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Ersättning för förlossnings- och graviditetsrelaterade skador - En analys av det patientskaderättsliga ersättningssystemet

Den nuvarande patientförsäkringen infördes för att underlätta ersättnings- processen för patientskador genom att eliminera kravet på culpöst handlande. Det är emellertid inte okomplicerat för patienter att nå framgång med ett patientskaderättsligt ersättningsanspråk. Uppsatsens övergripande syfte är därför att undersöka kvinnors möjligheter att utfå ersättning för förlossnings- och graviditetsrelaThe current regulation of patient injuries was established to facilitate the process of compensation for patient injuries by eliminating the requirement of negligence. However, a favorable outcome for the affected party is not easily achieved. The overarching purpose of the report is to examine the options women have to receive compensation for birth and pregnancy related injuries. From conducting

Arbetsengagemang vid distansarbete: är kvantitet viktigare än kvalitet vid interaktioner med närmsta chef?

I samband med att Covid-19 bröt ut våren 2020 tvingades många organisationer att införa distansarbete där anställdas interaktioner med närmsta chef flyttades över till digitala plattformar. Syftet med denna studie var att främst undersöka relationen mellan arbetsengagemang och anställdas upplevda tillgänglighet till närmsta chef, kontaktfrekvens med närmsta chef samt den upplevda kvaliteten av relThe 2020 COVID-19 outbreak forced many organizations to introduce teleworking where employee interactions with the immediate manager shifted to digital platforms. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between employees’ work engagement and availability to the immediate manager, contact frequency with the immediate manager and the perceived quality of the relationship w


SAMMANFATTNING Titel: Är släkten alltid värst? Seminariedatum: 2021-01-15 Kurs: FEKH89, Examensarbete i finansiering på kandidatnivå, 15 HP Författare: Ingmarsdotter, Evelina; Kvillerud, Henning & Ring, Adam Handledare: Anderson, Göran Nyckelord: Familjebolag, Fama-French-Carharts fyrfaktormodell, Jensens alfa, Effektiva marknadshypotesen, Finanskrisen. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöABSTRACT Title: Are the relatives always the worst? Seminar date: 2021-01-15 Course: FEKH89, Degree Project in Corporate Finance, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS-credits Authors: Ingmarsdotter, Evelina; Kvillerud, Henning & Ring, Adam Advisor: Anderson, Göran Key words: Family businesses, Fama-French-Carhart’s four-factor model, Jensen’s alpha, Efficient Market Hypothesis, Financial crisis. Purp

Soil, Sand and City

Israel utropades formellt som en oberoende stat 1948, en tid när den modernistiska ideologin nådde sin kulmen globalt även fast det haft ett stadigt grepp om stadsplaneringens normer sedan tidigt 1920-tal. Det stora antalet migranter som under kort tid bosatte sig i den nybildade nationen resulterade i ett behov av snabb stadsutveckling. Den stora tillströmningen av människor attraherade dessutom Israel was officially declared as an independent state in 1948. A time when the modernistic ideology peaked around the globe, although it had been the dominant urban planning paradigm since the early 1920s. The large number of migrants moving to the newly formed nation stressed the need of rapid urban development. The large influx of people also attracted many planners and architects from the west

Spectators’ Experience of Watching Dance without Music: A cognitive semiotic exploration of kinesthetic empathy

Empathy is our ability to experience and understand the mental states of others. In movement perception, and in particular in dance spectatorship, it has been argued that we experience observed movements through our own bodies: kinesthetic empathy. However, it has been unclear what exactly kinesthetic empathy encompasses on an experiential level as dance spectatorship research has been dominated b

Comparing Multistep Methods Within Parametric Classes to Determine Viability in Solver Applications

In the 2017 paper by Arévalo and Söderlind, a framework was established for creating linear multistep methods of various classes based on a polynomial formulation which includes variable step size adaptivity. These classes are: k step explicit and implicit methods of order k and k+1 respectively for nonstiff problems (such as Adams methods), and k step implicit methods of order k for stiff problem

Are the Intermediators there? : Structural Equation Modeling on Social Determinants of Health in Eastern Burma

Social inequalities predominantly shape the population's health outcomes. Especially, basic social structures are the fundamental causes of determinants of health. Meanwhile, there are active intermediary factors of the social determinants of health introduced by the Commission on Social Determinants of Health. This study aims to examine those factors, alongside a fundamental cause perspective

Paradoxen kring individanpassad marknadsföring

Abstract Title: The paradox of personalized marketing - A qualitative study about the dissonance in consumers attitude towards target advertising focusing on privacy Seminar date: 2021-01-14 Course: FEKH29 Business Administration: Bachelor Degree Project in Marketing Undergraduate Level, 15 University Credit Points (ECTS) Authors: Rebecka Hassel, Sophie O’Donoghue and Filippa Wängberg Advisor:

“We are not Silicon Valley” – Youth Entrepreneurship in Cairo after the 2011 Revolution

