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The Challenges of Globalisation to Education in Thailand: A Case Study of Socially Engaged Buddhism

The purpose of the study was to explore how the challenges from globalisation impact to education in Thailand. The study will scrutinise the consequences of the processes of globalisation in the scope of international media, political, social and economic crisis and look at how this consequences have impact on the education in Thailand focusing on the 1999 National Education Act. Müller’s theory (

Theory of Time-Dependent Transport and Levitons in Nanowires

Levitoner är en typ av strömpulser i metaller och halvledarmaterial som beter sig precis som enskilda elektroner i rörelse.Genom dator simuleringarhar jag studerat hur levitoner uppför sig när de stöter på hinder i sin färdväg. Resultatet av dessa simuleringar indikerar att levitoner behåller sina elektronlika egenskaper även efter att de har passerat genom ett hinder.An interesting type of quasi-particles in solid-state materials are the so-called levitons. These are single- electron excitations above the Fermi-level that do not produce any hole states when carrying an integer multiple of the elementary charge. Levitons are produced when a quantum conductor is subjected to a time-dependent voltage pulse with a Lorentzian shape. The parameters of the voltage pu

Has Risk Capital Increased Airlines Capabilities to Respond to Crisis

Purpose: This paper aims to empirically investigate if pre-pandemic risk-capital was able to mitigate the negative impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employees and investments in the airline industry Method: The base econometric methodology used is multiple regression analysis with the four risk capitals interacting with a dummy variable for the year 2020 when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. Theory: Th

Hur kan Sveriges lösa sitt ‘e-waste problem’? En litteraturstudie om Sveriges system för insamling av smått avfall från elektronisk och elektrisk utrustning (sWEEE)

Studien ämnar bidra till den existerande kunskapen om avfallshantering genom att undersöka Sveriges system för insamling av smått avfall från elektronisk och elektrisk utrustning (sWEEE) samt identifiera förslag för en ökad insamlingsgrad. sWEEE definieras i studien som avfall från småelektronik, det vill säga elektrisk och elektronisk utrustning vars samtliga dimensioner i ett kompakt tillstånd uThis study examines Sweden's collection system for waste from small electronic and electrical equipment (sWEEE) and identifies proposals for increased collection rates. Sweden is generally considered at the forefront of managing electrical waste, but the recycling rate of sWEEE in 2008 was only 10-25%. The rest was incorrectly sorted as household waste. It is uncertain where in the world it en

Ska vi äta ute? - en undersökning av ätande utomhus i urban miljö

Ätandet. Det finaste vi har. Vi firar med mat, sörjer med mat och samlas kring mat. Att äta ihop är ett givet sätt att mötas och en självklar del av livet. Detta i kombination med en generell växande vilja att äta utomhus, av fri vilja, men också påtvingad i och med pandemin, får mig att fundera på möjligheterna för ätande utomhus i staden. Jag konstaterar att ätande ute i stadsmiljö i de flesta fEating together is a given way of meeting people and major part of life. This, combined with a general growing desire to eat food outdoors makes me think about the possibilities for eating outdoors in the city. I note that eating out in an urban environment is in most cases directly connected with a compulsion nto consume. There is a shortage of places in the urban space where it is possible to ea

Talking in circles. A semiotic analysis of sustainability reporting in the Swedish heavy industries

How publicly traded companies perform with regards to environmental sustainability is receiving increasing attention both by investors and in society in general. Annually released sustainability reports are an important tool for public companies to disclose information relating to their environmental performance. Frequently released as an integrated part of the annual financial report, sustainabil

Mutatis Mutandis I - En nödvändig revidering av utilitarismen

Making choices can be hard, even more so if they are of a moral nature. Since the initial phrasing, utilitarianism has claimed that the morally correct choice is that which maximises utility. This phrasing might seem unproblematic for some. However, I have found there to be a certain problem with such a phrasing. This problem is mainly with “hard cases”, i.e., cases where the utilitarian cannot, w

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This thesis explores the intersections between social science and filmmaking practice through engaging with community filmmaking practice in Sweden. The main area of interest is to explore how feminist theory and methodology in social science can inform discussions in documentary filmmaking practice, both aiming to transform the oppressive narratives and empower voices from marginalized and minori

The spark of a movement - A study of an online collective acts potentiality to grow into a social movement

