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”En gång knarkare, alltid knarkare” Metadon: Stöd eller stigma?

The aim of this study was to show the life situation of the methadone patients’ in Sweden and what the methadone treatment may mean in the clients’ everyday lives. Our two main questions were: How do the methadone patients’ describe that they are being treated by their surrounding and the methadone program? How do the methadone patients’ describe that the methadone treatment has affected them in t

På tal om Lean inom den offentliga sektorn - en diskursanalys av hur Lean presenteras inom Sveriges kommuner och landsting

The main purpose of the study was to show how the work model lean is depicted within the public sector and, for the discourse, the actual roles constructed by people working with lean. The relevant questions for the study were: What central concepts are presented within lean, and how these are constructed and what the consequences might be. The empirical basis for this study was a brochure with tw

Demokrativärden och ekonomivärden i EU:s asylpolitik

Studien är en idéanalys av Dublinförordningarna från 2007 respektive 2014 och består av en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ analys. Idéanalysen är uppbyggd av två idealtyper som lagts över respektive förordningen som ett raster. Idealtyperna är tagna ur Lennart Lundqvists teori om demokrativärden och ekonomivärden. I den kvalitativa analysen anlades respektive perspektiv som ”glasögon” genom vilka fö

USA och den aborterade friheten

This bachelor thesis is based on two American legal cases concerning the issue of abortion. The first one is the case of Roe v. Wade, which grants the woman the constitutional right to terminate her pregnancy. The second one, Beal v. Doe gives the states the right to choose not to finance abortions. This is where I found my problem. Since Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Beal can be said to stand in opposit

Internationella barnkidnappningar - Ska individen eller kollektivet skyddas?

Framställningen behandlar en normkonflikt som synliggjorts de senaste åren i avgöranden från Europadomstolen där en förälder bortfört sitt barn utom-lands. I avgörandena har föräldern, och i vissa fall barnet, ansetts ha fått sin rätt till respekt för familjelivet kränkt enligt artikel 8 EKMR. Kränkningen har skett när en nationell domstol beslutat att ett bortfört barn ska föras till-baka till he

Nordisk självbild

In this critical idea-analysis of the relation between Sweden and the Nordic Council the author sifts out two construcions of identity and tests if there is a discrepancy to be found between what the member state grows within its borders and also sign by being a part of the nordic cooperation. In this study the analysis dive into the origins of scandinavism and nordism and discover touching points

Star Wars Episod II: Om den säkerhetspolitiska utvecklingen i rymden efter kalla kriget

In this thesis I try to find out how multipolarity in space effects global security. My research question is as follows: What effects has the increasing amount of actors in space had on global security after the end of the cold war? Theories which I use to examine the effects are Kenneth Waltz perspective on the balance of power and Robert Jervis hypothesis on misperception. My hypothesis is that

Deconstructing ‘Troops for Influence’: A First Attempt at Revealing the Anatomy of the Acclaimed ‘Troops for Influence’- Assumption

Having notoriously escaped the operation table to be cut open for a full intestine check-up, the anatomy of the acclaimed ‘troops for influence’- assumption finally faces a full body search. Although appearing to be somewhat of a tacitly accepted ‘truth’ both in the academic and political world, there is confusion as to how we might actually understand the assumption of ‘troops for influence’ and

The European Union’s Border Management. A study about the coordination in its horizontal and vertical dimension

One of the greatest achievements of the European Union (EU) is the abolition of internal borders and the establishment of the right to free movement. Consequently, the EU has made an effort managing its common external borders by establishing several internal mechanisms, instruments and bodies as well as various forms of cooperation with the associated Schengen countries and external third actors.

En nyliberal hegemoni?

