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Neuropeptide Y - aspects of vasomotorresponses and receptor characterization
Popular Abstract in Swedish Autonoma nervsystemet är den delen av nervsystemet som vi inte kan styra viljemässigt och som reglerar organismens grundläggande livsprocesser som andning, matsmältning, ämnesomsättning och blodcirkulation. Autonoma nervsystemet förser praktiskt taget alla inre organ med nerver. Det indelas i en sympatisk och en parasympatisk del med i huvudsak motsatta effekter på kropAbstract The aims of the present thesis were to examine neuropeptide Y (NPY) responses in different human and guinea pig vascular beds and in cultured human vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC) and to characterize, with different NPY agonists and the specific NPY Y1 receptor antagonist (BIBP3226), the NPY receptors involved. NPY-induced strong and potent contractions in human cerebral and subcutan
The effect of photos and information graphics on newspaper reading.
We report the results of two newspaper reading experiments. We examine how readersÕ eye movements are affected by graphical elements such as photos and information graphics. Control variables in these experiments include size and content of photos, and spatial structure of information graphics. We hypothesized that large photo size and animate photo content would be associated with a local increas
Seen, or unseen? The portrayal of Women in historical scholarship in Sweden from 1890 to 1995
Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns en föreställning att kvinnor tills nyligen varit åsidosatta inom historieforskningen, något som hävdats bland annat inom kvinno- och genderteoretisk forskning. Mot bakgrund av en genomgång av svenska avhandlingar i historia argumenterar jag för att utvecklingen måste ses i ljuset av historieforskningens utveckling. Det finns en relation mellan vilka fenomen foI am studying the portrayal of women in Swedish dissertations of history from 1890 to 1995. Inspired by Pierre Bourdieu I interpret the production of knowledge as an effect of the rivalry between researchers concerning the dominate positions within the field of history. One strategy in order to reach these positions is to focus on phenomena that previous research has not paid attention to. To show
The Uses of History and the Third Wave of Europeanisation
Framtidsutsikter för Scandinavian Studies Deltagare i paneldiskussion från konferens i Lund 7–9/6 2012
Supervised Feature Quantization with Entropy Optimization
Feature quantization is a crucial component for efficient large scale image retrieval and object recognition. By quantizing local features into visual words, one hopes that features that match each other obtain the same word ID. Then, similarities between images can be measured with respect to the corresponding histograms of visual words. Given the appearance variations of local features, traditio
Linear Quadratic Performance Criteria for Cascade Control
In this paper we consider the problem of linear quadratic regulator (LQR) performance for cascade control structures of series coupled systems. The necessary and sufficient condition for the linear quadratic performance of a cascade control structure to achieve the same performance as any given centralized LQR is obtained. The cascade problem could be seen as a special case of the network control
Identification for Control of Biomedical Systems using a very Short Experiment
This paper presents a combined experiment and identification procedure, well suited to obtain low-order dynamic models of a patients’ response to continuous drug administration. The experiment requires no a priori information and is of very short duration. The identification method provides both a parametric low-order model, and an estimate of the parameter error covariance. It has been demonstrat
C-Kit signal transduction and involvement in cancer
Receptor tyrosine kinases, such as c-Kit, are proteins whose function it is to transduce signals from the environment into the cell leading to complex behaviors such as proliferation, migration, survival and differentiation. Many of these behaviors are deregulated in cancer, which is characterized by uncontrolled proliferation, insensitivity towards death stimuli, migration of tumor cells away fro
Vad skiljer människans sätt att tänka från de andra djurens?
Porr, horor och feminister.
Persistent organic pollutants in the atmosphere - spatial and temporal variations
Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen bygger på en studie av halter av stabila organiska miljögifter (PCB) i luften, i nederbörd och i jord. Studien har utförts vid 11 provtagnings platser i Skåne. Vidare behandlas global transport av stabila miljögifter i avhandlingen.In these thesis I have studied the spatial and temporal variations of PCBs in the atmosphere and in precipitation in southern Sweden. Further, soil-air exchange processes of PCBs were investigated. Finally, the long-range transport of PCBs and DDT was studied in the Baltic Sea region and in a tropical vs. a temporal region. On the regional scale there were significant differences in PCB concentrat
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Mellan ängel och best. Människans värdighet och gåta i europeisk tradition
A collection of studies on different theories and metaphors on the nature of man in his ambivalence (with Pascals words "neither angel nor beast"), its constants and variables, from antiquity to the Middle Ages and pre-modern times. The focus is on the concept "person". Third, revised edition.
Failure sensitivity analysis of engineering structures
The present paper suggests a method to consider uncertainties in engineering structures in a computational scheme. Latin hypercube sampling is used to prepare input data of probabilistic parameters for subsequent deterministic simulations where the mechanical response is evaluated. The approach is applied on a pallet rack system where damaged columns and connector stiffnesses are considered as pro
Unions, Social Democrats, and Corporatism. Denmark and Sweden Compared
Maximizing Level of Confidence for Non-Equidistant Checkpointing
To combat the increasing soft error rates in recent semiconductor technologies, it is important to employ fault tolerance techniques. While these techniques enable correct operation, they introduce a time overhead, which may cause a deadline violation in real-time systems (RTS). Since correct operation for RTS is defined as producing correct outputs while satisfying time constraints (deadlines), i