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Mått på jämställdhet: på väg mot ett jämställdhetsindex utifrån den svenska regeringens mål om jämn fördelning av makt och inflytande

Beginning with the question of whether, and how, gender equality can be measured, this thesis is written with the ambition to evaluate one aspect of the Swedish government’s equality goal, equality in power and influence, with the help of an index. It departs from a discussion within the field of gender studies where gender equality is found to be an “empty” word that can be used for a variety of

"Vi odlar ju människor också." : En kvalitativ studie om vilken betydelse odlingsverksamheter har för socialt utsatta grupper

Author: Amanda Ljungdahl Title: “We grow people as well.” A qualitative study of the value of horticultural projects for socially vulnerable groups. [Translated title]. Supervisor: David Hoff Assessor: Malinda Andersson The aim of this study was to examine the value of social and therapeutic horticultural projects for socially vulnerable individuals, regarding both how horticultural activities a

Does environmental information transparency lead to more collaborative governance in China? : an analysis of the IPE information database’s function in boundary spanning

To promote more collaborative sustainable governance processes, environmental information transparency is required at all stages. As an authoritarian country with rapid economic growth, China has faced serious environmental degradations that threaten citizens’ daily life. Over the last two decades, China has witnessed a trend to integrate third parties into environmental governance and an increasi

Accessory Portfolio Planning at Axis Communications

Abstract Background Axis Communications is a Lund based company which specializes in network cameras. In addition to the cameras, the company has a wide range of accessories that ensure their customers receive complete solutions. While the company has had significant successes by investing heavily in R&D, increased competition from low-cost competitors is now placing higher demands on cost-eff

A Digital Dark Now? : Digital Information Loss at Three Archives in Sweden

The purpose of this study is to examine digital information loss at three Swedish archives. Digital preservation is a complex issue and something most archival institutions struggle with today. While there is merit in focussing on successes in this struggle, doing so to the exclusion of failures runs the risk of creating a blind spot for existing problems. We hope that this study will contribute t

The US and the Greater China Economic Area Stock Market Linkages——The case of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis

This paper investigates the linkages between stock markets of the United States and the Greater China Economic Area including China mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. In order to find the effects of the 2008 global financial crisis, we use the weekly stock market indices of Standard and Poor’s 500, Dow Jones China 88, Hang Seng and Taiwan Stock Exchange Weighted for each stock market from January, 20

Din personlighet avslöjar din musiksmak - En korrelationsstudie om musikpreferens och personlighetsdrag

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka om det finns en korrelation mellan musikpreferens och specifika personlighetsdrag samt se huruvida de resultat som tidigare forskning har uppvisat inom ämnet kan generaliseras på en svensk population. För att ta reda på detta fick 134 deltagare fylla i ett online-frågeformulär bestående av enkäterna STOMP (the Short Test Of Musical Preferences) och BFI (thThe purpose of the present study was to examine if there is a correlation between music preference and specific personality traits and furthermore whether the results from previous research may be generalized in a Swedish population. In order to measure musical preference and personality 134 participants filled out an online questionnaire consisting of the surveys STOMP (the Short Test Of Musical

Tystnaden säger allt: Nätmobbning och skolors issues management ur ett kommunikativt perspektiv

Denna studie undersöker hur skolor kan bli bättre på att hantera nätmobbning genom strategisk kommunikation och issues management. Problematiken grundar sig i ett förändrat medieklimat och uppkomsten av en ny synlighetskultur. Genom en fallstudie av två skånska gynmasieskolor har jag genom kvalitativa intervjuer studerat hur elever förhåller sig till nätmobbning, hur de vill berätta om nätmobbninThis study explores how schools can better handle cyberbullying through strategic communication and issues management. The problem stems from a change in the media climate and the rise of a new visibility culture. Through a case study of two Swedish high schools, I have conducted qualitative interviews in regards to students’ relationship to cyberbullying, how they wish to tell schools about it, a

Designing and Maximizing Switch-Mode Efficiency of MODPSU, the Modular Power Supply

Detta är den populärvetenskapliga sammanfattningen av masteruppsatsen ”Designing and Maximizing Switch-Mode Efficiency of MODPSU, the Modular Power Supply”. Den sammanfattar teoretiska studier och resultat från mätningsexperiment som genomförts i syfte att minimera totala förluster för DC/DC-switchade nätaggregat.This work is an investigation into practical design and loss minimization of DC/DC-switched power supplies, enabling cooler operation, smaller size, and additional or wider areas of use. There is an abundance of switch controller ICs on the market and a few of the manufacturers offer very sophisticated design tools that suggest operating parameters and grade components. However, one of the major

