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Populism in the Media Representation of UKIP

Populism is a phenomenon gaining popularity throughout Europe and has been enhanced by the current economic crisis. The aim of this thesis is to examine the image of the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) in the media and analyse whether it can be qualified as populist. I have included an overview of previous researcher on populism, in order to define it. In addition to the theories of knowl

Brothers without Arms: Explaining Iceland’s Participation in European Union CSDP Operations

A number of non-EU members – or third states – have chosen to participate in EU CSDP operations. This thesis seeks to answer why one of them, Iceland, has chosen to do so despite not being a member of the Union and not having any armed forces which are traditionally used in such activities. States have various motivations for participating in international crisis management operations and the same

Kan den nyliberala bostadspolitiska vågen rättfärdigas?

The purpose of this thesis has been to seek, by political theoretical discussion, an effective norm or standard with to evaluate three critical neoliberal reforms in recent Swedish housing policy. By discussing the theories of what the government can and should do, 6 normative principles are formed to evaluate these neoliberal reforms. The three neoliberal reforms that are evaluated is: Marketisat

Folkets röst skapar olika ekon: Det kommunala folkinitiativet

In this paper two cases of local public initiatives have been compared. The cases, taking place in municipalities outside Stockholm with political and socio-economical similarities, turned out in two very different ways. The purpose of this paper has been to find out why that was. Institutional theories combined with theories of political adaptation were used. As a source of data, a total of nine

Spårvagnssällskapet: En studie av nätverket bakom spårvagnsprojektet i Lund

This thesis examines the relationship between experts and democracy in a specific case, the project of establishing a tramcar route from the central station in Lund to the northeast part of the city. The theoretical approach stems from the concept of networks and potential clashes in the relation between experts and democratic values. An examination has been done of 25 documents concerning the inv

CSR och demokratisering - En studie av H&M:s CSR-arbete

This thesis examines how Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be used as a tool to influence democratization and democratic norms. In a globalized world where companies nowadays can differentiate their production and sale by outsourcing their production in a country where labor is cheaper, followed by higher demands on the transnational companies set by the surroundings, however, resulted in

Fideikommiss- fördelaktigt eller förödande? En studie av rättsutvecklingen gällande fideikommiss under 1800-talet

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda när och av vilken orsak som lagstiftningen gällande fideikommiss förändrades under 1800-talet. Förändringarna skedde under två perioder. Först i början av 1800-talet när 1810 års förordning innehållandes ett förbud mot instiftande av nya fideikommiss kom. Sedan i slutet av 1800-talet när de befintliga fideikommissen stod i fokus. Den senare perioden ledde doc

Consociational democracy as a tool for conflict resolution in plural societies

The fragmentation of the Turkish society into religious, ethnic and ideological cleavages, as a result of a series of historical events, has led to armed conflicts and a series of military coups, claiming the life of thousands throughout history. Suffering from a democratic deficit, the Turkish state has repeatedly failed to create a system of democratic institutions that accommodates the interest

Svensk hotbild - en metaanalys av Försvarsberedningens rapporter

During the last fifteen years the world has developed sufficiently and therefore has changed radically. As a result of globalisation and the technical development new threats and challenges has emerged. As a result of this, the security policy has also changed. In this thesis I have studied Försvarsberedningens reports from 1998 to 2013, with the purpose of describing the change in threats and the

Quantitative Impact Studies - A Pluralist Process?

This study focuses on the implementation of the Solvency II directive, a very important policy for the insurance community in the European Union. Results from surveys included in the implementation process show that the process implied certain aspects which cannot be prescribed to the pluralist democracy that usually describes the European policy process. In order to analyze this process the

Agila avtal - en främmande fågel för dagens avtalsrätt?

Agila avtal är ett förhållandevis nytt fenomen och uppmärksammat begrepp. Fenomenet härstammar ursprungligen från ett agilt arbetssätt, som är särskilt utbrett inom IT-branschen. Traditionella avtal är upprättade utifrån förutsättningen att parterna redan vid avtalstillfället vet vad som ska levereras, när och hur. Det uppställs en uttömmande kravspecifikation vid projektets början. I ett agilt Agile contracts are a relatively new phenomenon that has gained increased recognition. This phenomenon originates from an agile approach, which is particularly widespread in the IT industry. Traditional contracts are based on a situation where the parties know what they need before the project starts. The requirements are set out comprehensively at the outset of the project. In an agile contract,

A Case Study Research of Power Relations within Policy Implementation for the Intellectually Disabled in Greece: Focusing on the Training Centers (2008-2013)

