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Your search for "*" yielded 538467 hits

Shedding light on the European social dialogue’s “shadow of hierarchy” – a proposal for a model explaining the shadow of hierarchy’s influence on the content of Commission-initiated and Council-implemented collective agreements concluded by European social partners

In scholarly literature, it is widely acknowledged that ‘the shadow of hierarchy’, hence the threat of disadvantageous Community legislation, is an important con-cept in European social dialogue (ESD), where European social partners – that is organised labour and management – are given the chance to negotiate binding agreements on some aspects of European labour and social policy. While the shadow

Reforming the European Union’s Common Fisheries Policy: Why was there a successful reform of the Common Fisheries Policy possible in 2013, after years of ineffective policy and unsuccessful attempts at reforms?

In January 2014 a reformed CFP came into force in the EU. The reformed policy tackled many of the policy field’s troubled areas and offered realistic solutions for elements of the policy which had been criticised for years by academics, stakeholders and even EU institutions. The purpose of this thesis is to explain how the reformed policy came about and in doing so it adopts a case study design wh

Europeisk identitet, ett val?

This thesis examines the possibility of a connection between perceived European identity in the member states, and turnout in the 2009 European parliament. Through identifying what constitutes a European identity and then applying this definition to a survey regarding geographical identity by the EVS and the 2009 election turnout. Due to lack of significance no correlation could be found between

Vem i hela världen kan man lita på? En fallstudie om utrikespolitiska vallöften

This study examines election promises in order to analyze what determines whether politicians can fulfill their campaign promises or not. The study hence makes a contribution to the scarce literature in the area. During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised to bring the troops home from Iraq and shut down the Guantánamo bay. This study tries to answer why only one of these election

UN's (in)consistency on gender?

The development discourse on the international agenda is currently dominated by the MDGs and the SDGs, which is why it is important to analyze them. In this thesis my main purpose was to understand whether there were any changes within the discourses of the criticism on the different development goals, when using a postcolonial feminist theory. I chose to study this criticism in order to understan

Den materiella integrationen, en idéanalys över hur idéerna om Europeisk integration konstitueras

This study looks at how perceptions of European integration are constituted; more specifically, how leading academic ideas and theories regard European integration and the elements which contribute to that view. The work is driven by a thesis that materialism forms the main component of this view of integration. The study analyses five key theories of European integration, and the ambition has bee

The European Union's Attitude Towards Hezbollah: EU's Changed Attitude Toward Hezbollah Over Time

The European Union is expected to respond to world events every day and terrorist acts are predominate and often conducted by terrorist organizations or non-state actors. One of the most delicate cases is the Lebanese Hezbollah frequently resorting to violence and has over the last 20 years grown evermore important in the Middle East and Lebanon, thereby increasingly elevating the need for the EU

Mot en mer effektiv koncentrationskontroll inom EU - strukturella förbindelser

För att kommissionen ska vara behörig att granska ett förvärv krävs det att kontroll har förvärvats i enlighet med koncentrationsförordningen. Således är kommissionen oförmögen att agera vid problematiska icke kontrollerande minoritetsförvärv (så kallade strukturella förbindelser). Det är dock inte bara förvärv av kontroll som kan orsaka betydande konkurrensskada. Liknande skada kan förekomma vid For the Commission to be competent to examine an acquisition, must concern an acquisition of control within the meaning of the Merger Regulation. Therefore the Commission is unable to act upon problematical non-controlling minority shareholdings (also known as structural links). Anticompetitive effects, however, may arise in situations where control has not been acquired. Established economic theo

Replaced Rates -A comparative study on Union Density in Sweden and Denmark

The following essay discusses the policy changes the Ghent countries Sweden and Denmark have had in the last fifteen years that possibly affected the union density. Furthermore the essay has a statistical approach and aim to investigate and discuss the factors that affects union density as well as being a contribution to the field of political science. By applying power resource theory the ambitio

Turkey: Sly as a Fox? Explaining the successive development of Turkey’s multilateral cooperation efforts

Since the European Union membership application in 1987, twenty-six years have passed and the status of Turkey has only progressed from a “potential candidate” to an “official candidate”. At the same time, a successive expansion is traceable in Turkey’s efforts for multilateral cooperation with other parts of the world. While being seemingly random at the first sight, it is possible to observe dis

Det nordiska försvarssamarbetet: Ett svenskt perspektiv

In this thesis I have investigated the reasoning for the development of the Nordic defence cooperation from a Swedish perspective. Since the Cold War Sweden made some really big changes in their defence and security approach. A part in this change is the defence cooperation with the other Nordic countries. I have used two logics of actions, logic of consequences and logic of appropriateness to try

