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At the intersection of economic history and contemporary regional development : insights from a Swedish ‘bruksort’

In this paper, we explore contemporary regional development in a historic industrial region. Specifically, we unpack the influences of industrial history and culture, built up over several centuries, on contemporary regional development dynamics and issues. In doing so, we draw on an evolutionary perspective within economic geography and perspectives from deindustrialization studies to understand

Method development for studying the particle size distribution of high-pressure homogenized oat beverages with retained fiber fraction

In current oat beverage production, insoluble components such as fiber fractions (plant cell structures) are usually decentered from the product, causing many types of loss. Retaining these fractions requires an efficient breakage of them, to avoid sandy mouthfeel in the end-product, which can be achieved for instance by homogenization. To study the homogenization efficiency, the resulted particle

Investigating Y-site compatibility of intravenous drugs using Probe drum as analytical instrument

För tidigt födda och sjuka barn hamnar på neonatal avdelning där de ofta behandlas med kombinationer av flera olika intravenösa läkemedel. Att kombinera intravenösa läkemedel innebär dock en risk för inkompatibilitet i form av fällningar och subvisuella partiklar, vilket kan riskera i livshotande tillstånd så som till exempel funktionssvikt i flera organ samt allvarliga hjärt- och kärlproblem. SoThere is a lack of data concerning compatibility between intravenously administered drugs, especially for doses administered in neonatal care. Co-administrating drugs or other substances used in hospital care, for instance parenteral nutrition that are incompatible with each other can, in worst case scenarios, lead to fatal outcomes. It is not only important to study drug incompatibility at differ

Assessment of Sediment Transportation Along the Southern and Eastern Coast of Scania, Sweden: A Case Study of Storm Babet

The majority of the coastal area of Scania is highly susceptible to sediment transportation. Due to various influences which are both human induced and natural, the morphology of coastal dunes often alters. Therefore, it is important to assess these changes, especially after major cyclonic storms such as the storm Babet in order to get a comprehensive understanding of the aftermath. The purpose of

Drafting the Future: GenAI in Patents

This master thesis exploratively investigates the customer value provided by innovative GenAI solutions, such as the studied Lightbringer tool, in the patent application process. The research primarily examines how different customer segments; IP firms, small-scale innovative firms, and large-scale innovative firms perceive the usefulness of GenAI technologies. Through a combination of semistructu

Direct Comparison of the European Society of Cardiology 0/1-Hour Vs. 0/2-Hour Algorithms in Patients with Acute Chest Pain

Background: The recent guidelines from the European Society of Cardiology recommends using high-sensitivity cardiac troponin (hs-cTn) in either 0/1-h or 0/2-h algorithms to identify or rule out acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Several studies have reported good diagnostic accuracy with both algorithms, but few have compared the algorithms directly. Objective: We aimed to compare the diagnostic a

Interdisciplinary Listening: Understanding Strategic Listening in Interdisciplinary Project Work

Active listening is of utmost importance for interdisciplinary project work to ensure communication across disciplinary boundaries. To listen actively enables fostering a project climate, in which creative and innovative thinking as well as speaking up freely is supported by contributing to a psychologically safe environment. Despite the potential of active listening to enhance interdisciplinary p

Digital Deception and Inoculation: A Quantitative Study on Strategic Communication Tactics Against AI-Generated Images and the Role of Bullshit Receptivity

Digital Deception and Inoculation: A Quantitative Study on Strategic Communica-tion Tactics Against AI-Generated Images and the Role of Bullshit Receptivity This thesis investigates the effectiveness of inoculation treatment using prebunking techniques to develop psychological defenses against believing syn-thetic images online. The study focuses on the influence of Bullshit Receptivity levels, s

Dags att klättra i pyramiden: En kvalitativ studie av vilka tjänster besökare på återvinningscentraler vill implementera för att uppnå en högre nivå i avfallshierarkin

Varje svenskt hushåll slänger 500 kg avfall per år vilket genererar ett utsläpp på 0,9 miljoner ton koldioxidekvivalenter, därav är det av största vikt att återvinningscentraler är tillgängliga och attraktiva för befolkningen att besöka. En kvantitativ studie har därför genomförts i syfte att, dels undersöka hur besökare upplever de befintliga svenska återvinningscentralerna, dels för att se vilka

Biological degradation of ¹⁴C-labeled micropollutants and their transformation products in ozonated wastewater

Ozon kan användas för att reducera koncentrationen av organiska mikroföroreningar i avloppsvatten och därmed förhindra att dessa sprids i hav, sjöar och vattendrag, där deras närvaro kan medföra en rad negativa konsekvenser. Vid tillsats av ozon till avloppsvatten oxideras de organiska mikroföroreningarna, tillsammans med andra ämnen i vattenmatrisen, och bildar olika transformations- och biprodukOzonation can be applied to reduce the concentration of organic micropollutants in municipal wastewater, and thereby mitigate any adverse effects these compounds may have in natural waters. As ozone is applied to wastewater, organic micropollutants, as well as other compounds present in the water matrix, will be oxidized, resulting in the formation of transformation- and byproducts. Some of these

Unveiling the impact of ChatGPT on travel consumer behaviour : exploring trust, attribute, and sustainable-tourism action

This study examines the influence of ChatGPT on tourist behaviour using complexity theory. Factors such as media richness, anthropomorphism, trust in ChatGPT, and trust in online travel agencies are investigated to understand their effects on purchasing intentions and word-of-mouth, along with a moderator of sustainable-tourism action (practice). Results revealed the relationships among the variab

