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Your search for "*" yielded 530155 hits

Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and the Banking Industry - Exploring the Scale of Interdependency and Potential Risks

Biodiversity loss and ecosystem service (BES) degradation are translating into different risks for financial institutions which are not accounted for in a sufficient and adequate manner. Being a topic outside its core expertise and foci, the financial sector is lacking assessment methodologies for BES risks. Therefore, the European financial sector is lacking up-to-date estimations on the scale of

Evaluation of COVID-19 containment measures in Spain

In the new normality brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, most governments have to adopt containment measures in order to control the spread of the virus. This paper addresses the adequacy and effectiveness of containment measures implemented by the 19 dierent autonomous regions in which Spain is subdivided. The study focuses on the heterogeneity and lack of simultaneity of measures applied by the re

Should David Armstrong be a Dispositionalist? An Indirect Defense of Powerful Properties

A well-known debate among proponents of natural properties concerns the very nature of such properties. On one extreme, known as Dispositionalism (or the ‘powers’ view), the essence of a property is given by the nomological or causal role(s) it plays. Properties are powers, existentially exhausted by how they affect the actual and potential behavior of their instances. On the other, known as Categ

Är kundorientering, service och kompetens räddningen för fysisk handel? En kvalitativ studie av de svenska sporthandlarnas strategier för att bevara sina fysiska butiker

Bakgrund och problemformulering: Digitaliseringen har förändrat förutsättningarna för alla detaljhandlare och då även för sporthandlarna. Detta påverkar arbetarnas roll i den fysiska butiken samt vad som krävs av företaget för att fortfarande hålla sig konkurrenskraftiga. Det finns inte fördjupade studier på sportbutiker och avsaknaden finns i hur företagen och framförallt personalen arbetar med k

State Obligations And Challenges In Protecting Female Victims Of Domestic Violence With Special Reference To Istanbul Convention

This study explores the boundary of due diligence as state obligations in dealing with domestic violence mainly based on the formulation and application of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (the Istanbul Convention). It compares Istanbul convention which exclusively aims at protecting female victims against all forms of violen

Efficiency and planning in the Swedish healthcare system – and design of a digital scheduling tool

The Swedish regions struggle with resource utilization issues that threaten the ability to provide timely and efficient healthcare to the citizens. This study aims to investigate and map the current production, planning, and scheduling processes within the Swedish healthcare, as well as develop a digital solution. This is done through a user-centered design process, with the goal of designing a d

“The difficulty seems to be making them more inclusive, rather than the fans” A Critical Analysis of UEFA’s regulation on political messages and symbols

In football, as well as in most sports, the question about politics being within it are highly debated. Questions related to nationalism, homophobia, racism, and sexism are all seen as permeating the sport. This is simultaneously topics that is facing resistance, especially through anti-racism-, and pro-LGBTQ+ campaigns. Although, the question remains, and football organisations are trying to deal

Simple mechanisms - and how to use them

Simple machines can be regarded as the elementary “building blocks” of which all more complicated machines are composed” The future is looking uncertain nowadays, and the fragility of our highly specialized society is becoming more apparent. What if your wind generator breaks down? What if you need to clear a road from fallen trees after a storm? Would you even know how to do that? How would yo

Hur många händer kan en undersköterska ha? - En studie om undersköterskors arbetsvillkor och arbetsmiljö inom hemtjänsten under Coronapandemin

This master´s thesis examines the working conditions and working environment of assistant nurses within the home care service of the elderly during and before the Coronavirus pandemic in Sweden. Before the pandemic studies showed that care work performed by assistant nurses lack recognition of how hard and heavy their work is and at the same time that their wages are low in relation to other occup

New Life Old Fire Station Gåsebäck, Helsingborg

So, what does a new life for the old fire station mean? It means that it is possible for a new generation to utilize the Gåsebäck landmark and historical building. The building should be attractive for the investors, for the city, and its inhabitants. The provided opportunities for the development of the building could be considered as a temporary solution for maintaining the history of the Gåsebä

"Jag förstår ordet genom exempelmeningen": Svenska som andraspråksinlärares strategier i mötet med okända ord – användning av kontextuella ledtrådar och ordbok