This thesis surrounds the emerging of the neoliberal hegemony in Sweden, and how to describe that emergence with the help of an analysis of ideas along with different types of analytic tools such as ideal types and the concept of hegemony. The research question to be answered is that how one can describe the emerging of the neoliberal hegemony in Sweden, which then naturally also makes this thesis

When the victim becomes the offender? - A discourse analysis of victim blaming regarding rape

In 2014, a man was accused of raping a woman but was acquitted despite the fact that the woman said “no” and “stop”. He claimed to have thought that it was part of dominant sex games and by that, assumed she liked it. That the man was acquitted, even though the court ruling concluded that the woman had been forced to sexual intercourse, can be a result of a process of victim blaming; a process whe

Vi lever inte som människor här. Svenska kommuners hantering av oetablerade EU-migranter

The migration policy of the EU has often been described with the metaphor fortress Europe: militarized external borders to avoid safety threats, disguising the purpose to exclude poor and uneducated migrants. But what happen if the unwanted migrants the borders are supposed to prevent from reaching European territory are already European citizens? Recent years, poor EU-migrants begging for money i

Folkstyre Genom Folket, För Folket - Frågan om demokratin i den Europeiska unionen

Den europeiska unionen tampas med låg folklig legitimitet, och hävdar många politiska bedömare, ett demokratiskt underskott. I det förhandenvarande arbetet, som är av normativ karaktär, tar sig författaren an detta ämne utifrån ett deltagardemokratiskt perspektiv, vilket han polemiserar mot ett elitdemokratiskt. Dessa demokratimodellers relationer till republikanismen och liberalismen redogörs där

Poverty and Social Exclusion Target. Europe 2020 Strategy Too Much Actor Diversity For Consensus?

The purpose of this thesis is to question the cause of the lack of consensus surrounding Europe 2020s poverty and social exclusion target – to lift 20 million people out of poverty and social exclusion. The target was a major development for the European Union’s social dimension. Even so, it did not come easily, with divides over the existence and measurement of such a target. The Commission propo

Institutioners betydelse för sociala normer och god samhällsstyrning- en fallstudie av Rwandas framgångar i korruptionsbekämpningen

This thesis deals with the significance of institutional structures and their outcomes when combating corruption. It investigates Rwanda's outstanding progress in implementing anti-corruption policies and building strong institutions to fight corruption. Concepts such as the quality of government and good governance has been used to explain the country’s success within the anti-corruption fram

Shedding light on the European social dialogue’s “shadow of hierarchy” – a proposal for a model explaining the shadow of hierarchy’s influence on the content of Commission-initiated and Council-implemented collective agreements concluded by European social partners

In scholarly literature, it is widely acknowledged that ‘the shadow of hierarchy’, hence the threat of disadvantageous Community legislation, is an important con-cept in European social dialogue (ESD), where European social partners – that is organised labour and management – are given the chance to negotiate binding agreements on some aspects of European labour and social policy. While the shadow

Reforming the European Union’s Common Fisheries Policy: Why was there a successful reform of the Common Fisheries Policy possible in 2013, after years of ineffective policy and unsuccessful attempts at reforms?

In January 2014 a reformed CFP came into force in the EU. The reformed policy tackled many of the policy field’s troubled areas and offered realistic solutions for elements of the policy which had been criticised for years by academics, stakeholders and even EU institutions. The purpose of this thesis is to explain how the reformed policy came about and in doing so it adopts a case study design wh

Europeisk identitet, ett val?

This thesis examines the possibility of a connection between perceived European identity in the member states, and turnout in the 2009 European parliament. Through identifying what constitutes a European identity and then applying this definition to a survey regarding geographical identity by the EVS and the 2009 election turnout. Due to lack of significance no correlation could be found between

Vem i hela världen kan man lita på? En fallstudie om utrikespolitiska vallöften

This study examines election promises in order to analyze what determines whether politicians can fulfill their campaign promises or not. The study hence makes a contribution to the scarce literature in the area. During the 2008 Presidential campaign, Barack Obama promised to bring the troops home from Iraq and shut down the Guantánamo bay. This study tries to answer why only one of these election

UN's (in)consistency on gender?

The development discourse on the international agenda is currently dominated by the MDGs and the SDGs, which is why it is important to analyze them. In this thesis my main purpose was to understand whether there were any changes within the discourses of the criticism on the different development goals, when using a postcolonial feminist theory. I chose to study this criticism in order to understan