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Oskyldighetspresumtionen som svar - En studie om oskyldighetspresumtionens rättsliga ställning i ljuset av Lindomeproblematiken

Lindomeproblematiken tar sikte på fall där det finns fler än två misstänkta gärningsmän men utredningen inte kan fastställa vilken av de två gärningspersonerna som begått brottet eller om de utfört gärningen tillsammans. I sådana fall frias de åtalade om det inte kan uteslutas att någon av de misstänkta förhållit sig helt passiv under händelseförloppet. Förfarandesättet kan motiveras av oskyldighe‘Lindomeproblematiken’ describes the notion where there are more than two perpetrators suspected of a crime, but the investigation cannot determine which of the two has committed the crime or whether they carried out the act together. In such cases, the defendants are acquitted when it cannot be ruled out that one of the suspects remained completely passive during the course of events. The procedu

Sociala medier och självkänsla: en korrelationsstudie

Sociala medier är idag ett självklart inslag i många människors liv, och deras utrymme i samhället fortsätter att expandera. Vår självkänsla är viktig för vår psykiska hälsa då en bra självkänsla fungerar som ett slags “psykologiskt vaccin” mot psykisk ohälsa. Med detta som bakgrund är det tydligt att det är ett viktigt fokus att bygga på den forskning som redan har undersökt sambanden mellan sociA lot of people are using social media today, and the usage is continuously increasing. Our self-esteem is important for our psychological health since it works as a “psychological vaccine” against psychological ill-health. With this being said it is clear that it is important to add to the research that has already been done regarding the correlation between social media usage and self-esteem. Th

Harmoniserad elektrifiering av luftfarten

Elektrifieringstrenden inom transportsektorn tycks under hösten ha lämnat marken; elflyg anses vara ett av svaren på hur luftfarten skall reducera sin omdebatterade klimatpåverkan i framtiden. En ökning av tunga elektrifierade fordon, inklusive flyg, resulterar i konsekvenser för elsystemet sett till ökat effektbehov och nya lastprofiler. Examensarbetet ämnar således undersöka vilken roll regional

Fractionation of Wheat Bran for Utilisation in Biorefinery

Wheat bran is a by-product from the production of wheat flour. Nowadays wheat bran is mostly used as feed for animals, in the food and baking industry or it is simply burned in open air. However, wheat bran could be used in biorefineries for production of value-added products such as bioplastics, biofuels and chemicals as a substitute for fossil feedstocks as petroleum. Since wheat bran is an agri

Hints of Sustainable Development in the Philippines: Genuine Savings 1902-2018

The Philippines is one of the most affected countries by climate change. Income levels do not say much about its national wealth as it leaves out depreciation and excludes other necessary types of capital but are still mainly used to report a country’s economic standing regardless of its sustainability. This study uses Genuine Savings (GS) as an indicator of sustainable development and offers thre

Fallvänlig asfalt för gång- och cykelbana - En studie kring inverkan av tid, gummiinblandning och lagringsförhållande på hållfastheten

Det svenska cykelvägnätet utgörs av cirka 22 800 km väg. Dessa är fördelade på statliga cykelvägar (cirka 2800 km eller 12,29 procent), kommunala cykelvägar (cirka 18 900 km eller 82,89 procent) och enskilda cykelvägar (cirka 1100 km eller 4,82 procent). Idag är singelolyckor ett stort problem inom trafiksäkerheten för gående och cyklister. I statistiken om allvarligt skadade i transportsystemet mThe Swedish cycle path network consists of approximately 22,800 km roads. These are divided into state cycle paths (about 2,800 km or 12.29 percent), municipal cycle paths (about 18,900 km or 82.89 percent) and individual cycle paths (about 1,100 km or 4.82 percent). Today, single accidents are a major problem in road safety for pedestrians and cyclists. The statistics on serious injuries in the t

Identifying obstacles and key measurements of roof surfaces using a digital surface model and an orthomosaic

This thesis proposes a machine-learning-supported pipeline which, put together, provides an estimate of roof surface area for solar panel installation. This pipeline is comprised of roof segmentation based on images and digital surface models and provides subsequent identification of key measurements such as roof length, roof width and roof angle. Obstacles belonging to a roof are also identified

Identification of Modified Peptides using Open and Conventional Search Engines

Mass Spectrometry- based proteomics has matured to an analytical tool applicable in many areas of life science. Although, limitations remains where much focus has been towards the development of search engines to more accurately identify peptides in fragmentation spectra. This report aims to investigate four search engines; MSGF+, Andromeda, MSFragger and pFind in order to assess the advantages an

Digitalization, Internet & Energy Consumption 101: What answers are still missing and how can the global pandemic help study the digital phenomenon?

