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Your search for "*" yielded 538467 hits

“Get Away From Me!”: Implicit and Explicit Transphobia in Swedish-speaking Men

This study aimed to measure implicit and explicit prejudice towards transpeople among Swedish-speaking men. A new picture IAT (Implicit Association Test) was created in a pilot study to measure implicit attitudes towards gender transgressing males. In the main study, 66 male participants were divided into control and experimental groups. The manipulation consisted of two different gender presentat

En pappa som slår - En innehållsanalys av domslut i vårdnadstvister där det framkommit uppgifter om våld

Abstract The aim of this research was to peruse the verdicts of custody disputes were violence against the mother has occurred. In 2005, a study by Barnombudsmannen presented a result that showed that 43 % of custody disputes were domestic violence occurred was convicted joint custody. The result leaded to a restriction of Swedish family law in 2006. This study therefor aims to examine how the cou

Co-constructing sustainability : insights from TangMa, an inter-municipal learning project between Tangshan, China and Malmö, Sweden

There is an increasing shift of hope from international negotiations to local actors for promoting sustainability by ‘thinking globally while acting locally’. Municipalities are such carriers of hope, taking on increasing responsibility as implementers of sustainability. The problem is that sustainability is a social construction site, and implementing it means ‘making it up as you go’. With this

Towards a dermal papilla specific expression system in mice

Popular science summary: Healing: what we can learn from white mice Stem cells are a cell type responsible for building the body. They are the ancestor cells from which all the cells making up the body’s tissues are created. Stem cells play an important role in maintaining the body in shape by repairing damages as they occur during life. We believe that if we had a better understanding of how t

Den terapeutiska poängen med att använda djur i olika behandlingar - En kvalitativ studie om användandet av djur i behandling

The aim of this study was to find out how professionals in various treatments regard the use of animals as part of the treatment. The aim was also to find out if the professionals see any positive or negative effects with having animals as part of the treatment, and what the clients view was on having animals in the organizations. The study was based on a qualitative research method which included

It's not just about tents and campfires

The concept of empowerment is deeply rooted in power relations. Young people have often been seen as incompetent, however, if given the right tools they can achieve positive change today. They are not merely the adults of the future; they are the youth of today. Education and awareness rising are key ingredients in the creation of change and development. How to educate, enable and empower young pe

Integrering av sociala risker i mindre kommuners risk- och sårbarhetsanalyser

The purpose of this report is to examine if social risks are an urban phenomenon or if it also occurs in smaller Swedish communities. Therefore, events in two small municipals were analyzed. The report also aims to examine if risk and vulnerability analysis is an appropriate tool for smaller municipals to work with social risks. The analysis shows that social risks are present also in smaller muni

Sångares sceniska handlingsutrymme. En undersökande studie om utvecklandet av normkritisk pedagogik i klassisk sångundervisning.

Att stå på scen och sjunga inför en publik innebär på många sätt att iklä sig en roll. Den västerländska konstmusiken och opera är traditionstyngda genrer med starka normer för hur sångare ska bete sig på scen. Normer i samhället i stort påverkar människors medvetna och omedvetna livsstilsval och värderingar, samt förmåga att förändra sin livssituation. De hänger ihop med makt och fungerar hämmandSinging on stage is in many ways equivalent to dressing up as a character. Western classical music and opera are both genres with heavy traditions of how to act on stage. Norms in society in general affect how people consciously and subconsciously lead their lives, what their values are and what ability they have to change their life. Norms are connected with power and impede and restrict deviatio

Får man ta en sup till sillamackan här på hemmet? En kvalitativ studie om personal inom äldreomsorgens syn på äldres alkoholvanor

The society’s population is growing older and it is more common with alcohol related prob-lems. Because of that, our purpose with this study was to describe how staff in municipal el-derly care perceives, manage and treat older people with alcohol use and abuse. We have cho-sen to interview staff in three retirement homes and three assisted living groups in three dif-ferent places, a total of six

Olika men ändå olika? - En undersökning om liknande problemområden gällande barns rättigheter i två olika EU-länder

This essay begins with the author trying to find similar problem areas within the topic of children´s rights in Romania and in Sweden. The contrasting countries, both members of the EU turns out having one common similarity: discrimination. To investigate the topic further a thesis regarding institutional and structural discrimination by Masoud Kamali is applied. The thesis will provide the inform

En studie om kärlek och könsroller, med utgångspunkt i den amerikanske familjeterapeuten John Grays författarskap gällande kärleksrelationer mellan kvinnor och män.