Greece in a period of financial crisis (2008-2013) is questioning the success of its policy implementation. The training centers for the intellectually disabled, as implementers of policies and programs on a national and European level, also question that success. Using Foucault’s concept of power relations within society, it is aimed to find whether policies and programmes for the intellectually

Financial Bootstrapping in IT companies: a study of motives for bootstrapping finance in software development firms

Sufficient access to financial resources is important in sustaining a business especially in the early phases. First years in business development are very critical since owners learn by doing mistakes in order to get a proof of concept of the business idea. Being aware of this fact, external financial institutions try to avoid taking part in highly risky endeavours. Although there are financial o

Svenska domstolars hållning till förhandsavgörande av EU-domstolen och enskilds rättigheter

Enligt artikel 267 FEUF har nationella domstolar mot vars avgöranden det inte finns något rättsmedel enligt nationell rätt en skyldighet att begära förhandsavgörande från Europadomstolen, förutsatt att det i det förevarande målet uppkommer fråga om tolkning av fördragen eller tolkning samt giltighet av rättsakt från någon av unionens institutioner, organ eller agenter. Frågans besvarande måste var

Growing through the Cracks - A multi-case study of two alternative food networks in Cluj-Napoca, Romania

As a response to limitations of the conventional food system, alternative food networks such as community supported agriculture and direct selling box schemes have emerged in Romania, involving close producer-consumer connections and an emphasis on local and organic produce. Through a multi-case study of two such networks in the city of Cluj-Napoca, their contribution to the establishment of a sus


Abstract Today large amounts of macadam are being delivered for the production of asphalt. One of the requirements of the material that´s being used is the adhesion. The adhesion is essential for the performance of the coating. It minimizes the risk of stone chips and makes the construction of the pavement stronger etc. Several studies have been made using the Roller bottle method. The results sho

Renovering av industrilokaler - En uppföljning av SVT-huset i Malmö

Title: An analysis of the planning for the SVT-office in Malmö. Authors: Christoffer Johannson & Viktor Kjellman Mentor: Petter Wallentén & Tobias Laursen, Tyréns Examiner: Kaisa Svennberg Problem statement: What where the consequences of the planning that where made before the renovation of the building that today host the SVT-office? What are the following results due to energy consumpti

Här är du inte osynlig, vi ser dig - En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers möte med papperslösa barn i den svenska skolan

The purpose of this project was to study the interaction which takes place between school counselors and undocumented children in the Swedish school system. Qualitative interviews with seven school counselors have been conducted to highlight their experiences of working with children who find themselves inside the society's geographical boundaries, yet with limited civil rights. The theoretica

U-Pb baddeleyite geochronology and geochemistry of the White Mfolozi Dyke Swarm : unravelling the complexities of 2.70-2.66 Ga dyke swarms on the eastern Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa

Den östra delen av Kaapvaalkratonen i södra Afrika är rikt på flera generationer av mafiska gångar med olika riktningar. Där finns tre gångsvärmar som tidigare undersökts och som tillsammans bildar ett radierande mönster med ett gemensamt fokus i Bushveld-komplexets östra del. De nordostliga och ostliga grenarna av denna svärm består av diabasgångar som blivit daterade till ca 2660, 2685 och 2700 Numerous mafic dykes of different generations and trends intrude the eastern part of the Kaapvaal Cra-ton. On eastern Kaapvaal, there are three previously investigated dyke swarms that appear to radiate out from the eastern lobe of the Bushveld Complex. The NE- and E trending branches comprise dykes dated at ca. 2660 Ma, 2685 Ma and 2700 Ma (Olsson et al. 2011). Further south, a NE-trending swarm,

Ungdomars situationsspecifika självförtroende att övervinna hinder för fysisk aktivitet: En mixad studie

Trots de kända hälsofördelarna med fysisk aktivitet, minskar den fysiska aktivitetsnivån när ungdomar når de högre tonåren, och det finns en skillnad mellan unga kvinnor och mäns fysiska aktivitetsnivå som bör uppmärksammas. Upplevda hinder såväl som ungdomars situationsspecifika självförtroende att övervinna dessa hinder är två av de starkaste prediktorerna för fysisk aktivitet, och därmed av stoGiven the known health benefits of physical activity (PA), the decreasing levels of PA during adolescence and differences in PA levels between young males and females are causes of concern. Perceived barriers towards physical activity as well as the adolescents‟ self-efficacy to overcome those barriers are two of the strongest predictors for PA, thus of major importance when investigating how to i