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“Det är som att gå till ICA i charkdisken” En reflexiv tematisk analys om patient- och anhörigorganisationers bild av bemötandebrister i svensk vuxenpsykiatri

Den här studien var en del av forskningsprojektet “Bemötandebrister i vuxenpsykiatrisk vård” vid Lunds universitet. Frågeställningen var “Vilken bild har representanter för patient- och anhörigorganisationer av bemötandebrister i svensk vuxenpsykiatri, baserat på medlemmarnas erfarenheter?”. Två fokusgrupper, med sju representanter för olika svenska patient- och anhörigorganisationer, genomfördes.This study was part of the research project “Violations* in adult psychiatric care” at Lund University. The research question was “What is the view, held by patient organizations, of violations* within Swedish adult psychiatry, based on their members’ experiences?”. Two focus groups were conducted with a total number of seven representatives from different Swedish patients’ organizations. The data

"Hela livet kopplar ju ner"

“Hela livet kopplar ju ner” - En reflexiv tematisk analys av mammors erfarenheter av att ha ett barn med postinfektiöst tillstånd Föräldrar med långvarigt sjuka barn uppvisar sämre psykisk hälsa och större risk för utmattning än föräldrar med friska barn, däremot saknas kunskap om erfarenheter hos föräldrar till barn med postinfektiösa tillstånd som postcovid, myalgisk encefalomyelit/’chronic fat“Life comes to a halt” A reflexive thematic analysis of mothers’ experiences of having a child with post-infectious syndrome Parents with chronically ill children exhibit worse mental health and greater risk för burnout than parents with healthy children, however there is lacking knowledge of experiences of parents to children with post-infectious syndrome such as post covid, myalgic encephalomye

"Vi behöver lära oss att reflektera om normer" - En reflexiv tematisk analys om antidiskrimineringsexperters erfarenheter av att arbeta hälsofrämjande för hbtqi-personer på arbetsplatsen

Forskning visar att hbtqi-personer har en sämre psykisk hälsa än övriga befolkningen. Arbetsplatsen är en kontext där hbtqi-personer ofta utsätts för diskriminering och upplever minoritetsstress. Samtidigt kan arbetsplatsen utgöra en viktig del av människors liv och ha en skyddande effekt mot psykisk ohälsa. Främjande av en god arbetsmiljö kan därför vara en viktig faktor för hbtqi-personers hälsaResearch shows that people within the LGBTQI-community have poorer mental health compared to the general population. The workplace is an area where LGBTQI-people are at risk of being exposed to discrimination and minority stress. The workplace can, however, also be seen as an integral part of people’s lives and act as a protective factor against mental health issues. The promotion of a healthy wor

Stay a while...: Redesigning the built city center of Burghausen to prioritize the pedestrian

Throughout the past, cities have been designed so that cars have become the centre of the streetscape, and pedestrians have come second. This led to wide streets, street parking, and smaller city sidewalks. However, pedestrians are the ones who bring life and movement to a street or square. Currently, more municipalities want to shift their focus to the centre of their cities and reduce access (d‘

Potentialen för återbruk av murtegel från olika tidsepoker

The construction sector is responsible for around 40 % of all generated waste in Sweden and is also responsible for around 21-22 % of all carbon emissions. In a sector that is responsible for a substantial part of Sweden’s climate footprint, it’s important to find solutions to the negative effects towards the climate. Much of the generated waste comes from building and demolition waste which ends

Personalens välmående inom SiS-hem - ett chefsperspektiv

The purpose of this study was to analyze how people in leadership positions perceive the impact of client-centered work on employees’ well-being at SiS residential homes, which are operated by the Swedish National Board of Institutional Care, and to further investigate how managers work preventively for the employees’ health. The study was based on eight semi-structured interviews with questions r

Nyttan av markförlagd ventilation i svenska byggnader

Bakgrund: För att nå samhällets satta klimatmål behöver energiförbrukningen sänkas. Målet genererar ett behov att utforska nya energieffektivare ventilationslösningar. Ett alternativ är att använda markförlagd ventilation som är en mer etablerad teknik i varmare klimat och nyttan med ett sådant system i svenskt klimat behöver därför undersökas. Systemets fördelar och problematik behöver utredas saOur society needs to lower emissions and energy consumption to reach the global climate goals. One way to regulate the energy consumption in buildings is by improving HVAC installations, which makes it relevant to find new ventilation solutions with a low climate footprint. A solution frequently used in hotter climates but relatively new in Sweden is EAHE-systems (Earth-Air Heat exchangers). This

Symbolisk handling eller faktisk skillnad? En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av domar gällande hur lagändringen lex Lilla hjärtat påverkat barns rättigheter vid upphörande av vård enligt 2 § LVU.