Social movements have become an integrated component in our western society with almost every contested issue having a social movement associated to it, on at least one side of the debate. When we think of social movements in practice, we might picture rallies and marches, chants, and demonstrations but with the emergence of social media more and more activists and movement adherents have moved to

Psychological Safety and Team Effectiveness – A Quantitative Study of IT Teams from Sweden and The United States

The modern economy has put an emphasis on team-led work in both large- and small-scale projects. This has led to ways to maximize the effectiveness of teams, with an increasing focus being put on one key concept: psychological safety. The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between psychological safety and team effectiveness through the use of a cross-sectional study design on an IT p

Imagining an Arctic State: An analysis of the performance of the Icelandic state’s Arctic identity

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the Icelandic state perceives the Arctic and its place in that region of the world. The thesis sees Iceland’s state identity as narratively performed and engages with a three-dimensional view of state identity based on space, time, and the state’s relationship with Others to construct a holistic view of state identity. Through a narrative analysis of Ic

Att vara spindeln i ett nät av restriktioner

Titel: Att vara spindeln i ett när av restriktioner. En studie om mellanchefers förändrade psykosociala arbetsmiljö under Covid-19 Nivå och kurs: Kandidatuppsats vid Institutionen för Service Management, Lunds Universitet, Campus Helsingborg, KSMK65 Service Management: Examensarbete för kandidatexamen, VT 2021, 15 HP. Författare: Emma Olsson och Gustaf Wendel Handledare: Malin Andersson Bakgrund o

Applying machine learning approaches to model travel choice between micro-mobility services

Shared micro-mobility gradually becomes a crucial part of human daily transportation. To develop the shared micro-mobility, discovering the important influence factors of each travel mode is a key aspect. However, there are scarce studies that adopt machine learning methods to model travel choice between shared micro-mobility services and identify the crucial determinants for each mode. This study

The People v. The Terminator

This is a bachelor thesis containing a thematic text analysis of trial documents from the International Criminal Court (ICC) in the case of The Prosecutor v. Bosco Ntaganda. Mr. Ntaganda is up to the present the only one who has been convicted of rape and sexual slavery in the context of war crimes and crimes against humanity by the ICC. The aim of the thesis is to identify and analyze what the IC

Domain Adaptation for Combined CT and CBCT Deep Learning Segmentation

Computed tomography (CT) segmentation models are frequently used within radiotherapy treatment planning, but similar models are not available to the related imaging modality cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) due to the scarcity of labeled data from this domain. Such models could have multiple clinical applications whereby it is of interest to study whether the CT segmentation models can be adap

Hur kan implementeringen av regnbäddar göras mer standardiserad?

Våra städer blir alltmer tätbebyggda och det blir mindre och mindre plats kvar. Att fylla flera funktioner på samma yta blir då ännu viktigare. Regnbäddar bidrar med mer än bara dagvattenhantering men är kunskapen tillräcklig när det saknas standardiserade riktlinjer? På senare år har en ökad urbanisering och klimatförändringar gjort att man delvis vänt blickarna från traditionella ledningssystem In recent years, the demand for new types of stormwater infrastructure has increased due to increased urbanization and climate change. Attention has been aimed at creating a sustainable and resilient stormwater management. Blue-green infrastructure is a collective name for infrastructure striving to mimic nature's natural runoff. A facility that falls within the scope of this concept is rain g

”Det är ju vår uppgift att forma goda samhällsmedborgare” - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om lärares syn på brottsförebyggande arbete i skolan

Skolan har tillskrivits både potential och ansvar i Sveriges brottsförebyggande arbete och har sedan länge varit föremål för insatser och åtgärder med brottspreventivt syfte. Samtidigt är kraven på lärarna många och höga och det finns en utbredd känsla av en för hög arbetsbelastning bland lärarkåren. Utifrån denna bakgrund syftar uppsatsen till att undersöka lärares upplevelser av det brottsföreby

"Är Det Så Svårt Att Bara Stanna Hemma?!" En kvalitativ intervjustudie om hur Millennials och Baby Boomers upplever vardagslivet i en pandemi

Syftet med denna uppsats är att fördjupa kunskapen angående de effekter som en global pandemi (som den nuvarande Covid-19 pandemins effekter) har på människors vardagsliv. Jag har valt att studera individer från två olika generationer: Millennials och Baby Boomers. Mitt huvudfokus är att undersöka hur dessa två generationer har anpassat sig till restriktionerna kopplade till Covid-19, och vilka om