Neutralization of Interleukin 1-beta is associated with preservation of thalamic capillaries after experimental traumatic brain injury

Introduction: Traumatic brain injury to thalamo-cortical pathways is associated with posttraumatic morbidity. Diffuse mechanical forces to white matter tracts and deep grey matter regions induce an inflammatory response and vascular damage resulting in progressive neurodegeneration. Pro-inflammatory cytokines, including interleukin-1β (IL-1β), may contribute to the link between inflammation and th

Effektivisering av arbete med klimatdeklarationer inom byggsektorn

Första januari 2022 kom det första kravet gällande klimatdeklarationer. Detta innefattade att alla nybyggnader måste klimatdeklareras i byggskedet, modul A1-A5. 2025 planeras även gränsvärden läggas till för de redan existerande modulerna för klimatdeklarationer 2022. Dessa kravvärden kommer att införas då en betydande del av koldioxidutsläpp kommer från byggbranschen. Arbetet och kraven med gränsOn January 1, 2022, the first requirement regarding climate declarations was introduced. This mandate specified that all new buildings must include climate declarations during the construction phase, encompassing modules A1-A5. In 2025, limit values are also planned to be added for the existing modules included in the 2022 climate declarations. These required values will be implemented as a signif

Sångens semantik och Vokala vokabulärer - En studie om begrepp och förklaringsmodeller inom sångpedagogik

Frågor kring hur begrepp och förklaringsmodeller används inom sångundervisning har varit ständigt närvarande under vår utbildning till sångpedagoger och var därmed ett givet val för oss att vilja undersöka vidare. Syftet med studien är att undersöka sångpedagogers yrkesspråk utifrån begrepp och förklaringsmodeller genom att ta del av deras erfarenheter och kunskaper. I vår undersökning har vi genoQuestions surrounding the use of terms and explanatory models in vocal training has been a constant presence throughout our education as vocal coaches and was therefore a natural choice for us to further investigate. The aim of this study is to explore vocal coaches' professional language based on terms and explanatory models by examining their experiences and expertise. In our study, we condu

Impact of wind on litterfall in a coniferous forest of southern Sweden

This thesis analyses relationships between the litterfall components needles, twigs, flowers, fruits, and total litterfall and climate variables (wind speed, air temperature, relative humidity, and precipitation) in a coniferous forest located in southern Sweden. Needles, twigs, and total litterfall were positively correlated with daily average as well as maximum wind speed, whereas negatively cor

Flood risk assessment using GIS and multi-criteria analysis: a pilot study from Rönne å River basin, Scania, Sweden

Following the flooding event in Ringsjön within the Rönne å river basin in January 2024, this catchment area was utilized for a flood risk assessment. The study focused on the precipitation event during August 2023, known as Storm Hans. The flood risk assessment for the Rönne å catchment area was conducted using multi-criteria analysis (MCA) and geographical information systems (GIS). Seven factor

Detektion av utsläppsplymer med avancerat ekolod – Undersökning av utsläpp av avloppsvatten från pappersbruk i havet med EK80, CTD & filmmaterial

Nymölla är en liten kustnära tätort belägen i nordöstra Skåne. Kusten utanför Nymölla, en del av västra Hanöbukten, är uppsatsens geografiska fokusområde. Under 1960- och 1970-talen anlades både massa- och pappersindustri i Nymölla, två betydelsefulla industrier för Sverige, både gällande export och ekonomi. Ett exempel av Sveriges femtiotal massa- och pappersbruk är Nymölla Bruk, en produktionsan

Flow regime impact on brazed plate heat exchanger in chiller application

Optimering av flödet till en förångare i ett kylsystem ökar effektiviteten. Experiment visar hur prestandan kan förbättras med geometriska förändringar i inloppsröret till en förångare med ett homogent flöde. Detta leder till en förbättrad fördelning av köldmedia i förångaren följt av förbättrad effektivitet. Snedfördelning av köldmedia i ett kylsystem påverkar systemets kylförmåga, men med geometRefrigerant systems such as chillers and are widely used to create a comfortable indoor climate, often incorporated in large buildings or offices. It relies on a refrigerant circuit that lowers temperature of a coolant via a heat exchanger, called an evaporator. The coolant enters a fan coil which lowers the surrounding air temperature in a desired space and recirculates back to the evaporator at

Remote Control Of A Hose For Concrete Pouring

The process of pouring concrete is very common in the construction industry. Typically, a person stands on top of reinforcements around the mold of the slab while manually pushing the hose, guiding it in a smooth side-to-side movement until an even pour has filled up the mold. Another person is positioned at a distance from the pouring end controlling the pump and thus the flow of concrete through

Välkommen till Sverige! Hur yrkesverksamma i ideella organisationer ser på flyktingars möjligheter till integration i Sverige.

Målet med denna studie var att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma inom ideella organisationer i Sverige beskriver integrationsmöjligheterna för flyktingar från Mellanöstern och flyktingar från Ukraina. Detta undersöktes utifrån de ideella organisationernas eget integrationsarbete, massflyktsdirektivet, samt det bemötande flyktingarna får från samhället. Studien utgick från en kvalitativ metod, mer speciThe aim of this study was to find out how staff in non-profit organizations in Sweden describe the possibility of integration for refugees from the Middle East and refugees from Ukraine. This was researched according to the non-profit organizations own integration efforts, the Temporary Protection Directive, and the treatment the refugees get from the public. The study used a qualitative approach,