The legal case known as “Lilla hjärtat” became a widely discussed case in Sweden, where the debate about the best interest of the child was reborn. The case later led to the change in the law we know today as “lex Lilla hjärtat”. However, it has been revealed in new inspections that there are still faults regarding the child rights perspective in child protective work. The aim of the study was the

PIM Characterization of 3D-printed RF Components

I dagens globala samhälle finns en växande efterfrågan på trådlös kommunikation. För att möta denna efterfrågan behöver kommunikationssystemen utvecklas, till exempel genom att använda högre frekvenser som i 5G, öka antalet användare som kan använda systemet samtidigt eller använda större antennsystem. Detta ökar dock risken för störningar mellan användares kommunikationslänkar, vilket leder till As two signals of different frequencies pass through a nonlinear element, they mix and create unwanted spurious signals. This intermodulation phenomenon is well studied for active components but can also occur from the material in passive components and is then called passive intermodulation (PIM). The PIM energy levels are a concern when designing communication technology, especially satellites,

Tillgänglighet i informationssystem inom offentlig sektor

I takt med att personer med funktionsnedsättningar och variationer ökar blir tillgänglighet i digitala system och miljöer allt viktigare. Lagen om tillgänglighet till digital offentlig service trädde i kraft 2019 och ställer tillgänglighetskrav på informationssystem och digitala tjänster inom den offentliga sektorn. Långt ifrån alla myndigheter och offentliga institutioner lever upp till dessa kra

Kan storleksvägledande AI-tjänster minska online-klädmarknadens returer?

Idag finns konsumtionsbeteenden och normer som uppmuntrar oss att köpa och returnera så mycket kläder vi vill. Både produktion- och konsumtion influeras av den så kallade fastfashion-modellen som leder till massproduktion och överkonsumtion av kläder. Idag har modebranschen den snabbast växande e-handelssektorn i världen. Baksidan av e-handelns framväxt är att returer av kläder har blivit alltmer Due to the growing e-commerce volumes, product returns have become an increasingly important issue within the fashion industry. About 70 % of all returns are caused by poor fit or size. Therefore, there is a need to improve fit and size information online to decrease the rate of returns. In recent years, there has been an increased interest for implementing AI solutions to improve consumer informa

Harnessing Artificial Intelligence for Project Management Efficiency

Förevarande uppsats undersöker och analyserar hur artificiell intelligens (AI) kan implementeras i projektledning genom en process i två steg. Inledningsvis utvecklas ett ramverk för att identifiera och prioritera områden inom projektledning där AI kan förbättra det dagliga arbetet. Detta ramverk skapades baserat på en omfattande litteraturstudie, där befintliga ramverk anpassades till de specifikThis thesis investigates and analyzes how to implement Artificial Intelligence (AI) into project management, addressing the process through a two-step approach. Initially, a framework is developed to identify and prioritize project management areas where AI can enhance operations. This framework was constructed based on a comprehensive literature review, adapting existing frameworks to the specifi

Professional identity: The identification and self-perceptions of organisational social media workers

Social media workers have become an important communication profession within the organisational context. However, workers behind organisational social media accounts remain understudied. This study problematises the limited emphasis of existing research on the self-perceptions of communication practitioners and introduces the perspective of social media workers. The purpose of this study is to ex

Brand Identity Negotiation in Mediated B2B Relationships: The Co-Creative Role of Dealers. Comparative Case Study.

This study explores the dynamics of brand identity co-creation within business-to-business (B2B) contexts, focusing particularly on the role of dealers as intermediaries between suppliers and end customers. Drawing on the Communicative Constitution of Organizations (CCO) framework and Social Identity Theory (SIT), this research examines how dealers self-identify with the supplier’s brand identity,

“Am I being monitored?” A critical study of communication visibility on social collaboration tools in the modern workplace

Social collaboration tools, such as Slack and Microsoft Teams, are highly appreciated in the modern workplace due to their enabling of efficient communication and collaboration. Research highlight that the tools are making communication more visible, which is said to increase collaboration, productivity, and knowledge-sharing between organizational members. This thesis problematizes the lack of pr

Changing Lands: The Impact of Urbanization Processes on Agricultural Land Losses in Seminyak and Legian, Bali, Indonesia

Attracting tourists from all over the world throughout the year, the flourishing of mass tourism in Bali has been perpetual for the last few decades. As both domestic and international tourists increase over time, the demand for built-up areas increases accordingly, which has caused urban expansion exploiting vegetated areas, especially agricultural lands. Consequently, this tourism-led urbanizati


This thesis is a comparison analysis of two Nordic monastic sites -Naantali, located in Finland and Skriðuklaustur, located in Iceland- and three medieval herbals -Läkebok nr 4, Läkebok nr5 and AM 434a 12mo- from the same region. The objective is to examine the interlink between medicinal plants found in the different sources. To provide context to the analysis, the thesis first discussed medieval