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Svenska politikers resonemang om äldres bästa. En kvalitativ analys av en politisk debatt beträffande äldrefrågor.

The issues concerning the health and social care for the elderly is a subject which needs to be dedicated more time. Increased life expectancy in Sweden places demands on an increased attention on issues concerning elderly care. The purpose of this study is to shed light on different perspectives on the best way to create dignified aging, according to politicians in the Swedish parliament. This to

Is there macroeconomic predictive power in Swedish business news?

This thesis explores if, and how, what is written in the newspaper can be used to forecast macroeconomic variables such as inflation, unemployment and consumption. A large data set consisting of articles from the largest Swedish business newspaper is transformed using different methods from the Natural Language Processing field. The focus lies on topic modelling by Latent Dirichlet Allocation as w

Representations of United States Public Healthcare Policy in Right-Wing Media: A Case Study of Breitbart News Articles During the 2020 Presidential Election

For many years, the United States’ inability to provide basic universal healthcare has been a mystery. Why does the richest country in the world not have the best healthcare and the best health outcomes? This study examines the disposition of US opposition to publicly funded healthcare. It is a qualitative case study comprised of articles from the right-wing media outlet Breitbart News during the

I think I'll have myself a (local) beer

There is a consensus in circles of academia and policy that the term ‘local’ is used to differentiate food systems that are not of a global or national scale. While many have looked to define local in specific regional settings and contexts, little has been done to understand the different discourses of local in different sectors of the food & beverage (F&B) industry. This thesis investiga

Slum+City - Re-connecting Mumbai through street-led slum redevelopment

Slums are not sustainable, not healthy nor worthy places to live. But forcing the poor people out of the cities is equally unsustainable. In cities all over the world - in slums, favelas and shanty towns – the poor has started solving their housing problems in self built neighborhoods. In Mumbai, Dharavi is one of the oldest parts of the city, yet on of the most well-known and notorious slums in t

On the Silk Road with Giovanni Arrighi

This thesis explores contradictions, inadequacies, and competing formulations within Giovanni Arrighi’s theory of systemic cycles of accumulation (SCAs) as a Kuhnian scientific paradigm. This has been carried out through a comparative study on how the theory has been applied by scholars on the issue of the prospective hegemonic rise of China in the contemporary setting. The study finds that there

Giving employees a voice: An investigation into Danone’s unique employee engagement program as a catalyst for sustainability at work and beyond

The survival of our planet is in crisis, and it is affecting society at large. People recognise companies have significantly contributed to the problem, and stakeholders expect and demand businesses to do better. Nowadays, there are strong arguments in sustainability for engaging with as many employees as possible to find novel and innovative solutions more quickly. This study investigated how a p

Alt-lit-rörelsen - ett metamodernt avantgarde

Alt-Lit is a literary movement which first sprung up in The U.S in the middle of the first decade of the second millennia. Vaguely defined and led by aspiring writers belonging to the Y-Generation, also known as millennials, its presence and influence has become increasingly apparent. These are the first writers to use the internet, not only as a platform, but as an aesthetic and linguistic inspir

Vaccines for Votes: A case study examining the provincial disparities in the distribution of Covid-19 vaccines in Turkey

How do governments allocate scarce resources in the face of political survival? Do they allocate according to social equity or welfare criteria, or do political concerns play a role? Over the course of three decades, the literature on distributive politics documented numerous cases where governments distributed goods and services strategically for electoral gains. By building on the theories of di

Asymmetrisk nordisk pandemihantering – En komparativ studie av orsakerna bakom Danmarks, Finlands, Norges och Sveriges skilda smittskyddsåtgärder under covid-19-pandemins första våg

This essay studies the non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) employed by governments and other authorities in Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden throughout the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. The NPIs are accounted for and coded using a policy instrument framework by Evert Vedung. Moreover, are the NPI selections of the countries’ politicians and authorities explained through explorative

Evaluating the suitability of carbon source from fermentation of primary filter sludge for biological nutrient removal

Traditionell biologisk näringsavskiljning inom avloppsvattenrening, såsom denitrifikation och biologisk fosforavskiljning (EBPR), kräver tillgång på lättnedbrytbart kol för att bra reningsgrad ska uppnås. Dock är en stor andel av kolet i det inkommande avloppsvattnet partikulärt och måste hydrolyseras innan det blir tillgängligt för bakterierna i den biologiska reningen. Flera studier har studeratTraditional biological nutrient removal (BNR) processes in wastewater treatment require access to easily biodegradable carbon in order to achieve sufficient removal. However, a lot of the carbon in the influent wastewater is not directly available for BNR bacteria but need to undergo hydrolysis first. Several studies have investigated the possibility to produce an internal carbon source from the g

