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Avskiljningar på SiS ungdomshem - En utredning i förhållande till barn och ungas fri- och rättigheter

SiS ungdomshem är institutioner där barn och ungdomar som är i behov av särskild tillsyn placeras, vilket till största del sker med stöd av LVU. Många av de unga på SiS ungdomshem har impulsivt temperament, psykiska och psykosomatiska besvär samt kan vara utåtagerande. Med anledning av detta har personalen på hemmen särskilda befogenheter. En av dessa särskilda befogenheter är möjligheten att placSiS youth homes are institutions where children and adolescences in need of special supervision are placed, with legal support mostly found in the law (1990: 52) with special provisions on the care of young people. Many youths at the SiS youth homes have impulsive temperaments, mental and psychosomatic disorders and can be outspoken. Due to this, the staff at SiS youth homes have special authoriti

Ett särskilt hedersbrott - En problematisering av förslaget om ett hedersbrott utifrån straffrättsliga principer om kriminalisering

Regeringen vill med hårdare tag bekämpa hedersrelaterad brottslighet och menar att införandet av ett särskilt hedersbrott är ett sätt att ytterligare markera att sådant våld och förtryck är oacceptabelt. Regeringen gav därför i juli 2019 en särskild utredare i uppdrag att analyser och ta ställning till en särskild straffbestämmelse som uttryckligen tar sikte på hedersrelaterat våld och förtryck. UThe Swedish Government wants to fight honor-related crime and believes that the introduction of a special honor crime is a way to further highlight that such violence is unacceptable. Therefore, in July 2019, the Government commissioned a special investigator to analyze and take a position on a special criminal provision that explicitly aims at honor-realtered violence and oppression. The inquiry

Om samtycke i social barnavård - En kritisk granskning av krav på samtycke från 1960 års BvL till gällande rätt och hur det tillämpas idag.

Socialtjänstlagen (SoL) antogs år 1980 som en reaktion mot den äldre kontrollerande och repressiva socialvården. Enligt SoL skulle insatser till barn och familj så långt som möjligt skulle ges med samtycke. Förelåg inte samtycke kunde vården under vissa förutsättningar ges med tvång enligt LVU. Frågan om samtycke hade därmed en central roll i social barnavård. Uppsatsen syfte är att beskriva ochSupport for vulnerable children and their families is stipulated in the Social Service Act. When adopted in 1980, the Social Service Act was a reaction to past social services that had relied too much on social control and compulsion. Ideas related to social control were explicitly abandoned in favour of an emphasis on individual rights and voluntary participation. The Social Service Act was suppl

Ändrade förhållanden i internationella avtal - Om force majeure, hardship och möjligheterna att undgå skadeståndsansvar vid fullgörelsehinder

Internationella kommersiella avtal medför en ökad risk för att ändrade förhållanden påverkar parternas möjligheter till fullgörelse. Uppsatsen undersöker främst säljarens möjligheter att undgå skadeståndsansvar vid fullgörelsehinder, särskilt mot bakgrund av Covid-19 pandemin. Fokus i uppsatsen ligger på tillämpliga lagregler, principerna om force majeure och hardship samt force majeure och hardshInternational commercial contracts involve a greater risk of change of circumstances affecting the parties’ possibility to perform. This thesis mainly examines how the seller can avoid liability to pay damages because of non-performance, especially in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic. Focus is on domestic rules and the force majeure and hardship excuses. A legal dogmatic method with a comparative

Team Development in Global Virtual Teams: Application of Tuckman’s Team Development model

Background: International trade has evolved from a barter system to the current global marketplace of international business and with that teams has evolved with this trend from regular co-located teams to Global Virtual Teams (GVTs). Tuckman’s team development model was introduced to estimate regular team performance of therapy groups and is widely used both in academia and by practitioners today

Crystal structure of lactose and a novel ligand in complex with galectin-8N

The project’s focus is on the protein galectin-8N and crystallizing it with lactose and a novel ligand, MH1. The question for the project comes from previous work that shows that galectin-8N has an empty pocket on the surface of the protein. A novel ligand was designed to improve the affinity to the protein through potential interactions between the chlorophenyl group in the ligand and a pocket on

I betalt samarbete med ... ditt samvete

Syftet med den här studien är att försöka skapa en förståelse för fenomenet moralisk stress ur ett företagsekonomiskt perspektiv. Detta undersöks på konsumenter för att se på vilket sätt influencer marketing påverkar konsumenter till att känna moralisk stress. De teoretiska perspektiv som används Etisk konsumtion, Attitude-behavior-gap, Socialpsykologiska perspektiv, samt Moralisk stress. I studie

Perorala kontrastmedels påverkan på diagnostisk kvalitet i samband med datortomografi av buk

Inledning: Positiva perorala kontrastmedel anses ofta vara nödvändiggt för den diagnostiska kvaliteten inom datortomografi av buk, trots prevalensen av biverkningar och artefakter. Röntgensjuksköterskan behöver därför anpassa undersökningen till patienten. Syftet: Att undersöka effekten av perorala kontrastmedel på diagnostisk kvalitet vid CT-bukundersökningar. Metod: Litteraturstudie valdes som m

Digitala produktpass - Ett styrmedel för att främja hållbar konsumtion?

