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Quality improvement of the use of OER in higher education - challenges and consequences

A paradigm shift is emerging in universities especially regarding how personalized and collaborative mobile learning should be addressed. Recently three international benchmarking projects on quality of e-learning in higher education have been carried out by Lund University in Sweden. These showed that quality has to be valued from a holistic perspective and to a higher extent from learning dimens

Sensor Fusion of Force and Acceleration for Robot Force Control

In this paper, robotic sensor fusion of acceleration and force measurement is considered. We discuss the problem of using accelerometers close to the end-effectors of robotic manipulators and how it may improve the force control performance. We introduce a new model-based observer approach to sensor fusion of information from various different sensors. During contact transition, accelerometers and

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Lubyanka- IIIrd Floor. Memoirs of the KGB-chairman Vladimir Semichastny This book (published in Czech language in 1998) gives the reader a chance to follow the development of those times as seen by one of the most powerful men of his days - the highest predecessor of the Commitee for State Security at the Council of Ministers of the USSR (better known under the abbreviation KGB). Considering his

Semiconductor Nanowires: Epitaxy and Applications

Semiconductor nanowires are nanoscale objects formed by bottom-up synthesis. In recent years their unique properties have been exploited in fields such as electronics, photonics, sensors and the life sciences. In this work, the epitaxial growth of nanowires and their applications were studied. Heteroepitaxial growth of III-V nanowires on silicon substrates was demonstrated. This may enable direct

Reduced complexity decoding strategies for LDPC convolutional codes

While low-density parity-check (LDPC) convolutional codes tend to significantly outperform LDPC block codes with the same processor complexity, large storage requirements and a long initial decoding delay are two issues related to their continuous pipeline decoding architecture [A. Jimenez Feltstrom et al., (1999)]. In this paper, we propose reduced complexity decoding strategies to lessen the sto

Hand injuries - epidemiology, costs and outcome

Popular Abstract in Swedish Händerna utsätts dagligen för olika typer av faror. Handskador av varierande omfattning är därför inte ovanliga. Dessa kan drabba både barn och vuxna, såväl under fritiden som i arbetslivet. Panoramat av handskador har förändrats. För omkring 40 år sedan var handskador vanligt förekommande på arbetsplatsen, men har sedan dess minskat så att de för 20 år sedan utgjorde uHand injuries have a profound impact not only on the patient’s activity of daily living and during leisure time but also on working capability. Such injuries may therefore also generate substantial costs for society in terms of sick-leave and treatment. In the present thesis, the panorama, costs (within the health-care system, due to lost production and total costs), outcome and health status of p