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Your search for "*" yielded 529956 hits

Photo-Induced Cross-Linking of Unmodified α-Synuclein Oligomers

Photo-induced cross-linking of unmodified proteins (PICUP) has been used in the past to study size distributions of protein assemblies. PICUP may, for example, overcome the significant experimental challenges related to the transient nature, heterogeneity, and low concentration of amyloid protein oligomers relative to monomeric and fibrillar species. In the current study, a reaction chamber was de

Att spela Bach på marimba

Det här är den reflekterande delen av mitt examensarbete på Kandidatutbildningen i Symfoniorkesterinstrument, Slagverk, vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö, Lunds Universitet. Det finns inget vedertaget sätt för slagverkare att spela J.S Bachs musik på, trots att det i allra högsta grad ingår i repertoaren. Genom att skapa mig en större förståelse för barockens interpretationspraxis och olika tolkningar avThis is the reflective part of my Bachelor graduation project at Malmö Academy of Music, Lund University, with classical percussion as my major. There is no commonly accepted way of playing J.S Bach's music on percussion instruments, even though his music, to a very high degree, has come to be a part of most percussionists repertoire. By widening my understanding of the practice of baroque mus

PlyKp104, a Novel Phage Lysin for the Treatment of Klebsiella pneumoniae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Other Gram-Negative ESKAPE Pathogens

Klebsiella pneumoniae and Pseudomonas aeruginosa are two leading causes of burn and wound infections, pneumonia, urinary tract infections, and more severe invasive diseases, which are often multidrug resistant (MDR) or extensively drug resistant. Due to this, it is critical to discover alternative antimicrobials, such as bacteriophage lysins, against these pathogens. Unfortunately, most lysins tha

The Role of Image Quality in Telehealth: Adoption Challenges in the Subcontinent

Background: The purpose of this paper is to explore the underlying challenges in the telehealth environment in India and Pakistan that impede the delivery of high-quality images between a patient and health care professional.Method: An exploratory study was conducted among healthcare professionals in India and Pakistan to assess their perceptions regarding image quality, which is used for the diag

New insights into the pathophysiology and therapeutic targets of asthma and comorbid chronic rhinosinusitis with or without nasal polyposis

Asthma and chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) or without (CRSsNP) are chronic respiratory diseases. These two disorders often co-exist based on common anatomical, immunological, histopathological, and pathophysiological basis. Usually, asthma with comorbid CRSwNP is driven by type 2 (T2) inflammation which predisposes to more severe, often intractable, disease. In the past two decad

TOI-1130: A photodynamical analysis of a hot Jupiter in resonance with an inner low-mass planet

The TOI-1130 is a known planetary system around a K-dwarf consisting of a gas giant planet, TOI-1130 c on an 8.4-day orbit that is accompanied by an inner Neptune-sized planet, TOI-1130 b, with an orbital period of 4.1 days. We collected precise radial velocity (RV) measurements of TOI-1130 with the HARPS and PFS spectrographs as part of our ongoing RV follow-up program. We performed a photodynami

L3 Motivation

The purpose of this thesis was to study secondary school students' motivation to learn a second foreign language in addition to English. In addition to the empirical investigation of L3 motivation over a program of study and the testing of the widely-held assumption that L2 English impacts negatively on L3 motivation, the aim was also to contribute to the conceptual development of self-based motiv

Stöd iraniernas kamp för demokrati!

Imorgon lördag är det ett år sedan Mahsa Jina Amini mördades av moralpolisen i Teheran. Sedan dess har 600 demonstranter dödats i protesterna mot förtrycket i Iran. Det är hög tid att Sverige och väst ställer sig bakom det iranska folkets kamp för frihet, skriver Arvin och Ardavan Khoshnood.Tomorrow, Saturday, it will be one year since Mahsa Jina Amini was murdered by the morality police in Tehran. Since then, 600 protesters have been killed in the protests against the repression in Iran. It is high time that Sweden and the West stand behind the Iranian people's fight for freedom, write Arvin and Ardavan Khoshnood.

