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Performance of Smoothing Methods for Reconstructing NDVI Time-Series and Estimating Vegetation Phenology from MODIS Data

Many time-series smoothing methods can be used for reducing noise and extracting plant phenological parameters from remotely-sensed data, but there is still no conclusive evidence in favor of one method over others. Here we use moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS) derived normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) to investigate five smoothing methods: Savitzky-Golay fitting (S

Search for top quark decays t → qH, with H → γγ, in √s=13 TeV pp collisions using the ATLAS detector

This article presents a search for flavour-changing neutral currents in the decay of a top quark into an up-type (q = c, u) quark and a Higgs boson, where the Higgs boson decays into two photons. The proton-proton collision data set analysed amounts to 36.1 fb−1 at s=13 TeV collected by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. Top quark pair events are searched for, where one top quark decays into qH and

Prevalence of IgA-antiendomysium and IgA-antigliadin autoantibodies at diagnosis of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in Swedish children and adolescents

Objective. This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of celiac disease (CD) in children and adolescents at diagnosis of insulin- dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM) before insulin treatment was started. Material and Methods. At diagnosis of IDDM, and before treatment was started, 115 children and adolescents were screened for IgA-antiendomysium (EMA) and IgA-antigliadin antibodies (AGA

A parametric study of hydrodynamic cavitation inside globe valves

Hydrodynamic cavitation that occurs inside valves not only increases the energy consumption burden of the whole piping system but also leads to severe damages to the valve body and the piping system with a large economic loss. In this paper, in order to reduce the hydrodynamic cavitation inside globe valves, effects of valve body geometrical parameters including bending radius, deviation distance,

Self-identified thermal comfort zone and perceived climate changes: a questionnaire study in temperate, tropical and cold climates

The present study was conducted to explore self-identified thermal comfort zone and the perceived climate changes of indigenes who live in temperate, tropical and cold climates. A questionnaire study was carried out in the following seven countries: Mongol (Bsk by Köppen’s climate classification), Sweden (Cfb), Korea (Dwa), Japan (Cfa), Fiji (Af), Indonesia (Af), and Malaysia (Af). A total of 125

Acoustic separation of bacteria from blood cells at high cell concentrations enabled by acoustic impedance matched buffers

We have developed a method to separate bacteria from red and white blood cells (henceforth collectively called blood cells) using acoustophoresis, for subsequent PCR detection. To maximize throughput, we have now investigated the effect of increased cell concentration on the separation. Increasing the blood concentration drastically decreases bacteria recovery, but we show that this can be remedie

Self-Scanning and Self-Control: A Field Experiment on Real-Time Feedback and Shopping Behavior

Payment and checkout at retail stores is increasingly being replaced by automated systems. One recent technological invention in this area is mobile self-scanning in which customers carry a mobile scanner while shopping. Mobile self-scanners give real-time feedback on spending. The device increases price saliency and enables customers to keep track of the total amount spent. Using a field experime

Electrophoresis microchip with integrated waveguides for simultaneous native UV fluorescence and absorbance detection

Simultaneous label-free detection of UV absorbance and native UV-excited fluorescence in an electrophoresis microchip is presented. UV transparent integrated waveguides launch light at a wavelength of 254 nm from a mercury lamp along the length of a 1-mm long detection cell. Transmitted UV light is collected by another waveguide in the opposite end of the detection cell, while visible fluorescence

Curse or Blessing? Chinese Academic Responses to China’s PISA Performance

This chapter will look at the academic responses to China’s PISA performance as articulated in Chinese academic journals and educational newspapers. These responses belong largely to four different types: (i) Learning from PISA and its implications for assessing educational quality; (ii) establishing China as an educational role model; (iii) contrasting the Chinese system’s exam-efficiency with in

The effects of multiple stressors on the distribution of coastal benthic foraminifera : A case study from the Skagerrak-Baltic Sea region

Coastal ecosystems are subjected to both large natural variability and increasing anthropogenic impact on environmental parameters such as changes in salinity, temperature, and pH. This study documents the distribution of living benthic foraminifera under the influence of multiple environmental stressors in the Skagerrak-Baltic Sea region. Sediment core tops were studied at five sites along a tran

Isolation and characterization of a respirable particle fraction from residential house-dust

Indoor air pollution has caused increasing concern in recent years. As we spend most of our lives indoors, it is crucial to understand the health effects caused by indoor air pollution. Household dust serve as good proxy for accessing indoor air pollution, especially smaller dust particles that can pass into the lungs are of interest. In this study we present an efficient method for the isolation

Measurement of the cross-section for electroweak production of dijets in association with a Z boson in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

The cross-section for the production of two jets in association with a leptonically decaying Z boson (Zjj) is measured in proton–proton collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, using data recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb−1. The electroweak Zjj cross-section is extracted in a fiducial region chosen to enhance