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Dynamics of HIV coreceptors and their utilization by plasma and cerebrospinal fluid HIV-1 isolates

Popular Abstract in Swedish HIV består av två besläktade virusvarianter, HIV-1 och HIV-2. Båda kan orsaka uttalad immunbrist (AIDS) hos drabbade individer, men detta sker långsammare vid HIV-2. HIV-1 är viruset som orsakat den globala HIV epidemin medan HIV-2 främst hittas i Västafrika. HIV infekterar kroppens immunceller genom att binda till vissa äggviteämnen på cellytan. Efter inbindning till CHIV-1 infection of CD4+ immune cells requires the assistance of cellular coreceptors. The regulation of these receptors is highly dynamic. In addition to the major coreceptors, CCR5 and CXCR4, several alternative coreceptors mediate entry for selected HIV isolates in vitro, although their role in vivo is yet to be established. Compartmentalized HIV-1 infection of the central nervous system (CNS) m

Venturing Beyond the Sentence Level: Narrative Skills in Children with Hearing Loss

This study explores the differences in oral narrative skills between school-age children with mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss (HL) and children who have typical hearing and language development. Narrative samples were collected following a picture-elicited storytelling task. Language samples were transcribed and coded for a number of measures, including narrative content, syntax, and g

Bone Status in Professional Cyclists

Professional cycling combines extensive endurance training with non weight-bearing exercise, two factors often associated with lower bone mineral density (BMD). Therefore BMD was measured with dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry in 30 professional road cyclists (mean (SD) age: 29.1 (3.4) years; height: 178.5 (6.7) cm; weight: 71.3 (6.1) kg; %fat mass: 9.7 (3.2)%; (V) over dotO(2) max: 70.5 (5.5) ml .

Plant foods, plasma enterolactone and breast cancer - with a focus on estrogen receptor status and genetic variation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Varje år insjuknar ca 7000 kvinnor i Sverige i bröstcancer och antalet ökar för varje år. Fortfarande är kunskapen om orsakerna till bröstcancer relativt okända, men många av de kända riskfaktorerna är kopplade till en hög halt av könshormoner i blodet. Faktorer i kosten som kan motverka effekten av könshormonerna är därför av stort intresse. Under 1990-talet inbjöds Diets high in fibre have previously been associated with decreased risk of breast cancer in the Malmö Diet and Cancer cohort. Several potent compounds may exist in high-fibre diets that might protect against breast cancer, for example lignans. Plant lignans are converted to enterolactone by the gut microflora and are similar in structure to estrogens. Enterolactone may interact with the estrogen r

Is 30 km/h a ‘safe’ speed? Injury severity of pedestrians struck by a vehicle and the relation to travel speed and age

This study uses Swedish accident data for the years 2004–2008 to analyze the relationship between injury severity for pedestrians struck by a vehicle and the speed environment at accident locations. It also makes use of a multinomial logit model and other statistical methods. Speed measurements have been performed at accident sites, and the results show that there was a relationship between the (1

Mutations in CEP57 cause mosaic variegated aneuploidy syndrome

Using exome sequencing and a variant prioritization strategy that focuses on loss-of-function variants, we identified biallelic, loss-of-function CEP57 mutations as a cause of constitutional mosaic aneuploidies. CEP57 is a centrosomal protein and is involved in nucleating and stabilizing microtubules. Our findings indicate that these and/or additional functions of CEP57 are crucial for maintaining

Distinct cognitive effects and underlying transcriptome changes upon inhibition of individual miRNAs in hippocampal neurons.