Ämnet för uppsatsen är strategier för receptiv ordförståelse med fokus på gissningsstrategier, mer specifikt kontextuella ledtrådar. Även strategin att använda ordbok tas upp. Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilken effekt användning av kontextuella ledtrådar och användning av ordbok har för att svenska som andraspråksinlärare ska kunna sluta sig till betydelsen av ett okänt ord. Undersökni

Next generation rear axle assembly - A case study of Scania CV AB

Title: Next generation rear axle assembly - A case study at Scania Authors: Richard Andrae & William Bergmark Background: Following the development of industry 4.0, new production technologies enabling more efficient assembly processes constantly evolve. Scania is a leading manufacturer of trucks in Sweden, offering a wide product portfolio and the possibility for their customers to customize

Environmental Sustainability of the Digitalized Food Supply Chains in Indonesia

Background: Today, the environmental challenge presents a growing concern for the food supply chains around the world; and developing countries in particular, suffer from it. UN Global Compact has defined environmental sustainability as dealing with three main environmental challenges: climate change, water and sanitation, and food and agriculture. Digital tools have disruptive potential, especial

The Effects of Quinoa milk Fermented with Lactic Acid Bacteria on Gut Microbiota

The request for alternatives to dairy products have increased for some years now. This has led to an increase of different kinds of vegetable milks and yoghurts on the market. Quinoa is a herb from South America and due to the versatility of this herb and its exceptional nutritional value it is an excellent example on functional food with health effects that is induced from all the active compound

Audio Detection for Preparation of Video Rate Controller

Ljudbaserat varningsystem för videoströmning En kamera som observerar samma scen under en period utnyttjar att scenen inte förändras. Detta gör att kameran kan komma undan med att producera en relativt liten mängd data med fortsatt hög kvalitet. Men när förändringar sker i scenen så går det inte att utnyttja likheter mellan bilder på samma sätt. Med begränsning på hur mycket data kameran får prodModern video streaming may use the protocol H.264 to encode video in high quality. The protocol takes advantage of similarities between consecutive frames to lower the bit rate. If there are differences between frames the bit rate will therefore rise. To control the fluctuations in bit rate a rate controller (RC) can be used together with the encoder. The RC manages the quantisation levels of the

Genomics-driven discovery of novel drug leads in underexplored microorganisms

Underexplored Gram (-) bacteria as a new source of natural products. Microorganisms produce an impressive array of structurally diverse and complex natural products with industrially-important properties. Microbial natural products therefore continue to be an important source of clinical drug candidates. While natural products from a few soil Gram (+) bacteria, together with their biosynthetic pa

The Good, The Bad and the Socially Responsible: Managing a Brand Reputation Crisis After being Cancelled

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the concepts of brand integrity, brand reputation, brand crisis management and communication strategies used by brands to combat the cancel culture setting. This exploratory study may also aid marketing practitioners in developing appropriate crisis management strategies in response to such a crisis. Research Question: what is the relationship b

Physiological consequences of growing up during a heatwave

Fysiologiska effekter av att växa upp under en värmebölja Med klimatförändringarna kommer en ökning av antalet värmeböljor. Det påverkar djur på olika sätt. Hos fåglar kan förändringen i temperatur under utvecklingen påverka tillväxt, ämnesomsättning och temperaturtolerans hos ungarna. Vi vet inte så mycket om hur dessa effekter stannar kvar till vuxen ålder. Detta är viktigt för att förstå effekWith a changing climate comes warmer periods all around the year and an increase in the frequency of heatwaves. This affects animals in different ways. In birds, changes in environmental temperature during the developmental period before or after hatching, which is expected during heatwaves, can directly affect growth, metabolism and temperature tolerance of the offspring. We know little about how

The Sustainability Dance: Evaluating Perceptions on Sustainability within Europe’s Electronic Dance Music Sector

Cultural sectors increasingly constitute a larger part of any country’s economy and as such, should be included into sustainability research and analysis. A rapidly growing industry within the cultural sector, this paper examines Europe’s electronic dance music sector as a case study. 13 actors from the sector were interviewed to determine the extent of sustainability’s integration into the norms