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Investigation of micro-immobilised enzyme reactors containing endoglucanases for efficient hydrolysis of cellodextrins and cellulose derivatives

Cellulases hydrolysing the interior parts of cellulose, also called endoglucanases, were immobilised in micro-immobilised enzyme reactors (RIMER) made of porous silicon with the purpose of investigating the use of such mu IMERs for hydrolysis of cellodextrins and soluble cellulose derivatives. The endoglucanases Trichoderma reesei Cel 12A (TrCel 12A) and Bacillus agaradhaerens Cel 5A (BaCel 5A) we

Non-perturbative calculation of 2D spectra in heterogeneous systems: Exciton relaxation in the FMO complex

Experimental 2D frequency resolved spectra showing the relaxation of excitons in the photosynthetic antenna system FMO are reproduced by a multi-exciton density matrix approach explicitly including the external fields. The interference of the polarizations of a number of randomly placed, rotated and energetically inhomogencous complexes is used to extract the signal in the phase matching direction

Algal-bacterial processes for the treatment of hazardous contaminants: A review

Microalgae enhance the removal of nutrients, organic contaminants, heavy metals, and pathogens from domestic wastewater and furnish an interesting raw material for the production of high-value chemicals (algae metabolites) or biogas. Photosynthetic oxygen production also reduces the need for external aeration, which is especially advantageous for the treatment of hazardous pollutants that must be

Organ culture: a new model for vascular endothelium dysfunction.

BACKGROUND: Endothelium dysfunction is believed to play a role in the development of cardiovascular disease. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the suitability of organ culture as a model for endothelium dysfunction. METHODS: The isometric tension was recorded in isolated segments of the rat mesenteric artery branch, before and after organ culture for 20 h. Vasodilatation was expressed a

Interobserver agreement in the results of Doppler examinations of extrauterine pelvic tumors

The aim of this study was to evaluate interobserver agreement in the results of Doppler measurements of peak systolic velocity (PSV), time-averaged maximum velocity (TAMXV) and the color content of tumor scans in extrauterine pelvic tumors. The results of transvaginal color and spectral Doppler examinations of 66 extrauterine pelvic masses obtained by two observers experienced in ultrasonography w

One-neutron knockout of O-23

Breakup reactions were used to study the ground-state configuration of the neutron-rich isotope 23O. The 22O fragments produced in one-nucleon removal from 23O at 938 MeV/nucleon in a carbon target were detected in coincidence with de-exciting γ rays, allowing to discern between 22O ground-state and excited-states contributions. From the comparison of exclusive experimental momentum distributions

Higher-dimensional multifractal analysis

We establish a higher-dimensional version of multifractal analysis for several classes of hyperbolic dynamical systems. This means that we consider multifractal decompositions which are associated to multi-dimensional parameters. In particular, we obtain a conditional variational principle, which shows that the topological entropy of the level sets of pointwise dimensions, local entropies, and Lya

Factors influencing route choice by avian migrants: A dynamic programming model of Pacific brant migration

We used stochastic dynamic programming to investigate a spectacular migration strategy in the black brant Branta bernicla nigricans, a species of goose. Black brant migration is well suited for theoretical analysis since there are a number of existing strategies that easily can be compared. In early autumn, almost the entire population of the black brant gathers at Izembek Lagoon on the Alaska Pen

Svensk talspråkshistoria: tempo och riktning

The article discusses the process of the divergence of Swedish dialects in the Middle Ages and early modern time. Contrary to what is generally believed it is argued that the development is rather slow in the Middle Ages and more rapid afterwards until approximately 1800. Various demographic and other socio-historical factors are proposed as explanations.