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Coaching och lekmannaterapi – en modern väckelse
Denna bok diskuterar föreställningar, ledarskap, uppbyggnad av praktiker och marknadsföring av nyandlig terapi och coaching i Sverige. Nya, egencertifierade entreprenörer vill med ett terapeutiskt språk sälja specialdesignade lösningar till individen för att bekämpa ohälsa, diskutera existentiella frågor eller hitta strategier för självförverkligande och framgång i privatlivet såväl som på arbetsp
User-Driven Innovation - Context and Cases in the Nordic Region
The nature of innovation is changing. An increasingly globalized society, enabled by information and communication technologies (ICT), has changed the process of value creation and shifted the balance of power between firms and individual consumers – or users. Companies can no longer rely solely on operational efficiency or technological superiority in order to create a competitive advantage. Tod
The Identity of Jesus : Nordic Voices
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Nietzsche på de anklagades bänk
Föränderlig död
New trends in rituals and customs concerning death and funerals.
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Feathers by day, membranes by night - Aerodynamic performance in bird and bat flight
Popular Abstract in English Animal flight has always intrigued people, and different aspects of animal flight have therefore widely been studied by biologists, physicists and engineers. At least to me, the aspect concerning the aerodynamics of animal flight in particular is very interesting because of the complex temporal varying wake dynamics as a result of continually wing morphing in flapping fThe efficiency and performance of a flying animal is directly related to the aerodynamics around its body and flapping wings. Here, I have developed methods for quantifying the wake dynamics around a flying animal. The results are used to estimate the aerodynamic performance of flapping flight. Using these methods, I have studied flight of the Pied Flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca), the Pallas’ Long
Test Case Generation for Flexible Real-Time Control Systems
Temporal correctness is crucial for the dependability of real-time control systems. A problem with testing such systems is the dependency on the execution orders of tasks. Mutation-based testing criteria have been proposed to determine which execution orders need to be exercised to verify that real-time systems are timely. For flexible control systems, timeliness in itself may only be relevant for
Parallel norm creating processes
MAX IV i startgroparna - Ytterligare hundra anställda kommer att behövas
F.P. Ramsey
At your service! : ordbok för turist- och resenäringen : engelsk-svensk, svensk-engelsk
Who’s asking the right question? Patterns and diversity in the literature of new venture creation
The aims of this chapter are to (i) place the research on new venture creation into the historical context of entrepreneurship research in general, (ii) highlight the pioneering works of William Gartner, and (iii) describe the development and characteristics of the research on new venture creation as an area within entrepreneurship research. The discussion in the chapter is mainly based on a set o
Contextual Inquiry as a Critical Perspective in Research
Human systems create problem spaces that are ambiguous, uncertain and constantly changing. This requires researchers to find approaches to inquiry that can be used to explore inconsistent and ill-defined phenomena. Much analytical work is done without in-depth consideration of context. This means that important dimensions are lost – rigour in investigation is prioritised over relevance. Research m