Flexible design in the stomatopod dactyl club

The stomatopod is a fascinating animal that uses its weaponized appendage dactyl clubs for breaking mollusc shells. Dactyl clubs are a well studied example of biomineralized hierarchical structures. Most research has focused on the regions close to the action, namely the impact region and surface composed of chitin and apatite crystallites. Further away from the site of impact, the club has lower

Den könsrelaterade diskrepansen i operasångares försörjningsmöjligheter

Det första av mina två syften var att undersöka huruvida det finns en könsrelaterad diskrepans gällande operasångares försörjningsmöjligheter. Jag samlade in empiri om antalet arbetstillfällen per röstfack och könsfördelningen vid operautbildningar, samt genomförde en enkätundersökning om hur tidigare studenter vid Sveriges operahögskolor försörjer sig. Slutsatsen kunde dras att det finns en stor The first of my two purposes was to investigate whether there is a gender disparity in the possibilities to make a living as an opera singer. I collected empirical data on the number of jobs per fach and the gender breakdown of students at opera schools, and conducted a survey on how former students at Sweden's opera schools supported themselves. I concluded that there is a large disparity to

Tvärflöjter: Speltekniska och musikaliska möjligheter

Detta är en studie och jämförelse av speltekniska förutsättningar på Boehmflöjt, alt-, bas- och kontrabasflöjt. Utgångspunkten ligger i tekniska aspekter som fingerteknik, embouchure, artikulation och luftförbrukning. Även en jämförelse av nya speltekniker och hur dessa svarar på respektive flöjt förekommer. Undersökningarna har genomförts med stöd av erkänd flöjtlitteratur, praktisk övning samt sThis is a study of technical conditions and a comparison of the Boehm flute, alto-, bass-, and contrabass flute. The study involves technical aspects such as fingering, embouchure, articulation, and air consumption. In addition, there is a comparison of how commonly used extended techniques respond on the different flutes. The surveys of this thesis have been conducted through studying well-known

Digital games and ELT : bridging the authenticity gap

In this chapter I will suggest that in cultural contexts such as Sweden where English is an integral part of young people’s everyday lives and is encountered and used in a range of out-of-school domains, a particular challenge facing teachers is not so much generating motivation to succeed in long-term competency goals, but rather engaging students in day-to-day classroom activities. Based on the

En Undersökning av Musikaliska Beståndsdelar & Variabler

Efter att ha hört termen parameter användas fritt i olika musikaliska sammanhang under min utbildning började en idé formas, kan musiken analyseras utifrån utvalda parametrar istället för ackords-, funktions-, form-, Schenker- eller temaanalys? I den här uppsatsen arbetar jag med att ta fram en personlig metod för att kartlägga kombinationer av parametrar som sedan kan analyseras för att bättre föDuring my education I have heard the term parameter used freely in different musical contexts. This has led to the forming of an idea, can music be analyzed according to chosen parameters instead of harmonic-, function-, form-, Schenker- or thematic analysis? In this essay I work with creating a personal method to map out combinations of parameters which then can be analyzed to better understand h

Det fossilfria stålets framtidsutsikter och förmåga att nå globala klimatmål

Den globala uppvärmningen är ett faktum. Stål är ett material som används i stor utsträckning och kan på grund av dess egenskaper inte alltid bytas ut mot alternativa material. Problemet är att stålindustrin står för en betydande del av Sveriges koldioxidutsläpp. Studiens syfte är att försöka skapa en uppfattning om de klimatvinster som kan göras om traditionellt stål ersätts av fossilfritt st

Measuring risk in science

Risk plays a fundamental role in scientific discoveries, and thus it is critical that the level of risk can be systematically quantified. We propose a novel approach to measuring risk entailed in a particular mode of discovery process – knowledge recombination. The recombination of extant knowledge serves as an important route to generate new knowledge, but attempts of recombination often fail. Dr

Yoga for musicians How can yoga help a musician physically and mentally?

Special hatha yoga classes for musicians and variations of postures (asana) in normal yoga classes. Why and how to apply the different branches of hatha yoga in a yoga class. Practicing breathing exercises (pranayama), concentration (dharana)/meditation (dhyana), postures (asana) and relaxation (savasana). Safe physical exercises without pressure/bodyweight on hands and wrists. I chose postures co