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Popular Abstract in Swedish Vi tänker oss i allmänhet att vår upplevelse av drömmen är lik vår upplevelse av vår vakna verklighet i så måtto att drömmen presenterar sig som en värld som vi som drömmare tar för verklig och som vi på olika sätt interagerar med. I denna avhandling tittar jag närmare på denna uppfattning och granskar hur väl den harmonierar med vad vi nu anser oss veta om hur hjärnan/This treatise examines what I call the ‘traditional view’ on the phenomenology of dreaming. According to this view, dreams are experienced in more or less the same way as waking reality – that is, our experience of “being-in-the-dream” is very much like our experience of “being-in-the-world”. The traditional view will be examined from three different standpoints: phenomenology, cognitive science a
When the time structure (chronome) of pancreatic secretion was studied after weaning in 5-week-old pigs, the zero-amplitude (no-rhythm) assumption was rejected for the about-weekly (circaseptan, CS) and about-half-weekly (circasemiseptan, CSS) chronome components. When the data were assessed individually on a day-to-day basis, a 24-hour component was suggested (P
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Popular Abstract in Swedish Vibrationsskador i händerna utgör idag ett stort yrkesmedicinskt problem. Långvarig exponering av handhållna vibrerande verktyg kan leda till ett hand-arm vibrationssyndrom (HAVS) som är en kronisk åkomma. Vibrationsskadan kan vara irreversibel och är progressiv om vibrationsexponeringen fortsätter. Många arbetare utsätts dagligen för hand-arm vibrationer. Elva procent Workers exposed to hand-held vibrating machines may risk developing a hand-arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), a condition which can cause chronic impairment and disability. The aims of this thesis were 1) to obtain deeper insight and further knowledge of HAVS and the consequences for hand function, and aspects of quality of life (QoL); 2) to investigate the usefulness of clinical assessments in diagno
Renewable energy systems are likely to become wide spread in the future due to environmental demands. As a consequence of the dispersed nature of renewable energy systems, this implies that there will be a distributed generation of electric power. Since most of the distributed electrical energy sources do not provide their electric power at line frequency and voltage, a DC bus is a useful common c
Non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a human pathogen causing diseases in the upper and lower respiratory tract. Otitis media-prone children and adults with cystic fibrosis or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, are repeatedly infected by NTHi Research in recent years brought to light the entry and survival of NTHi in epithelial cells and macrophages. Their internalization could be a
Characterization of aerosols, emitted from five methods of thermal spraying with materials containing chromium and nickel were carried out. The characterization procedure includes the determinations of the metal content, the particle size distribution, the oxidation state of chromium and a measure of the solubility of chromium. Three different kinds of samplers and the analytical methods PIXE (Par
a) The use of a solid phase reaction (silver silicate) for avoiding ortho ester formation in some difficult glycosyl donor/acceptor systems. Thus seven monodeoxygenated analogues of 2-(Trimethylsilyl)ethyl betha-lactoside were synthesiszed. Silver silcate was successfully used in betha 1-4 coupling of 2- and 3-deoxy glucosides to to acetobromogalactose. By similar means, the monodeoxylactosyl brom
Popular Abstract in English The Andean region and the Amazon Basin of South America have been identified as regions of origin and the domestication of many plants. Some of the food crops from these regions such as potato and cassava, have gained global import¬ance, while the majority of food crops are hardly know outside their present area of cultivation. In the first part of this study, underutiBoth the nutritional and functional properties of starch are directly influenced by the molecular structure of its polymers: amylose and amylopectin. It is therefore important to have reproducible methods for quantifying the molecular size. In the first part of the thesis, the composition, crystallinity, degree of branching, morphological, thermal and pasting properties, and susceptibility of the
Denna rapport tar fram publikens röster i samband med utställningen Petroglyfiskt Virtuella upplevelser kring hällristningar (maj 2013-december 2014) vid Österlens museum i Simrishamn. Rapporten är en fallstudie som belyser ett pilotprojekt och forskningsexperiment kring publikens möte med interaktiv digital teknik och konst i ett kulturarvssammanhang, samt besökarnas reaktioner på interaktiva och
This thesis is a study of the mountain vegetation in the Faroe Islands based on five altitudinal transects sampled during the period 1999-2001. The vegetation was studied on the basis of plant communities, life-forms and biodiversity of vascular plant species and is discussed in a climate change perspective. The boundary between arctic and temperate vegetation is established and the tolerance of c
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