The aim of this study was to analyze the discourse of the theories by John Gray about relationships between men and women. The basis of this study was to analyze the social structures in our society today. I wanted to answer the questions following: In what way does John Gray construct male and female qualities in the literature? In what kind of discourse does John Gray discuss love? And how the t

Patienters bedömning av sjuksköterskans kompetens på en akutmottagning: Utifrån patientens utbildningsnivå

Bakgrund: Mötet på en akutmottagning präglas av högt tempo och kort vårdtid. Som sjuksköterska är det av vikt att arbeta med god kompetens för att ge bästa möjliga vård. Syftet: Beskriva relationen mellan patientens utbildningsnivå och bedömning av sjuksköterskans kompetenser samt att lyfta fram de kompetenser, som enligt patienten, brister eller utmärker sig hos sjuksköterskan. Metod: En kvantita

En kvalitativ studie av berättelser om försörjningstagares hälsa - Biståndshandläggarnas perspektiv

This study is featuring six social welfare officer's stories about client's health and the organization’s resources regarding health. The aim of this study is to analyze how the social welfare officer´s describe their client´s health. We are using semi structured interviews and discourse analysis. Our theoretical point of view is social constructivism and street-level bureaucracy. The resu

En analys av fem medlemmars och en handledares synsätt på ett Fontänhus, utifrån begreppet empowerment

Abstract Author: Sara Möll Title: An analysis of five members and one staff member’s views on a Fountain House, through the term empowerment [En analys av fem medlemmars och en handledares synsätt på ett Fontänhus, utifrån begreppet empowerment] Supervisor: Anders Östnäs The aim of this study was to gather views of five members and of one staff member, on a Fountain House and describe and analy

Design and Calculations of a Broadband Two Color Inline Interferometer

High-Order Harmonic generation (HHG) is an alternative and much more compact way of generating x-ray radiation compared to producing it in a synchrotron. In this report a two color inline interferometer is designed to superimpose electrical fields generated by a frequency doubling crystal, for the purpose of reshaping the pulse train generated in the HHG process. The challenges of this design is t

Patienters upplevelser i samband med ren intermittent kateterisering vid inkomplett blåstömning

Ren intermittent kateterisering (RIK) är ett behandlingsalternativ för neurogen blåsrubbning/inkomplett blåstömning såsom Multipel Skleros, Parkinsons sjukdom, ryggmärgsskador och överflödesinkontinens. Neurogen blåsrubbning innebär en neurologisk sjukdom eller skada på nervsystemet som påverkar de nedre urinvägarnas normala funktion. Syftet med litteraturstudien var att beskriva patienters upplev

Faktorer som kan påverkas för att förändra stråldosen vid radiologisk uppföljning av patienter med adolescent idiopatisk skolios.

Patienter med adolescent idiopatisk skolios (AIS) genomgår regelbundna röntgenundersökningar för uppföljning av skolios. Syfte med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka vilka faktorer som kan påverkas för att förändra stråldosen vid radiologisk uppföljning av patienter med AIS. Genom granskning av litteratur framkom exempel på hur stråldos kan påverkas vid uppföljning av AIS. Teman som utkrista

Den inställda avvecklingen av en myndighet

2011 beslutade regeringen att lägga ner myndigheten Fortifikationsverket. De är en av Sveriges största fastighetsägare och tanken var att verksamheten skulle flyttas till en annan myndighet och att flera av fastigheterna skulle föras över till statligt ägda bolag. Men efter tre år så gör regeringen en helomvändning. De beslutar nu att myndigheten ska finnas kvar eftersom en nedläggning inte leder