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Attosecond Optical and Electronic Wave Packets

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vill man ta en bild av något som rör sig mycket snabbt, krävs det att man använder en kort exponeringstid. Om kamerans slutare är öppen under för lång tid, hinner det man vill fotografera röra sig under tiden filmen exponeras, med resultatet att bilden blir suddig. Kemiska reaktioner där atomer och molekyler är inblandade är exempel på något som sker på väldigt kort tidWhen a low-frequency laser pulse is focused to a high intensity in a gas, the electric field of the laser may become comparable to, or even exceed, the electric field between the electrons and the nucleus in the atom. Under such conditions, through a process known as high-order harmonic generation, bursts of extreme ultraviolet radiation may be emitted, with durations in the attosecond domain (1 a

Autoimmune hepatitis among fertile women: Strategies during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

Objective. In published studies there is a lack of data about the risks, management and how women with autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) decide on and are advised about pregnancy. The aim of this study was to investigate how women with AIH consider pregnancies, are advised and pharmacologically treated, as well as the outcome. Material and methods. A questionnaire was mailed to 128 women with AIH diagnos

Effects of Vagus Nerve Stimulation and Ketogenic Diet on Quality of Life and Changes in EEG and Sleep

Popular Abstract in Swedish De flesta barn som insjuknar i epilepsi tillfrisknar eller blir anfallsfria med hjälp av antiepileptisk medicin. Hos drygt en fjärde del av barnen blir epilepsin svårbehandlad och anfallskontroll är svår att uppnå. Dessa barn ska i första hand erbjudas möjlighet till epilepsikirurgisk utredning och behandling. När epilepsikirurgisk behandling inte är möjlig att utföra eWhen anti-epileptic drugs fail, and epilepsy surgery is found unfeasible or ineffective, there remains a group of at least 25% of children with epilepsy in whom seizure control cannot be achieved. Vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) is an adjunctive treatment for medically refractory epilepsy. It is an implantable, multi-programmable pulse generator that delivers current electrical stimulation to the va

Ion channel control of phasic insulin secretion.

Glucose-stimulated insulin secretion exhibits a biphasic pattern. The mechanism underling biphasic insulin secretion is not fully understood, but consensus exists that an elevation in [Ca2+]i is required for both first- and second-phase insulin secretion. The molecular identity of the pancreatic β-cell L-type Ca2+ channel has not been established and it has variably been reported to be CaV1.2 (α1C

The tegumental glands of Derocheilocaris typica (Crustacea, Mystacocarida)

The tegumental glands of Derocheilocaris typica are tricellular. Their openings are formed by two transformed epidermal cells, each with a microvillar crown. These cells form a cuticular socket housing the tip of the underlying secretory cell. From the outside, the gland openings are seen as,a pit in the cuticle, from the bottom of which a thin cuticular chimney ends with a slit-like pore. The gla

Oxidation and reduction of pyridine nucleotides in alamethicin-permeabilized plant mitochondria

The inner mitochondrial membrane is selectively permeable, which limits the transport of solutes and metabolites across the membrane. This constitutes a problem when intramitochondrial enzymes are studied. The channel-forming antibiotic AlaM (alamethicin) was used as a potentially less invasive method to permearbilize mitochondria and study the highly branched electron-transport chain in potato tu

Synthesis of gamma-carboxylated polypeptides by alpha-cells of the pancreatic islets

gamma -Carboxylated proteins were detected in normal human pancreas by immunohistochemistry with a monoclonal antibody (M3B) specific for gamma -carboxyglutamyl residues, Staining appeared to be localized to the glucagon-secreting alpha -cells in the islets of Langerhans, Consistent with this, sections from a glucagonoma were stained much more intensely with the M3B antibody than those from an ins

A semiautomatic task-oriented programming system for sensor-controlled robotised small-batch and one-off manufacturing

A task-oriented system structure has been developed. In normal industrial robot programming, the path is created and the process is based on the path. Here a process-focused method is proposed, where a task can be split in subtasks, one for each part of the process with similar process-characteristics. By carefully encapsulating the information needed to execute a sub-task, this component can be r

Wigner-von Neumann perturbations of a periodic potential: spectral singularities in bands

Wigner-von Neumann type perturbations of the periodic one-dimensional Schrodinger operator are considered. The asymptotics of the solution to the generalized eigenfunction equation is investigated. It is proven that a subordinated solution and therefore art embedded eigenvalue may occur at the points of the absolutely continuous spectrum satisfying a certain resonance (quantization) condition betw

Unimodal dome-shaped island population of Ge/Si (001) by step-wise growth in UHV-CVD

This work introduces a new approach to achieve a unimodal dome-shaped island population for the self-assembled Ge/Si (0 0 1) dots grown by ultra-high vacuum chemical vapour deposition at T = 620 degreesC. A step-wise growth mode is applied, consisting of two Ge deposition steps with a short growth interruption in between. In the first step, a "base structure" with pyramids and domes is grown while

Tilt anisoplanatism in laser-guide-star-based multiconjugate adaptive optics. Reconstruction of the long exposure point spread function from control loop data

A method is presented for estimating the long exposure point spreadfunction (PSF) degradation due to tilt anisoplanatism in alaser-guide-star-based multiconjugate adaptive optics systems fromcontrol loop data. The algorithm is tested in numerical Monte Carlosimulations of the separately driven low-order null-mode system, and isshown to be robust and accurate with less than 10 relative error inboth