This thesis attempts to study the linkages between the energy consumption, digitalization and internet expansion. Due to the ongoing global pandemic that served as a natural experiment, studying the potential impacts of telework and digital entertainment on energy consumption has become much easier and more urgent than ever, since both are growing rapidly, and no definitive answers on their impact

Aid in the Aftermath of Armed Conflict

Aid initiatives are both praised for positive outcomes and criticized for their apparent lack of effectiveness in stimulating economic growth. Under post-conflict conditions, official development assistance (ODA) is often given by donor states to improve the welfare of developing countries. Using a regression model of post-conflict periods for over a hundred countries between the time period 1960

Newly Screen-ed: The Interference of the Digital Work Environment on New Young Professionals

The purpose of this thesis is to provide insight into the effects an entirely digital work environment may have on organizational socialization of young professionals, and the interactions they are able to have as well as the networks they are able to form. The thesis draws on the theoretical framework of organizational socialization by Bauer and Erdogan (2011) and combines it with the topics of i

Navigating through the storm: The managerial role and leadership during a crisis

Abstract Title: Navigating through the storm: The managerial role and leadership during a crisis Authors: Julia Sjöström and Malin Wedin Olsson Supervisor: Tony Huzzard, Lund University, Sweden Submission: date May 21st 2021 Purpose: The aim with this study is to gain a deeper understanding of managerial work and its relationship to the nature of leadership in the context of a societal crisis. Res

Failure Factors of M&A - A Literature Survey Between 2010 and 2020

Purpose: The high failure rate of M&As is still one of the main puzzles. The purpose of this research is to identify how concepts of failures changed after the global financial crisis and to see the main causes of such failures according to the research in the set time frame. Theoretical framework: Motives of M&A failure are categorized into synergy motive and self -managerial motives. Ba

Study on surface integrity in drilling Inconel 718 with uncoated and PVD coated tools

Belonging to the group of Nickel-based superalloys, Inconel 718 has excellent oxidation resistance and high-temperature strength, which is crucial for applications in the aerospace industry, for example, the manufacturing of components for engines. The low machinability of Inconel 718 demands the higher performance of the cutting tool. Drilling is one of the conventional machining operations apply

Financialization and Innovation -Empirical Evidence from Chinese Listed Manufacturing Companies

The thesis empirically studies the relationship between the trend of financialization and innovation in China. Several years ago, due to the slow-down of Chinese real economy, there appeared two tendencies in business environment: the increasing financial asset allocation of Chinese non-financial companies (named as financialization) and the authority’s will of boosting the real industries, especi

Why employees (don’t) become managers: Employees’ desires and motivations behind succession to managerial positions in retail store environments

This thesis thesis explores what desires and motivations lay behind employees’ succession to managerial positions in a store environment. Previous research focuses on how to develop good leaders, rather than how to make people want to become leaders, which is why this is an important topic. The method used is a qualitative case study at IKEA in Sweden, where a combination of qualitative questionna

Audio-based Motion Detection

Motion detection is an essential technology and it has numerous use-cases, such as security tracking, automated door opening systems, and IP cameras. Commonly, passive infrared sensors or radio frequency sensors are used for motion detection. However, this thesis focuses on performing motion detection using existing hardware at audio frequencies. Specifically, it aims to implement a motion detecti

Fatty acid composition of different fruits and berries - A comparative study of superfruits and more “common” fruits

Introduction: Superfruits have been promoted as nutrient-rich food that can improve your health, however, many scientists argue that the validation of the term is based on exaggeration of the limited studies that are available. Background: The chemical composition of a food is complex and there are many substances that can affect the human body. One such group of substances are fatty acids (FAs),

A reverse data-driven energy estimation approach for evaluating renewable energy systems implementation in New York City

Urban areas are responsible for a significant part of greenhouse gas emissions. Megacities, especially, have cumulative impacts due to different anthropogenic heat sources and urban heat island phenomena. It is therefore vital to replace fossil fuel burning heating sources with renewable sources in the current building stock. Renewable energy sources can be applied through building energy retrofit