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Corporate Environmental Management - Managing (in) a New Practice Area

Popular Abstract in Swedish Under 1990-talet ändrades miljöarbete i företag dramatiskt. Från att ha varit huvudsakligen fokuserad på lagstiftningens krav och tekniska lösningar för utsläpp och avfall, tog miljöarbete (d.v.s., "corporate environmental management", eller CEM) till sig nya strategiska och organisatoriska dimensioner runt om i världen. "Det gröna företaget" blev ett begrepp för denna Adopting a phenomenological, sensemaking-based approach, this dissertation reviews and critiques a variety of theories proposed as explanations of corporate “greening” and the evolution of corporate environmental management (CEM), and then presents and analyzes an organization study to explore in greater depth how sensemaking can be used for research in this context. As its object, the ethnograph

The Swedish så-construction, a new point of departure

The following article treats the Swedish så-construction (involving the so-called “adjunctive” så). The så-construction consists of a first element, which is typically an adjunct, followed by så „so‟, and an inverted declarative clause. It is argued that adjunctive så is a head word, more precisely a relational predicate that introduces a new point of departure in the discourse, by relating the pr

The pair in the group: Boundaries for destruction and creativity

A comparative case study is performed of three working groups containing pairs and triads. Effects on cohesion and group development are analyzed and a model is constructed A distinction is made between pairs formed 1. out of earlier relationships, 2. and/or to pursue work and those that form, 3. as a reaction to the former. Pairs can contribute to work and development in constructive ways, but pa

Change in Cerebral Perfusion Detected by Dynamic Susceptibility Contrast Magnetic Resonance Imaging Normal volunteers examined during normal breathing and hyperventilation

Cerebral perfusion parameters were measured using dynamic susceptibility contrast magnetic resonance imaging (DSC-MRI) in eight healthy volunteers examined during normal breathing and spontaneous hyperventilation. DSC-MRI-based cerebral blood flow (CBF) decreased during hyperventilation in all volunteers (average decrease 29%), and the corresponding global CBF estimates were 73 +/- 19 ml/(min 100g

Benedikt XVI/Joseph Ratzinger

The Article is an introduction to the theology of Benedikt XVI/Joseph Ratzinger based on an analysis of his main works. It is shown that Joseph Ratzinger is part of the general renewal of Roman Catholic theology during the second half of the 20th century. Contrary to widespread assumptions there can be shown only small changes in the writings of this important theologian and present pope.

Blockchains, Real-Time Accounting and the Future of Credit Risk Modeling

In this paper (letter) I discuss how blockchains potentially could affect the way credit risk is modeled, and how the improved trust and timing associated with blockchain-enabled real-time accounting could improve default prediction. To demonstrate the (quite substantial) effect the change would have on well-known credit risk measures, a simple case-study compares Z-scores and Merton distances to

Anaesthetics and the blood vessel wall. Actions of propofol and sevoflurane on sympathetic and endothelial control of smooth muscle function.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Anestesimedel och blodkärlsväggen. Propofols och sevoflurans effekter på sympatiska nerver och endotelceller. Alla dagens anestesimedel, med endast ett undantag, gör att blodtrycket faller under narkos. Blodtrycksfallet är helt ofarligt för de allra flesta, men för en grupp patienter som är äldre eller som har allvarlig kranskärlssjukdom eller hjärtsvikt, kan det vara The anaesthetics we use today dose-dependently decrease the mean arterial pressure partly due to direct or indirect effects on the blood vessels. In the present thesis human omental arteries and veins and rat femoral arteries were investigated in vitro concerning the effects of the intravenous anaesthetic propofol and the volatile anaesthetic sevoflurane on the function of the perivascular sympath

Ashes: Sweden

The article presents results from an investigation made in southern Sweden in 2001. Ten relatives of people whose remains were scattered were interviewed about the circumstances of the scattering. The forms for scattering the ashes varied depending on the locality. In several cases relatives scattered the ashes alone or together, and in some cases funeral directors and a minister did it. Reciting

Event driven design methodology for hardware DSP design

Today's hardware DSP designs, with a composition of hardware in datapath/controller pairs, are becoming increasingly complex to design. It will be argued that hardware DSP architectures can be significantly simplified by distributing the control to the individual pipeline stages and by switching to an event based design methodology. This paper will describe a design methodology for event based DSP

Atomic Spectroscopy for Applications in Energy Technology

Popular Abstract in Swedish En stor del, kanske den största delen, av den information som vi dagligen får om världen tillhandahålls genom ett av våra fem sinnen: synen, med vilken ögat registrerar det ljus som vi omges av. Det ljus som vi kan registrera och uppfatta som färger är egentligen bara en bråkdel av den elektromagnetiska strålning som universum är uppfyllt av: Det finns även röntgenstrålThis thesis intends to provide spectroscopic information which may be of use in the investigation of low-density plasmas. Developed since the 19th century, the spectroscopic approach has proven to be a versatile method for measuring properties in hot gases, such as electron and ion temperatures and densities, the abundance of various elements in the gas, etc. However, such investigations rely on k