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Acoustic trapping of cells in a microfluidic format

This paper presents, for the first time, non-contact acoustic trapping of cells in a microfluidic format. The employed acoustic force maintains the cells in the center of a fluidic channel while allowing for perfusion of e.g. nutrients or drugs as well as optical monitoring of the cells. Neural stem cells have been acoustically trapped and tested for viability after 15 minutes of ultrasonic radiat

Design Thinking and Organizational Development: twin concepts enabling a reintroduction of democratic values in organizational change

Design Thinking is a rather new concept for increasing innovation capabilities in organizations. Organizational Development is a concept from the 1950s aiming at modernizing organizations through participatory methods. As organizations struggle with constant change and to become more innovative we will compare and discuss design thinking and organizational development and explore what we can learn

LES of the flow and acoustics generated by an aircraft fan running in the vicinity of the ground

An important component of the aircraft generated noise, especially ahead of it, is the fan noise created by the high velocity variation near the blades and the interaction of the rotating fan with the fluid. In order to predict the sound, the method used involves the acoustical analogy developed by Ffowcs Williams and Hawkings. Computation of the flow field is performed in the incompressible LES f

The EGF-like Modules of Anticoagulant Protein S. Studies of Ca2+ binding and module interactions

Popular Abstract in Swedish I samband med en kärlskada startar en kaskad av reaktioner som leder fram till bildandet av ett blodkoagel. Det är viktigt att bildandet av blodkoagel begränsas till det skadade området. Blodkoagulationen är därför reglerad av antal antikoagulanta system av vilka det viktigaste är protein C systemet. I detta system samverkar aktivt protein C (APC) tillsammans med ett anProtein S functions as a cofactor to activated protein C (APC) in the degradation of factors Va and VIIIa. In plasma protein S circulates in two forms; 30-40 % circulates as free protein S molecules while the remaining 60-70 % exists in a 1:1 complex with C4b-binding protein (C4BP). Only the free form of protein S functions as a cofactor to APC. Protein S is a mosaic protein composed of four discr

Studies in Language and Cognition

Using a plethora of concepts, theories and methods, the theoretical and empirical studies described in this volume are united in their approach of treating language not in isolation (e.g. as a “module”), but as both based on structures and processes of cognition, and at the same time as affecting the human mind. The book is organized in 7 parts, corresponding to some of the major fields in languag

Stages in the development of perceptual intersubjectivity

We offer an analysis of perceptual intersubjectivity (PI) in terms of two types (symmetric and asymmetric) and three levels: synchronous (SPI), coordinated (CPI) and reciprocal (RPI), defined on the basis of the observable behavior of the participants in a study of (non-verbal) social interaction. We hypothesize that the three levels constitute stages in the development and possibly evolution of h

Investigation of Anaerobic Digestion Alternatives for Henriksdal's WWTP

On the request of Dr Daniel Hellström (Stockholm Water AB), IEA was asked to perform a preliminary investigation of two alternatives for anaerobic digestion operation at Henriksdal’s WWTP in Stockholm, Sweden. The system should be analysed based on parallel or series operation of two existing AD reactors. Moreover, the input load should be based on the current situation and a future scenario (esti

A radiographic analysis of constriction locations for vowels

Vocal tract area functions estimated from 38 sets of X-rayed vowel articulations collected from the literature and from new X-ray motion films of English and Arabic speech reveal four constriction locations: along the hard palate, along the soft palate, in the upper pharynx and in the lower larynx. Each location is appropriate for a definable class of vowel qualities, confirming the quantal nature

Selenoproteins in the Bovine Mammary Gland. Regulation of mRNA and Protein Expression

Popular Abstract in Swedish Selen är ett essentiellt näringsämne som behövs för att upprätthålla flera viktiga funktioner i kroppen, huvudsakligen genom en speciell grupp proteiner som heter selenoproteiner. Det finns minst 25 stycken olika selenoproteiner i människan och flera av dem skyddar kroppen mot oxidation medan vissa andra sköter regleringen av sköldkörtelhormoner. Många selenoproteiners Selenium is a micronutrient that is essential for many important life processes due to the action of the specific selenoproteins containing one or more of the 21st amino acid, selenocysteine. Twenty-five selenoprotein genes have been found in the human genome but the function of many of them is not yet known. Some of the characterised selenoproteins have, however, antioxidant properties. Selenium