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Digital elevation models in precision agriculture
Proximity measures for recognition
Optimum code rate in cellular systems using adaptive modulation
It is essential to find suitable modes (combinations of alphabet sizes and code rates) for transmission in cellular systems. Bad choices result in low spectrum efficiency. An analytical method is proposed to find the modes which give the highest spectrum efficiency when using adaptive modulation. It is demonstrated that data rates considerably higher than 271 and 384 kbps are feasible in GSM and E
Derivation of partial safety factors for fire safety evaluation using the reliability index beta-method
Transient electromagnetic waves and inversion techniques
This paper reviews an efficient inversion technique for complex media utilizing transient electromagnetic scattering data. The approach to solve the scattering problems (direct and inverse) relies on a wave splitting technique and an invariant imbedding technique. The analysis is illustrated by a numerical example.
Fosterbarn som vuxna
What are the social positions of adults who were in long-term foster care as children, compared with the general population and with adults who grew up at home in families similar to foster children's birth families? How common is it to have been in foster care? Four approaches are used in this study: - A systematic review of around 50 studies on adult foster children. Conclusions are more pessim
Adaptive Control (1 ed.)
Giant vortices in rotating electron droplets
We predict the formation of giant vortices in quasi-two-dimensional quantum dots at high magnetic fields, i.e., in rapidly rotating electron droplets. Our numerical results for quantum dots confined by a flat, anharmonic potential show ground states where vortices are accumulated in the center of the dot, thereby leading to large cores in the electron and current densities. The phenomenon is analo
Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Combinatorial Problems
This thesis is concerned with the design of efficient parallel algorithms for some optimization graph problems. A subset S of vertices or edges in a graph G is said to be maximum with respect to a property if, among all the subsets of G having this property, S is one having the largest cardinality. Set S is said to be maximal with respect to a property, if it is not a proper subset of another set
Techniques for Distributed Access and Visualisation in Computational Mechanics
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling berör metoder för hur beräkningsmekaniken kan förbättras med avseende på förbättrad och effektiv användning av verktyg och resurser. Den berör också ideér för hur verktyg i beräkningsmekanik skall kunna tillämpas i områden där dessa ej tidigare använts. Tre huvudområden har studerats: Effektiv och transparent tillgång till finita element applikationer, This work concern ideas and methods on how the context of computational mechanics can be improved for more efficient utilisation and extended into areas previously not familiar with or capable of using such tools. Three main areas were studied: Providing efficient and transparent access to finite element applications, development of methods for the visualisation of complex phenomena and improving
Methods to estimate stakeholder views of sustainability for construction projects
The new challenge for a construction project management is to meet the demands of sustainable construction, defined by ecological, economical, social and cultural variables. During a facilities lifecycle various activities involves a significant number of stakeholders. It could be those stakeholders who directly are involved, e.g. architects, facility managers or users, and those who more or less
Effekter av LTHs pedagogikutvecklingsaktiviteter på LTH-lärarnas undervisning
Vi har studerat hur omfattningen av den kursansvariga lärarens behörighetsgivande pedagogikutbildning (BHU) samvarierar med studenternas bedömningar av den pedagogiska kvalitén på kurser uttryckt genom kursutvärderingarnas data från Course Experience Questionnaire (CEQ). Vi har även studerat hur CEQ-resultaten ser ut beroende på ifall den kursansvariga läraren har graden Excellent Teaching Practit
What does Management by objektives have to do with MTM
Epistemic risk: The significance of knowing what one does not know
How smart are electricity users with ‘Smart Metering’? A Behavioural Economics experiment
The purpose of this paper is to examine how behavioural biases affect consumers’ response to energy-use information provided through smart meters (SM). We take insights from behavioural economics and carry out two real-life experiments with SMs and electricity users. The experiments were conducted in Copenhagen (Denmark) to identify and assess the potential of two economic behavioural biases, sali
Fysikcentrum i Lund ska inspirera skolorna
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This paper presents a general view, from a Swedish perspective, of one of the less known Queens of Sweden, Isabella (Elisabeth) of Habsburg. She was the daughter of Philip I and Joan I of Castile, and thus the sister of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V. She married the Danish-Norwegian-Swedish King Christian II, in Sweden generally known as Christian the Tyrant. After a short biography of the Scan