Larynxmasken AuraGain och användarvänlighet vid högt BMI

Bakgrund: Det fanns inga tidigare utförda studier på larynxmasken (LM) AuraGain och överviktiga patienter. Traditionellt har endotrakealtuben varit förstahandsvalet framför LM vid anläggandet av fri luftväg hos överviktiga patienter p.g.a. riskfaktorer som regurgitation med gastropulmonell aspiration. LM AuraGain skiljer sig från andra liknande typer av LM genom att lumen för ventrikelsond tillåte

Can FAVAR improve Swedish inflation forecasting?

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate whether factor augmented vectorautoregression (FAVAR) models estimated using principal component analysis are able to improve monthly inflation rate forecasts for Sweden. We produce 42 forecasts for the period January 2012 to June 2015 and evaluate the forecasts by their root mean square errors as well as their ability to correctly predict the sign of t

Assessment of anti-innovative mergers in high technology markets. What kind of substantive test should be done to protect innovation?

Den här uppsatsen undersöker de avancerade metoder av effektivt innovationsskydd under företagskoncentrationsprövningar som finns i USA och EU. Syftet är att finna synergier mellan dessa två system och föreslå nödvändiga förbättringar av det europeiska systemet genom att introducera innovation som en reell standard för prövning, inkludera dynamisk effektivitet, omstörtande innovation och icke-prisThis thesis analyses advanced methods of effective protection of innovation in merger control in the USA and in the EU, finds synergies between the systems and suggests the necessary improvements of the European system of merger control in high technology markets: introduction of innovation as a real antitrust standard, inclusion of dynamic efficiencies, disruptive innovations and non-price consid

Livet som behovsanställd - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om behovsanställdas upplevelser inom vård- och omsorgssektorn

Den moderna globaliserade arbetsmarknaden kännetecknas av att anställningsförhållandena blivit tillfälliga och flexibla. Konsekvenserna av de nya anställningsförhållandena är ämnet för denna studie. Syftet med studien har varit att få en djupgående förståelse av unga kvinnors upplevelser som behovsanställda inom vård- och omsorg och anställningsformens effekt på deras upplevelser av arbets- och li

The Silence of Dissatisfied Customers: An Exploratory Research in an Online Context

Purpose: To explore the phenomenon of silent dissatisfied customers in an online context. Theoretical perspective: In addition to the strategic brand management a customer perspective is grasped. Furthermore, the study explores areas related to service recovery and consumer behaviour. Methodology: We apply an explorative approach in the form of a case study of silent dissatisfied customers from

Efficient induction of astrocyte-like cells from human embryonic fibroblasts by defined factors

Direct cell reprogramming converts fully differentiated cells into other cell types by forced expression of defined sets of cell-type specific transcription factors (TFs). This enables studies of biological processes and disease mechanisms in neural cells that today are hampered by limited accessibility of human tissue. Astrocytes are crucial for brain function and their dysfunction is associated

Millennials and Healthy Food Consumption: Factors Influencing Intentions and the Intention-Behavior Gap

The current thesis aimed to explore the knowledge in the field of Healthy Eating Behavior with a particular emphasis on the consumers of Millennial generation. The main focus laid on the Millennial consumer healthy eating decision-making process and intention-behavior gap. Moreover, the authors of this thesis strove to understand factors influencing healthy eating intention, as well as the gap bet

Halmstad Arena - En brandteknisk riskvärdering av hall D

This work evaluates the personal safety in case of a fire in Halmstad Arena hall D, an ice rink which is also used for exhibitions during the summer. Simulations and calculations were performed on possible design fires based on information given by an on-site visit and given design drawings. Solutions were discussed and conclusions drawn to increase the maximum number of people allowed in the buil

Identifiering av Critical Success Factors vid en ERP-implementation

ERP-implementationer är ett vanligt förekommande fenomen då företag strävar efter effektivare arbetsprocesser. Som ett verktyg för att öka chansen av en framgångsrik ERP-implementation har användandet av Critical Success Factors (CSFs) fötts. Trots den mängd kunskap som finns i området överskrider 90 % av budget och/eller tidsram. Av den anledningen har det framförts en del kritik mot CSFs där for