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The Influence of Economic Factors on First Marriages in Historical Europe and Asia

This chapter examines the role of economic factors in first marriage in seven locations in pre-industrial Europe and Asia using a two-generation theory, which also takes socioeconomic class into account. In these settings, the household provided a major welfare function for its members. Access to land was of considerable importance, but so was the prevalent family system – whether a married couple

Creating an Interactive Learning Environment: Experience of using a Student Response System

The purpose of this paper is to briefly discuss the rationale for using Student Response Systems (SRS) and to share our experience of using this teaching technology in a training session. Our experiences support existing pedagogical research and show that SRS can be used to transform traditionally passive lecture-based classes into stimulating, active learning environments. Students demonstrate be

Flexible, Adaptable, Employable: Ethics for a New Labour Market

A leaner organization of labour, outsourcing and new forms of employment imply significant changes. Politicians and private employers alike emphasize that it is the individual's responsibility to be 'employable'. In his influential discussion of flexible capitalism, Richard Sennett traces the concept of flexibility back to fifteenth-century English. Then it was used with reference to patterns of m

Sustainable Pastoralism in the Himalayas

The papers in this volume seek to adress three principal areas of concern: Pastoral issues and development, Biodiversity and grazing resource availability, and Range resource management. This unique collection of research papers touches on the value of the unique flora and fauna of the rangelands and the need to preserve them in order to conserve biodiversity.

LYME BORRELIOSIS Detection and identification of the infecting genotype

Popular Abstract in Swedish Borrelios är en fästingöverförd infektionssjukdom som orsakas av spiroketen Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Borrelia infektionen är en zoonos, en sjukdom som överförs från djur till människa. I Sverige lever bakterien framför allt i smågnagare men också fåglar kan utgöra en s.k. reservoar. Reservoaren utgör källan varifrån bakterien kan infektera fästingar som tar sig Lyme borreliosis is caused by the spirochete Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, a bacterium with a parasitic life-style, which is transmitted between hosts by the Ixodes tick-vector. Humans will incidentally become infected. The resulting illness can involve the skin, nervous system, joints and heart. Southern Sweden has been identified as an area endemic for Lyme borreliosis. The most common clinic

Regulation of spontaneous tone in guinea pig trachea

Popular Abstract in Swedish Astma är en folksjukdom, och i Sverige är 5 % av vuxna, och 10 % av barnen drabbade. Varje år dör flera hundra astmatiker av akuta anfall i Sverige, vilket visar att den befintliga medicineringen i många fall är otillräcklig. I denna avhandling har en grundvetenskaplig undersökning av ett fenomen, som kallas för spontantonus, genomförts. Spontantonus innebär att luftvägAsthma is a common disease, characterized by periods of bronchoconstriction of unclear origin. This thesis examines a specific behavior of airway smooth muscle, the so-called spontaneous airway tone. It was suspected that a defect regulation of this tone may be a cause of asthmatic bronchoconstriction. The experiments shows that tracheal preparations can display two types of spontaneous tone. In t

Homosex and the city

Boken behandlar hur platser idag paketeras och marknadsförs i syfte att attrahera besökare, företag och invånare. Bokens övergripande tema är platsens produktion och konsumtion: hur, var, när, varför och av vem? Boken kan ses som en handledning i platsens produktgörande, men är i första hand en kritisk och reflekterande diskussion om hur vårt förhållningssätt till omvärlden påverkas när platser bl

Enabling communication: Pictures as language

A developmental disability often includes a language disorder, the result of which render learning, in part, if not entirely impossible. This has drastic consequences for children and adults, and gradually ends up becoming the primary disability. With to