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Joseph Beuys och sökandet efter den egentliga livskraften

The study presents an ideational background for interpretations of some central works by Joseph Beuys (192I-1986): "Badewanne/Bath Tub" (1960), "Gemeinschaftspaten/Communion Spade" (1964), "Das Rudel/The Pack" (1969), "Aktion im Moor/Moss Action" (1971), "Zeige deine Wunde/Show Your Wounds" (1976), "grosser ausgesogener Liegender im Jenseits wollend Gestrechter"/approximately “big gaunt reclining

Counting the minutes - Measuring truck driver time efficiency

The performance of truck drivers is crucial to the sustainability, in particular profitability, of motor carrier operations. Despite this, driver efficiency has received scarce attention in the transport and logistics literature. While the literature has focused on mathematical optimization, generic logistics frameworks and conceptual technology applications, measurement of drivers’ efficiency has

R&D, International Spillovers and Productivity Growth

The study deals with R&D, international spillovers and productivity growth. More specifically the first issue we look at is whether R&D spillovers are transferred across different industries and countries. The effect of R&D conducted within the industry, as will as in other industries and countries, on productivity growth are examined. The second issue concerns what channels and factor

Historien är närvarande : historiedidaktik som teori och tillämpning

I denna antologi behandlas historiedidaktiska och historiekulturella teorier och begrepp. En annan aspekt är hur historia kommer till uttryck i film, fotografi, monument, musik och andra historiekulturella yttringar. Dessutom analyseras den historiska berättelsens teori och praktik, historieämnets styrdokument samt progression och nationella prov.

Äldre personers rätt till omvårdnad - Behov, kompetenser, myter och evidens

År 2030 beräknas var fjärde person i Sverige vara 65 år eller äldre. Detta ställer stora krav på kunskapen om åldrandet och åldrandets sjukdomar och omvårdnad av äldre personer – i synnerhet när det gäller de allra äldsta. Äldre personer som bor på särskilda boenden är ofta multisjuka eller har nedsatt beslutsförmåga, i huvudsak till följd av demenssjukdom. De finns i dag goda kunskapsunderlag so

Optimisation and Application of Intense High-Order Harmonic Pulses

The high-order harmonics that are created in the interaction between an intense laser pulse (around 1014 W/cm2) and a gas medium are studied. The high-order harmonic radiation is a relatively new source of coherent radiation in the short wavelength range. The high-order harmonics are interesting for applications because of their good spatial and temporal coherence, their short pulse duration and t

Artificial Neural Networks for Diagnoses of Dysfunctions in Urology

In this article we evaluate the work out of artificial neural networks as tools for helping and support in the medical diagnosis. In particular we compare the usability of one supervised and two unsupervised neural network architectures for medical diagnoses of lower urinary tract dysfunctions. The purpose is to develop a system that aid urologists in obtaining diagnoses, which will yield improved

Design of highly-parallel, 2.2Gbps throughput signal detector for MIMO systems

This paper presents a field-programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation of a new multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) signal detection algorithm applicable to ultra-high throughput MIMO communication systems. The algorithm simplifies the computation significantly compared to traditional K-Best algorithm, and with negligible bit error ratio (BER) degradation. A highly-parallel structure is imple