capitalism, with its built in need fo

Olika faktorers inverkan på egenvård hos personer med hjärtsvikt

Hjärtsvikt är en av de vanligaste anledningarna till inläggning på sjukhus i Sverige för personer över 65 år. Vid behandling av hjärtsvikt används ofta läkemedel samt egenvård i form av bland annat fysisk aktivitet och regelbunden viktkontroll. Det finns stora kunskapsbrister relaterat till sjukdomen hos berörda personer och sekundärprevention genom egenvård är inte tillräcklig. Syftet med denna s

Föräldraledighetslagen och föräldralön - Jämställdhet i praktiken?

Det övergripande jämställdhetspolitiska målet i Sverige delas in i fyra delmål, där ett delmål är att kvinnor och män ska ta samma ansvar för hem- och omsorgsarbetet. En del i att uppnå detta är att arbeta för en ökning av mäns uttag av föräldraledighet. Utöver ersättningen från socialförsäkringssystemet har många arbetstagare möjligheten att få extra löneutfyllnad som regleras genom kollektivavta

Kroppsterapi i socialt arbete - En studie om hur personal inom missbruksvård praktiserar och motiverar kroppsterapi

The purpose of this study was to examine how body therapy is implemented in the social work and how staff at HVB-home is motivating body therapy in addiction treatment. The study is based on qualitative interviews with staff at HVB-homes that practise body therapy. The results of the study shows that the way body therapy is implemented vary between different HVB-homes. Some combine body therapy wi

Dagboken som offentlig bekännelse - framställningen av diagnosen utmattningsdepression

The purpose of this essay was to investigate how exhaustion depression, previously defined as burnout, is presented on blogs on the Internet, what consequences the presence of the blog-readers may have on the self-presentations on the blogs and what consequenses the blog-writers self-portraits may have for the construction of their diagnosis. The study is entirely based on observations of blogtext

Compliance - En gränsöverskridande undersökning i finansmarknadsrätt, bankrätt, värdepappersmarknadsrätt och straffrätt

Finansmarknaden intar en central roll i ett väl fungerande samhälle och banken intar en central roll för en väl fungerande finansmarknad. Bankverksamhetens olika karaktärsdrag bidrar till att det finansiella ekosystemet fungerar vilket innebär att den finansiella stabiliteten på finansmarknaden främjas. Samhällsutvecklingen är ofrånkomligen inriktad mot en globalisering. Detta i kombination med deFinancial markets have a central role in a well-working society and a bank has a central role on a well-functioned financial market. The characteristic of a bank’s business contributes to the financial ecosystem and promotes stability on the financial market. The society is undeniably becoming more and more globalised. This, combined with a constant technical development, has continuously led to t

Merchant Interconnection in the Internal Energy Market: Implications of the Network Code on Capacity Allocation and Congestion Management

This study investigates the impact of the Network Code on Capacity Allocation (CACM) on the merchant approach to interconnector development. It also situates CACM in the context of the EU, analysing the progress it makes towards a functioning single market for electricity across European Member States. Known as the Internal Energy Market (IEM), the EU has worked to achieve a single market for over

Bridging Gaps: Investigating Private Sector Financing of Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Climate Change. A closer look at the Greater Mekong Subregion

Tackling the challenge of adaptation to climate change in developing countries will require the mobilization of new and additional funding. Like other adaptation approaches, Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) is threatened by a growing adaptation funding gap. Further private sector involvement, for instance in the context of innovative direct financing models for EbA, is one way to help bridge the g

Drinking locally: The implications, from a sustainability perspective, of emerging Belgian microbreweries

In similarity to other European countries and the USA, Belgium, has been facing an emergence of microbreweries in the last decade. However, given the environmental footprint and, particularly, the water footprint of beer as well as the fact that microbreweries can sometimes lag behind in energy efficiency or water usage, it is worth considering the sustainability implications of this trend. The sa

State Fragility, Migration, Integration and Terrorism? A Historic opportunity towards mutual recognition

Jihadism has become a major topic in Western as well as non-western public debate. Many military groups have sprung up in late 20th and early 21st century, claiming legitimacy using jihad for a wide variety of causes ranging from Kashmir, Somalia, Bosnia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Yemen and Nigeria. This leads to the question whether Islamist fundamentalism has been successful in project

Upplevelser av godmanskap - En analys av erfarenhetsbaserade skildringar av relationen mellan den enskilde och den gode mannen

Uppsatsen bygger på intervjuer genomförda med tio personer som har god man. Fem av intervjuerna inbegrep ytterligare deltagare, med uppgift att bistå under intervjun. Två av dessa personer var gode män som deltog i deras egenskap av att dels bistå, och dels (delvis) företräda under intervjun. Alla deltagare var medlemmar av intresseföreningar (tre olika) för personer med funktionshinder. Uppsatsen

Veterinary pharmaceutical residues seen from a Swedish environmental and regulatory perspective: The case of intense livestock farming in close location to drinking water supplies

Veterinary pharmaceuticals used in areas with intense agriculture and livestock/horse yard facilities may leach into the soil and be further transported as runoff into surface waters used as drinking water supplies. The focus of this thesis is to clarify how the existing legal framework on monitoring and regulating these residues, help Sweden to comply with two of the national environmental qualit

Innovation and the Triple Bottom Line: Investigating Funding Mechanisms and Social Equity Issues of Living Labs for Sustainability

Cities face a host of challenges including urbanisation and climate change and must quickly adapt and integrate sustainability solutions to deal with these challenges. One platform seen as a mechanism to support innovation for sustainability in cities is the concept of the living lab. A living lab is a user-centred, open innovation ecosystem that seeks to engage academia, industry and municipaliti

Sustainability transparency in road freight distribution in Sweden

Background: An extensive literature review pointed out the limited knowledge on the value of sustainability transparency in road freight distribution. This is researched in the context of non-compliance to current sustainability issues in Sweden. Additionally, the value of sustainability transparency for the procurement activity of a transport buyer was not explored. Purpose: The purpose of this s

Socially Responsible Investment and Sustainable Banking - Principles for reorienting a regional/local bank’s business towards sustainability

This thesis is constructed on an examination of the global principles and operational methods of Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) and their linkage to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). These phenomena have implications for the sustainable banking business, which aims to deliver banking products and services aligned with a triple-bottom-line corporate approach contributing to sustainable

On-line Handwritten Signature Verification using Machine Learning Techniques with a Deep Learning Approach

The problem to be solved in this project is to distinguish two signatures from each other, with help of machine learning techniques. The main technique used is the comparison between two signatures and classifying if they are written by the same person (match) or not (no-match). The binary classication problem is then tackled with a few alternatives to better understand it. First by a simple engin

CSR reporting influenced by a Scandal - Does it matter if the company is directly- or indirectly involved?

The purpose of this study is to investigate how and why companies are changing the nature of their CSR reporting in order to regain legitimacy, due to a scandal. The purpose is also to see if an indication of how media affects the reputation of the organisations’ can be found. Legitimacy theory. The authors’ have chosen a qualitative approach by using content analysis for investigating two compani