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CHRISGAS-Intermediate Report

This intermediate report presents some of the important findings of the research work carried out during the first three years of the CHRISGAS project. The report is aimed at a broad technical-oriented audience such as: engineers with a general interest in the state-of-the-art and new developments in the biomass-to automotive fuel sector, and/or to teachers/lecturers/students in technical subjects

Green economy and recycling in Europe

Recycling has traditionally been promoted for environmental reasons, but it also has increasing economic importance. A review of the development of the concept of green economy indicates that recycling is an integral part of green economy. This report is about recycling and different aspects of its economic importance for Europe such as turnover, trade within and out of Europe and job creation. Th

Att bygga broar mellan högskola och gymnasieskolor. Utvärdering av projekt med SamverkansInlärning (SI) vid gymnasieskolor hösten 2007

Projektet är ett samarbete mellan LTH och åtta gymnasieskolor i närregionen som startade under hösten 2007 och går ut på att använda den s.k. SI-metodiken som komplement till den ordinarie undervisningen i naturvetenskapliga ämnen. SI-övningarna leds av teknologer från LTH. Syftet med projektet är flera: att förbättra samverkan mellan LTH och gymnasieskolor i närregionen; öka intresset för naturve

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Answers to prepared questions by the editors on developments in Romania from 1989 to 2009, asked of several experts of Romania. Views on the Romanian revolution and the success of the transition to democracy. Translated from English to Romanian

Inside the Ivory Tower- Inventors and Patents at Lund University

The purpose of this thesis is to identify patents invented by researchers at Lund University, to describe the university inventors,and to understand the main factors that influence their patenting activities. The analysis focuses on inventors in relation to their environment. A number of factors influence scientists’ decisions to patent. Internal factors related to individuals such as solving the

Synthesis of aromatic bis- and tris(amino acids) and chiral dendrimers

A number of protected aromatic bis- and tris(amino acids) have been synthesised by catalytic asymmetric hydrogenation of the corresponding didehydroamino acid derivatives. The didehydroamino acid derivatives were prepared either by a Heck coupling of a 2-amidoacrylate with an aryl dihalide, or by Horner-Wadsworth-Emmons olefination of aromatic aldehydes with phosphonylglycine reagents. Excellent s

An Engineering Approach to Fire Fighting Tactics

This report presents a quantified model as a guide for the Incident Commander to determine the most suitable fire-fighting tactics in advance for given conditions at specific objects. The model is applied to two chemical warehouses. The model proves that it is possible to introduce risk management procedures and fire safety engineering models into fire-fighting tactics. If the model and its differ

Hydrology for Environmental Engineers

This textbook aims to provide a comprehensible introduction to Engineering Hydrology for environmental engineering students. The book comprises of 8 chapters which provide a holistic view of hydrology, seen as the water transport in nature with human influence, and deal with the main hydrological systems and processes. Each chapter ends with a few engineering examples together with a discussion of

Boundary conditions in the envelope function approximation as applied to semiconductor heterostructures

We have found the equations that determine the self-adjoint extensions, and thus the boundary conditions, of the differential operator used in the multi-band k·p-theory, when the coefficients in the Kane-matrix are piecewise constant. Both the one-dimensional and the three-dimensional case have been investigated. Numerical simulations of the energy eigenvalues in a quantum well has been performed,

Innovation Capabilities – Measurement, Assessment and Development

As organizations work to secure their innovativeness, they want to know whether their efforts are supporting the improvement of their innovation capabilities. The focus on outcomes and financial measures of current innovation measurement systems makes this challenging as those indicators often say little about capabilities. In addition, indicators are frequently focused at the organizational level

Funderingar om lärarkompetens

Efter att ha reflekterat över ett stort antal kursutvärderingar samt efter omfattande dialog med teknologer och lärare har jag valt att dela upp lärarkompetensen i fem delar: 1. Ämneskompetens 2. Pedagogisk kunskap och reflektionsförmåga 3. Klarsyn om hur studenter lär sig ämnet 4. Kommunikativ skicklighet 5. Förmåga att leda, planera och strukturera Denna roundtablesession ämnar att diskutera

On-line Mobile in situ Gamma Spectrometry

Popular Abstract in Swedish I beredskapen för kärnolyckor är mobila in situ gammaspektrometriska mätningar ett viktigt redskap; vilket betyder att mätinstrument placeras i ett fordon (tex bil, flygplan eller helikopter) och gammastrålningen från omgivningen mäts under körning. I detta arbete har strategier och analysmetoder för två olika användningsområden utvecklats: 1) sökning av försvunna radioMobile in situ gamma spectrometry is an important instrument in the emergency preparedness for nuclear accidents. This work contributes through the development of strategies and analysis methods for two applications: an on-line search for gamma-emitting orphan sources and on-line estimation of the depth distribution of 137Cs. A strategy and analysis method dedicated to the detection of orphan sour