Digitala produktpass som miljöpolitiskt styrmedel för en hållbar konsumtion Genom att enskilda varor på marknaden får unika digitala produktpass är tanken att det ska bli mycket enklare för konsumenter och andra marknadsaktörer att få tillgång till relevant produktinformation. Införande av digitala produktpass kommer sannolikt inte att vara en fullständig lösning, utan snarare ett komplement tillThe transition to a sustainable economy requires smarter management of product-related data over the entire product life cycle. Most of this information is currently not optimized to be easily accessible to businesses and consumers. Therefore, politicians have an important role to play in implementing various environmental policies and product related instruments, to reduce the environmental impac

Bitcoin’s Response to U.S. Monetary Policy Easing Announcements

This paper aims to evaluate the effect of the U.S. monetary policy on the bitcoin price. In particular, how monetary policy easing affects the bitcoin returns. One of the main tenets of bitcoin is that it is a hedge against inflation caused by a large increase in the money supply. Inspired by that idea, this study intends to analyze bitcoin’s instant response to the Federal Reserve’s monetary poli

L1 and L2 language processing in written production and perception: Null objects in English, Portuguese and Spanish.

This thesis studies the processing of null objects in the L2 English of two groups with a similar L1 background, Brazilian Portuguese and European Spanish native speakers. Previous research (Alamillo, 2009; Sainzmaza-Lecanda & Schwenter, 2017) reported similarities and contrasts in the two languages regarding null object expression. However, research on null objects lacks a fuller perspective

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This study seeks to explore how platform labor is rendered invisible and to emphasize the making of class in relation to precarious platform labor in a neoliberal context. Engaging the theoretical frameworks posed by Silvia Federici, Niels van Doorn and Beverley Skeggs, we perform a thematic analysis of three conducted interviews with Wolt couriers, as well as on a debate written by the director o

The EU way or the Huawei : A comparative study of the values projected onto Europe’s 5G network by the Chinese Communist Party and the European Union

Title: The EU Way, or the Huawei? A comparative study of the values projected onto Europe’s 5G network by the Chinese Communist Party and the European Union. The purpose of this investigation is to look closer on the value-tension between the European Union and the Chinese Communist Party regarding which values are present in the official policies of these entities and how these values are projec

Abnormality detection in diagnostics data from network cameras

När mjukvara uppdateras och installeras på Axis kameror är det viktigt att hålla koll på om den nya mjukvaran orsakat förändringar i kamerornas prestanda. Förändringarna kan sedan tolkas av en människa, som kan säga om det är en förbättring eller försämring. Genom att ständigt hålla uppsikt över olika metriker (olika prestandamått) hos kamerorna finns möjligheten att upptäcka förändringar som uppsFor data-driven companies, there is a need to efficiently navigate through big quantities of collected data. In our case; detecting changes in the behaviour of data. We have investigated whether machine learning could be applied to automate the process of finding abnormal behaviour (anomalies) in collected data. Some simpler methods were also investigated and compared to the results of machine lea

TRANSFORMING THE ‘80s: Architectural and programmatic strategies for transformation of ‘80s office buildings into housing

The covid pandemic has put light on a trend of office buildings experiencing more vacancy than ever before, given our working habits have been forced to shift from occurring predominantly in an office to mainly being pursued from our private homes. This project foresees a future where working remotely has become the new normal and proposes a residential program in an existing office structure, giv

Identifying a fine genetic structure across Ashkenazic Jews

Ashkenazic Jews (AJs) are a population with a complex migration history. AJs have resided in Central and Eastern Europe at least since the 10th century. The geographical origins and migration history of AJs is controversial. Two hypotheses were proposed to address these questions: the "Rhineland hypothesis" that proposes a Levantine origin for AJs, assumes that Eastern European AJs desce

“And then you work. Work, work, work.” – A qualitative study of the various motivations for full-time work.

The current study aims to gain a deeper understanding of the various motivations for full-time work. Based on a set of semi-structured interviews (n=10) with working parents, it investigates the interaction between individual motivations and external factors, intentions and constraints and how it shapes work time preferences. The respondent's experiences and individual motives are used to exam

Tromsø - En arktisk hamn

In this Master’s degree project I’ve researched what a harbor transformation can look like in the Arctic context of Tromsø. Tromsø has beautiful recreational surroundings but it’s not connected to the center. Cities around the world are transforming their harborfronts and I have looked at how you approach such a transformation in an arctic climate. What does a qualitative seaside public space look

Article 17(7) of Directive 2019/790 on Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Single Market

Prior to the adoption of Article 17 of the Directive (EU) 2019/790 on Copyright and Related Rights in the Digital Single Market, the e-Commerce Directive provided hosting liability exemptions for intermediary service providers. In addition, copyright exceptions and limitations were previously optional and their implementation was at liberty of the Member States. Under the new Article 17 Member Sta

An Infrared Stellar Thermometer

Infrared (IR) spectroscopy has many advantages over optical, one of which is allowing us to see through intergalactic dust, letting us probe deeper into space and dust-dense regions such as galactic centers. However the investigating the IR spectral range is a relatively new field, owing to recent developments in detector technology, and stellar parameter determination in IR is not well researchedMillions of stars litter the night sky, and our understanding of how they were born is still developing. These burning orbs of gas are so far away that even the light they give off takes years to arrive to us on Earth. So how are we to measure anything about them if sending any equipment to their distant locations is unimaginable? Since the days of Newton, the only way we have been able to say any