Migrationsverket - En studie i att undantas från lagen

Through using what Lennart Lundquist terms as "our public ethos" I have come to the conclusion that the Swedish Migration Office's desire to be exempted from the law of public procurement (LOU) can be understood in terms of reference to both economic and democratic values. This thesis also explains the fundamentals of the Weberian rational-legal authority and how it together with New

Grasping the Identity Gap - A Qualitative Strategic Analysis of Football Clubs in Sweden

Many European football clubs have developed a more strategic and business-like thinking within their organizations that has resulted in partly altered business models and views on competition, sustainable competitive advantage and organization. In this thesis we investigate this development with a certain focus on Swedish football industry. The investigation is driven by the question of how Swedis

Borde du gifta dig med mig älskling? Samlevnadsformens betydelse för arvsrätt och faderskapsfastställelse

Samlevnadsformen har stor betydelse för vilket skydd ett par åtnjuter. Sambor saknar till skillnad från makar arvsrätt efter varandra och även vid fastställande av faderskap föreligger betydande skillnader. I denna framställning har utretts varför så är fallet, hur dessa skillnader motiveras och om lagstiftningen utifrån sambors perspektiv är i förändringsbehov. Kyrkan har haft betydande inflytaCohabitation forms have great significance concerning the type of protection provided for couples. Cohabitees lack, unlike spouses, the right to inherit each other by law. Furthermore, the determination of paternity differs substantially. This paper investigates why this is the case, how the differences are justified and whether the legislation, from cohabitees’ perspective, requires modification.

Ångerrätt och informationskrav - en studie av ändringar i distans- och hemförsäljningslagen

Denna uppsats sorterar under konsumenträttens område. Den behandlar övergången mellan distans- och hemförsäljningslagen och lagen om distansavtal och avtal utanför affärslokaler. Det är bestämmelserna om tillämpningsområde, informationskrav och ångerrätt som är i fokus. Regleringens såväl nationella som EU-rättsliga syfte belyses inledningsvis och utgör utgångspunkt för uppsatsen. Bestämmelserna iIn Swedish and European law, the consumer have the right to withdraw during certain conditions and the business have the responsibility to give correct and detailed information. Due to the EU Consumer Rights Directive from 2011 changes are to come for the Swedish market and for the European market as a whole. The changes that will effect the Swedish consumer and business are studied in this thesis

Pricing Difficulties in Mergers & Acquisitions – Public versus Private target

With the intention to provide new evidence valid for the Scandinavian market the thesis aims to; (I) examine the announcement effect for acquiring companies, where the emphasis lies on the difference between acquiring Public targets compared to Private targets, and (II) investigate the relation between abnormal returns and variables found significant in previous research. The concept of mergers a

Patientens upplevelse av konventionell kolon med dubbelkontrast och datortomografisk kolografi

Konventionell kolon och datortomografisk kolografi är några av de vanligaste röntgenundersökningar för utredning av sjukdomar i kolon bland annat koloncancer. Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen av patienters upplevelser vilket kan ge vägledning i det praktiska vårdarbetet. Detta är en litterarurstudie där vetenskapliga artiklar, både kvalitativa och kvantitativa, som beskrev patienters upplevel

"Det är ju bara papper." En kvalitativ studie av hur ett policydokument implementeras i praktiken.

Syftet men studien var att undersöka hur en organisation implementerar ett policydokument i praktiken. Som ett exempel på policydokument användes mångfalds- och jämställdhetsplanen 2013. Omfattande organisationer som består av olika befattningar är intressanta i detta syfte då interaktionen aktörerna emellan är en påverkande och viktig faktor i implementeringsprocessen. Uppsatsens teoriram behandl

Providing Social Support to Family Caregivers. –An Essential Part of the Japanese Care Manager’s Role

The overall objective of this study was to investigate the social support provided by care managers to family caregivers of elderly adults receiving community based care under the Japanese Long-Term Care Insurance scheme. The study has explored such support from the perspective of the care manager, and in relation to the overall role of the care manager. As such, the following research questions h

Ungdomars upplevelser av ungdomsjänst och dess meningsfullhet

Abstract Title: Ungdomars upplevelser av ungdomstjänst och dess meningsfullhet Author: Maddis Hashemzadeh Supervisor: Roberto Scaramuzzino The purpose with this essay has been to describe and understand what experiences young people have of community service and if they feel that the community service has been meaningful for their future mindset of commit a crime. Community service for youth pe