LSO:s användande av lean Ur ett konsultperspektiv

Syfte: Genom att utföra intervjuer med konsultfirmor som använder sig av lean i sitt arbete med sina kunder och genom en litteraturstudie av lean och dess användning inom tjänsteindustrin vill vi kunna bidra till en ökad förståelse om hur lean används inom tjänsteindustrin och om hur konsulter arbetar med sina kunder utifrån lean. Forskningsfrågor: Hur använder sig konsultfirmor av lean med sina k

Jaffna Tamils Ethnic Identity Formation in Colombo: A Study on Identity Perception through Motivated Identity Construction

The Sri Lankan Tamils have been a part of complex history within Sri Lanka in regard to their ethnic Identity, which is mostly associated with the civil war that went on for almost 30 years. More than a decade after the end of the conflict, this thesis work analyzed how todays Jaffna Tamils view their own identity in Colombo. As a cosmopolitan melting pot, it brings in different groups and culture

Skarpnäck - ett förhållningssätt till det svenska 80-talets vardagsarkitektur

Det har sagts att alla arkitekturepoker brukar nå sitt bottenmärke någonstans runt 30 år. Under en praktik på ett arkitektkontor upplevde jag det på egen hand när jag arbetade med ett område i Stockholm. Strategin för området är att riva stora delar av dess bebyggelse från 80- och 90-talet. Jag uppfattar strategin som ett uttryck för en allmän impopularitet av arkitekturen från denna period — den It has been said that all architectural eras tend to reach their lowest point of popularity somewhere in their 30s. During an internship, I experienced it first hand when I worked with an area in development in Stockholm. The strategy for the area was to demolish most of its buildings from the 1980s and 90s, buildings that are relatively young. I perceive the strategy as an expression for a genera

Peace with the environment: Community perspectives from the Andean-Amazon foothills of Colombia

Half a decade after the signing of the peace agreement between the Government of Colombia and the FARC-EP, the country continues to suffer from persisting violence and the need to address environmental destruction is more evident than ever. This research builds on a post-development critique of current peace efforts and responds to the call for including local perspectives in knowledge creation an

Global scale patterns and trends in tropospheric NO2 concentrations

Kvävedioxid (NO2) är en luftförorening som har negativ påverkan för både miljön och människors hälsa. Därför är det viktigt att förstå och övervaka koncentrationerna. För att göra det kan stationer på marken användas för att mäta koncentrationerna av NO2 i troposfären, det nedre lagret av atmosfären. Problemet med denna metod är att sådana mätstationer tenderar att vara koncentrerade i stadskärnorNitrogen dioxide (NO2) is an important air pollutant with both environmental and epidemiological effects. The main aim of this thesis is to explore spatial patterns and temporal trends of tropospheric NO2 concentrations globally using data from the OMI instrument aboard NASA’s Aura spacecraft. Additional aims are to validate the satellite data by comparing it to ground-based measurements, and to f

Processes in Public Sector Organisations – Like Flowing Water

Seminar date: June 3, 2021 Course: BUSN 79 Authors: Filip Olsson and Justus Melin Advisor/Examiner: Anna Glenngård/Anders Anell Five key words: Efficiency, Effectiveness, TDABC, Stakeholder and Public Value Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyse how processes of public sector organisations can become more efficient and effective. Methodology: This thesis is conducted wit

The igneous complex of Ekmanfjorden, Svalbard: an integrated field, petrological and geochemical study

Stora magmatiska provinser återfinns långt tillbaka i jordens geologiska historia, från Arkeikum till Kenozoikum, och kan ha en stor påverkan på det globala klimatet. Den hög-arktiska stora magmatiska provinsen (HALIP) bildades under tidig Krita och rester av denna storskaliga magmatism kan observeras i hela Arktis. Relativt få U-Pb åldrar har än så länge blivit analyserade och mer geokronologisk Large Igneous Provinces are widespread in the geological record, from the Archean to the Cenozoic, and can have a significant impact on the global climate. The High Arctic Large Igneous Province (HALIP) was emplaced during the Early Cretaceous, and remnants of this large-scale magmatism can be found all over the circum-Arctic. Relatively few high-precision U-Pb ages have been analyzed to date, and

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This research examines metaphors of animal words in everyday life, with the aim to problematize gender constructions. The study concludes that most of the studied metaphors discriminates and/or subordinate women. In addition, it is concluded that the metaphorical meanings of animal words form part of the linguistic sexism due to the fact that they are verbal mechanisms that recreate and reproduce