MicroRNAs (miRNA) are small, non-coding RNAs mediating post-transcriptional regulation of gene expression. miRNAs have recently been implicated in hippocampus-dependent functions such as learning and memory, although the roles of individual miRNAs in these processes remain largely unknown. Here, we achieved stable inhibition using AAV-delivered miRNA sponges of individual, highly expressed and bra

Loss of low molecular weight dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON) in H2O and 0.5 M K2SO4 soil extracts

Soil extracts are routinely used to quantify dissolved organic nutrient concentrations in soil. Here we studied the loss and transformation of low molecular weight (LMW) components of DOC (C-14-glucose, 1 and 100 mu M) and DON (C-14-amino acid mixture, 1 and 100 mu M) during extraction of soil (0-6 h) with either distilled water or 0.5 M K2SO4. The extractions were performed at 20 degrees C, at 4

Comparison of wavefront sensor models for simulation of adaptive optics

The new generation of extremely large telescopes will have adaptive optics. Due to the complexity and cost of such systems, it is important to simulate their performance before construction. Most systems planned will have Shack-Hartmann wavefront sensors. Different mathematical models are available for simulation of such wavefront sensors. The choice of wavefront sensor model strongly influences c

Understanding Software Development in an Open Source Context:Network Analysis of Source Code Repositories

Open Source Software (OSS) created a paradigm shift within the software engineering field prompting further research to understand how mature, industry grade, software can be produced in an online milieu with distributed and lightly managed developers contributing source code in their free time. The OSS has become also a major revenue generator for many commercial organizations, and has found its

Stimulus-Section Coupling in Endocrine Cell Models

Detailed understanding of biological systems governing specific mechanisms and pathways is essential in the development of novel disease therapies. Stimulus-secretion coupling in hormone secreting cells is a complex system of pathways that link activation of cellular processes by i.e. nutrients to the release of hormone. Stimulus-secretion coupling in the insulin secreting beta-cell is intensely r

PEGylated Cationic Liposome - DNA Complexation in Brine is Pathway-Dependent.

Cationic liposome-DNA (CL-DNA) complexes, are regarded as promising materials for safe and efficient delivery of genes for therapeutical applications. In order to be used in vivo, these complexes may be coated with a hydrophilic polymer (e.g. polyethylene-glycol, PEG) that provides steric stabilization towards adhesion of proteins and removal by the immune system. In this work we study the influen

Quantized Conductance and Its Correlation to the Supercurrent in a Nanowire Connected to Superconductors

We report conductance and supercurrent of InAs nano wires coupled to Al-superconducting electrodes with short channel lengths and good Ohmic contacts. The nanowires are suspended 15 nm above a local gate electrode. The charge density in the nanowires can be controlled by a small change in the gate voltage. For large negative gate voltages, the number of conducting channels is reduced gradually, an

Maf and Mitf transcription factors regulate pancreatic endocrine cell differentiation and function

Popular Abstract in Swedish Patienter med diabetes kan inte kontrollera blodsockernivåerna på grund av att de saknar insulinproducerande celler eller har icke fungerande insulinproducerande celler. Det finns olika typer av diabetes där typ 1 diabetes och typ 2 diabetes är de vanligaste formerna. Den mest framgångsrika behandling mot typ 1 diabetes är transplantation av insulinproducerande celler, Diabetes - the imbalance in glucose homeostasis is partially caused by loss or dysfunction of pancreatic insulin producing β cells or development of insulin resistance. In Type 1 diabetes β cells are destroyed in the process of an autoimmune attack, whereas in Type 2 diabetes, islets produce insufficient amounts of insulin or the insulin cannot be used adequately. So far, the most promising therap

Pharmacological manipulation of fracture healing and bone remodeling

Drug treatment has been and will continue to be a successful method in modern medicine that can change the course of a disease. However, it is surprisingly seldom used in the more technically oriented orthopedic surgery. Bone healing and physiological skeletal remodeling involve a complex set of regulated signaling pathways that control the formation of new bone matrix and the resorption of damage

The pathway of obstructed labour as perceived by communities in south-western Uganda: a grounded theory study.

BACKGROUND: Obstructed labour is still a major cause of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in Uganda, where many women give birth at home alone or assisted by non-skilled birth attendants. Little is known of how the community view obstructed labour, and what actions they take in cases where this complication occurs. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to explore community members