This thesis explores the phenomenon of youth entrepreneurship and start-up culture in Cairo and seeks to understand why highly educated young Egyptians choose to become entrepreneurs in the aftermath of the 2011 revolution. Through qualitative research methods, eight young Egyptian entrepreneurs who started their businesses after 2011 have been interviewed about their motivation and experiences. T

Performance measuring in nursing homes

Abstract Title: Performance measuring in nursing homes Seminar date: 2021-01-15 Course: FEKH69, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, Undergraduate level, 15 University Credits Points (UPC) or ECTS‐ cr) Authors: Filip Danielsson, Woosang Kwon, Christoffer Wikner Advisor/s: Johan Dergård Keywords: Performance measurement, non-financial performance measures, performance eva

Värdering av tillgångar i tvångsmässiga situationer

Värdering av tillgångar har betydelse i flera avseenden. Denna uppsats har till syfte att utreda hur värderingen går till vid tvångsmässiga situationer och även att identifiera vilka kriterier som påverkar värderingsprocessen i olika tvångsmässiga värderingssituationer. Jag har valt att granska fem olika tvångsmässiga situationer, nämligen konkurs, företagsrekonstruktion, utmätning, expropriation Valuation of assets is important in several aspects. This essay has aimed to investigate how the valuation is done in compulsory situations and to identify the criteria’s that affect the valuation process in compulsory situations. I have chosen to examine five different compulsory situations, namely bankruptcy, corporate reorganization, foreclosure, expropriation and the preparation of a control b

Hur arbetar elevhälsan i grundskolan, sett ur ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv - en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Abstrakt Bakgrund: Internationellt har arbetsterapeuten en betydande roll inom elevhälsan, vilket skiljer sig från Sverige. Det är därmed betydelsefullt att undersöka hur övriga professioner i elevhälsan i Sverige tillgodoser elevernas behov av stöd till aktivitetsutförande och aktivitetsengagemang utifrån ett arbetsterapeutiskt perspektiv. Syfte: Att beskriva hur elevhälsan i grundskolan i SverigAbstract Background: Internationally, the occupational therapist has a significant role in student health, which differs from student health in Sweden. It is therefore important to investigate how other professions meet the students' need for support for activity and participation from an occupational therapy perspective. Aim: To describe how student health in primary school in Sweden experien

Technology based solutions as enablers for active and assisted living - Development of a conceptual system to assist in ageing

Old age is something that affects everyone, sooner or later and in different ways. The question on how to take care of older persons and support them when getting older might be more relevant now than ever, as the population over 60 years old is expected to grow with 40 percent in the coming 10 years. In an older human being, every age is preserved. In an 80-year-old mind there might live a little

Investigation of sustainable methods to reduce water hardness in drinking water treatment plants

Water hardness is caused by magnesium and calcium ions (Mg2+ and Ca2+), and can result in formation of deposits, destruction of soap and increase of copper corrosion in old plumbing pipes. To soften the originally hard groundwater supplying 20% of Malmö’s drinking water, Bulltofta water treatment plant imports burned lime from Germany. Approximately 66 mg/L calcium is removed in the treatment plan

Bevisbörda i diskrimineringstvister

I den första svenska jämställdhetslagen från 1979 skyddades bara diskrimineringsgrunden kön. Redan då insåg lagstiftaren att det behövdes en bevislättnad eftersom diskriminering bygger på att man vet orsaken till att arbetsgivaren har handlat på ett visst sätt. Jämställdhetslagens bevisbörderegel skapades som en presumtionsregel. En presumtionsregel innebär att arbetstagaren ska bevisa vissa omstäIn the first equality act of Sweden from 1979, the scope of the discrimination protections afforded under the act were limited by the gender of a given party. Already at that time, the legislator saw a need for a relaxation of the burden of proof as previously, discrimination matters turned on the requirement that the claimant be cognizant of why the defendant had acted in a certain manner. The r

Migratory strategy and behavioral flexibility in response to available habitat for a declining seabird, the Caspian Tern (Hydroprogne caspia)

To reduce the costs and survive the challenges of migration, animals should flexibly respond to changing environmental conditions along the route. In long-distance migratory birds, available habitat can vary substantially and so individual flexibility is needed to optimally exploit foraging opportunities, particularly for species that have specialized diets. However, flexible behavioral responses Seabirds adjust their behavior to migrate over changing landscapes Tracking birds with GPS technology, like the one that lets us consult Google Maps in our phones, has given exciting insight into how they are able to fly thousands of kilometers in challenging conditions over oceans and deserts during migration. Yet there are many species with fascinating migratory strategies that have not been tr

An extreme value approach to modelling number of causalities in earthquakes

Earthquakes occur around the globe all the time. Most are weak enough to just pass by, some are strong enough to be felt by us humans, and some very few are completely devastating. A comprehensive database distributed by NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information provides a means for reviewing devastating earthquakes over the past. Extreme value theory has previously been applied to model