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Your search for "*" yielded 529931 hits

Being Like Water: Exploring Openness, Intuition, and External Creative Tools as Parts of the Creative Process

How can openness, intuition and external creative tools be valuable assets to the creative process? In this thesis, I explore that question as it relates to three distinct perspectives: my reflections on my own approach, other artists’ thoughts on the subject and the composition of my orchestral piece "let me cry" (2022). My findings are that by integrating openness, intuition, and exte

Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder-Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

A stressor-related disorder wherein traumatic experience precipitates protracted disruptions to mood and cognition, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is associated with wide-ranging abnormalities across the body. While various methods have investigated these deviations, only proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) enables noninvasive measurement of small-molecule metabolites in the liv

Internet of things-linked wearable devices for managing food safety in the healthcare sector

Food, hygiene, and safety are critical in healthcare institutions, especially those in which patients are vulnerable against diseases triggered by food prepared under improper conditions. In the United Kingdom, almost 400 healthcare institutions were found to need significant improvements to their food preparation standards (ITV News, 2016). Such institutions still rely on traditional pen and pape

Blood biomarkers for Alzheimer’s disease in clinical practice and trials

Blood-based biomarkers hold great promise to revolutionize the diagnostic and prognostic work-up of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in clinical practice. This is very timely, considering the recent development of anti-amyloid-β (Aβ) immunotherapies. Several assays for measuring phosphorylated tau (p-tau) in plasma exhibit high diagnostic accuracy in distinguishing AD from all other neurodegenerative dise

Experimental and Numerical Analysis of an Active Pre-Chamber Engine Fuelled with Natural Gas

Increasingly stringent pollutant and CO2 emission standards require the car manufacturers to investigate innovative solutions to further improve the fuel economy and environmental impact of their fleets. Nowadays, NOx emissions standards are stringent for spark-ignition (SI) internal combustion engines (ICEs) and many techniques are investigated to limit these emissions. Among these, an extremely

Between dependency and engagement : Centring subaltern geopolitics in multiperspectival border studies. Lessons from the Western Sahara

Contributing to the growing interest in multiperspectival border studies, this article advocates for a re-centring of subaltern geopolitics in the debate. Focusing empirically on Morocco's diplomatic dispute with the EU over the application of trade agreements to the Western Sahara (2015–2019), the analysis considers the geopolitical bordering of the controversy through the concepts of dependency

Research Handbook on Strategic Communication

Strategic communication as a research field and a professional practice is becoming increasingly relevant for organizations. Bringing together contributions from almost 60 leading international scholars, this dynamic Research Handbook on Strategic Communication is a timely contribution to a vivid and developing academic field. Divided into three key parts - fundamentals, perspectives, and processe

Ensam vid pianot - verktyg för att närma sig soloimprovisationer

Den här texten beskriver processen under vilken jag studerat mig själv som improvisationsmusiker i formatet solopiano. Jag undersöker hur jag skapar bästa möjliga förutsättningar för att känna mig både fri, inspirerad och motiverad, när jag inte får någon musikalisk information från andra medmusiker. Med hjälp av etablerandet av strikta ramar och begränsningar av olika karaktär har jag genomfört iThis paper describes the process during which I’ve studied myself as an improvisational musician in the format of solo piano. I examine in what way I can create the best possible conditions for myself to feel both free, inspired and motivated, when I’m not receiving any musical information from fellow musicians. With the help of different kinds of strict frames and limitations, I have performed im

The Mantis Network : III. Expanding the limits of chemical searches within ultra-hot Jupiters: New detections of Ca I, v I, Ti I, Cr I, Ni I, Sr II, Ba II, and Tb II in KELT-9 b

Cross-correlation spectroscopy is an invaluable tool in the study of exoplanets. However, aliasing between spectral lines makes it vulnerable to systematic biases. This work strives to constrain the aliases of the cross-correlation function to provide increased confidence in the detections of elements in the atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters (UHJs) observed with high-resolution spectrographs. We u

Science and the legal rights of nature

We review the use of science by lawmakers and courts in implementing or rejecting legal rights for nature in Ecuador, India, the United States, and other jurisdictions where some type of rights of nature have been recognized in the legal system. We then use the “right to evolve” to exemplify how interdisciplinary work can (i) help courts effectively define what this right might entail; (ii) inform

Vad gör djuren när de blir rädda?

Alla blir vi rädda någon gång, både människor och djur. Ibland är det samma saker som skrämmer och ibland är det något helt annat som djuren tycker är läskigt.Vad gör djuren när de blir skrämda? Kanske gömmer de sig? Försöker de springa därifrån? Eller försöker djuren lura den som skräms att titta åt ett helt annat håll? Ska vi kolla hur djuren gör?Vad gör djuren när de blir rädda? är en bok som g

Energy retrofitting effect on perceived indoor climate: A case study of Estonian multi-family buildings

Energy renovations are an important measure for achieving the European Union’s target of climate neutrality by 2050. To meet the EU goal, Estonia needs to fully renovate 14 000 multi-family buildings by that time, affecting the indoor environment conditions of a large number of people. To gain knowledge for the upcoming renovations, the experience of the people living in the multi-family buildings

GANDER : A Platform for Exploration of Gaze-driven Assistance in Code Review

Gaze-control and gaze-assistance in software development tools have so far been explored in the setting of code editing, but other developer activities like code review could also benefit from this kind of tool support. In this paper, we present GANDER, a platform for user studies on gaze-assisted code review. As a proof of concept, we extend the platform with an assistant that highlights name rel

Contactless palm print recognition: Novel design and palm openness classification

Biometric technologies, such as facial and fingerprint recognition, have become widely adopted for identity verification in various applications. Palm biometrics, utilizing the unique patterns of the human palm, has gained significant attention for its accuracy and security. This thesis aims to investigate and propose a comprehensive design for certain as- pects of a contactless palm print recogniImproving Contactless Palm Print Recognition Technology Biometric technologies, such as facial and fingerprint recognition, have become widely used for identity verification in various applications. An- other promising biometric solution is palm biometrics, which utilizes the unique patterns found on the human palm for accurate and secure iden- tification. This thesis focuses on investigating and

Bestämning av utvecklad tryckhållfasthet för platta betongkonstruktioner i ett tidigt skede

De standardiserade mätmetoder som används för att bestämma betongs tryckhållfasthet är anpassade för mätning efter relativt lång tid, men ifall det är av intresse att bestämma betongens hållfasthet kort tid efter gjutning är dessa metoder inte helt rättvisande. Cementbaserad betong är ett av världens vanligaste byggmaterial. Den har en god förmåga att motstå tryckspänningar och är inte speciellt Concrete is a building material that is normally cast according recipes, where a larger proportion of cement in the mixture results in a faster strength development and increased ultimate strength. The compressive strength, which can be considered as the most important property of concrete, is usually measured by a standardized procedure, where a test specimen is subjected to a progressively incre

Complex Linear Response Functions for a Multiconfigurational Self-Consistent Field Wave Function in a High Performance Computing Environment

We present novel developments for the highly efficient evaluation of complex linear response functions of a multiconfigurational self-consistent field (MCSCF) wave function as implemented in MultiPsi. Specifically, expressions for the direct evaluation of linear response properties at given frequencies using the complex polarization propagator (CPP) approach have been implemented, within both the