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Three Generations of Western Assassinations in the Global South, Decolonization and the Progressivist Narrative of International Law
This paper situates political assassinations by Western states in the global south in a wider discussion concerning decolonization and the progressivist narrative of international law. The paper looks at three generations of such assassinations, focusing on the international legal environments in which they took place and setting the parameters for both legitimation and opposition: the mid-twentieThis paper situates political assassinations by Western states in the global south in a wider discussion concerning decolonization and the progressivist narrative of international law. The paper looks at three generations of such assassinations, focusing on the international legal environments in which they took place and setting the parameters for both legitimation and opposition: the mid-twentie
Scale-up of high-solid enzymatic hydrolysis of steam-pretreated softwood : the effects of reactor flow conditions
The importance of flow conditions during scale-up of high-solid enzymatic hydrolysis of steam-pretreated spruce was demonstrated by comparing hydrolysis rates between laboratory (2 L) and demonstration (4 m3) scale. A positive effect of increased agitation speed on the rate of enzymatic hydrolysis was found regardless of scale. Importantly, the hydrolysis rate was higher at the larger scale when c
Linking intra- and interspecific assortative mating : Consequences for asymmetric sexual isolation
Assortative mating is of interest because of its role in speciation and the maintenance of species boundaries. However, we know little about how within-species assortment is related to interspecific sexual isolation. Most previous studies of assortative mating have focused on a single trait in males and females, rather than utilizing multivariate trait information. Here, we investigate how intrasp
The association between knee confidence and muscle power, hop performance, and postural orientation in people with anterior cruciate ligament injury
STUDY DESIGN: Cross-sectional. BACKGROUND: The association between muscle function and lack of knee confidence in people with anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury has not been well investigated. Such knowledge would help in the design of training programs for this population. OBJECTIVE: To investigate associations between self-reported knee confidence and muscle function in patients with ACL in
Time does not help orangutans Pongo abelii solve physical problems
Many questions in animal intelligence and cognition research are challenging. One challenge is to identify mechanisms underlying reasoning in experiments. Here we provide a way to design such tests in nonhuman animals. We know from research in skill acquisition in humans that reasoning and thinking can take time because some problems are processed in multiple steps before a solution is reached (e.
Performance and operating experiences of the first scandinavian full-scale discfilter installation for tertiary phosphorus polishing with preceding coagulation and flocculation
Microscreening (using Discfilters) is a widely used technology for suspended solids removal in tertiary effluent streams of wastewater treatment plants. Several pilot studies have shown the feasibility of using coagulation and flocculation in combination with microscreens for advanced phosphorus removal, but the number of fullscale references is still limited. In summer 2014, the first Scandinavia
The Effects of Increased Physical Activity in Childhood on Fracture Risk, Musculoskeletal Development, and Academic Achievement
Climate Fiction as World Literature
Mentorship in entrepreneurship education : Examining conditions for entrepreneurial learning among students
In this study we examine how formal mentorship facilitates learning for students engaged in experiential entrepreneurship education. Based on diary-interview method we build a process model that depicts how formal mentorship relations are initiated and developed over time. Our analysis identifies critical conditions for generating a prosperous learning environment in this relation. The findings pr
User participation : Research with and about user particiaption
Nurses' attitudes to the use of alternative medicine in cancer patients
This study reports results from a questionnaire study on nurses' attitudes to and experiences with alternative medicine, especially related to cancer patients' use of alternative medicine. Sixty nurses from a department of oncology and haematology participated in the study. The response rate was 62%. The nurses primarily perceived the use of alternative medicine as an individual choice which the n
Simulation of internal electromagnetic interference for vehicular antenna performance evaluation
Due to the increasing number of infotainment and safety functions in vehicles, the need for reliable communication link is becoming very critical. A key consideration in providing a reliable link is the antenna performance, which is conventionally evaluated by its efficiency and ability to provide the required coverage upon integration in vehicles. However, modern vehicles are equipped with many e
Sprickbildning i puts på isolering
Vid byggnadsmaterial, Lunds tekniska högskola, har problem med sprickbildning i puts på isolering studerats under ett antal år. Projektet startade i större skala 1999 med generella brottmekaniska analyser, laboratoriemätningar av brukets egenskaper och "fullskaleförsök" på provväggar i laboratorium. Resultaten från de första årens studier redovisades översiktligt i Bygg & teknik 8/02. Bland an
Sprickbildning i puts på isolering
Sprickbildning i puts på isolering har inträffat i ökande omfattning på senare tid. 1997 togs problemställningen upp vid Byggnadsmaterial, Lunds Tekniska Högskola. Genom brottmekansika beräkningar, renodlade laboratorieförsök samt studier på provväggar och analys av skadefall i praktiken har olika inverkande faktorer klarlagts. I denna artikel sammanfattas hittills framkomna resultat och hypoteser
Tillverkning och vissa egenskaper hos självkompakterande betong
Trådlös RF-mätning i byggbranschen
Ventilerad fasad med puts på skiva
Membrane Processes for the Production of Bulk Fermentation Products
The ultrafiltration (UF) with diafiltration is the state-of-the-art process in the bulk pharmaceutical industry to separate solutions containing high and low molecular weight solutes. By applying UF with diafiltration, a feed stream can be separated into a concentrate with a high concentration of high molecular weight solutes and a permeate, which is nearly 100% free of high molecular weight solut
Concepts of industrial-scale diafiltration systems
The use of diafiltration is now the state-of-the-art in the food and beverage, biotech and pharmaceutical industry. In this paper, the advantages and disadvantages of the most common process modes of diafiltration, batch and continuous, are discussed. Further, the new concept of counter-current diafiltration, which leads to a significant reduction of diafiltration liquid consumption, is introduced