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A Room for Water

Floods are the most frequent hazard that affects around 2.3 billion people each year. This natural disaster can occur in every continent and human activity has been contributing to the increasing adverse impacts of flood events. This urban design proposal explores the possibilities of creating a sustainable area that can work alongside floods. The projects site is located in Morelia, Mexico. The

Representing the Western Balkans, Post-war Understandings : A discourse analysis of contemporary representations of Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia in UK press media

During the war in Bosnia in the 1990s, and the Wars of Yugoslav Succession more widely, ‘balkanist’ views, which hold the people of the Balkans as backwards and violent, were widespread in debates in the UK. Using theories of ‘balkanism’ as developed by scholars such as Maria Todorova, Andrew Hammond, and Lene Hansen this thesis explores how the countries heavily involved in the Bosnian War–Serbi

Kvinnors egna berättelser om fattigdom : En kvalitativ studie av tre skönlitterära böcker om att vara kvinna och fattig i Sverige

Sweden is generally associated as a good example of a welfare state, but research shows that both relative poverty and economic inequality are increasing. People who have once been in poverty are likely to fall back. Amongst the poor population, women are the dominating group and are more likely to be poor than men. Poverty is a direct consequence of discrimination between women and men, which ind

Vilket pris har klimatet? – En undersökning av skattemässig behandling av utgifter hänförliga till klimatkompensation

Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur ett aktiebolags utgifter hänförliga till klimatkompensation behandlas vid inkomstbeskattning. För att uppnå detta syfte tillämpas en traditionell rättsdogmatisk metod. Lagtexten innehåller inte någon särskild reglering avseende avdragsrätt för klimatkompensationsutgifter, vilket resulterar i att bedömningen baseras på de allmänna reglerna om avdragsrätThe purpose of this essay is to investigate how limited liability companies’ expenses related to carbon offset are treated in the event of income taxation. To accomplish this purpose a legal dogmatic method has been applied. The law contains no specific regulation concerning the deductibility of costs attributable to carbon offset and, as a result, the assessment is made based on the general rules

Nöden har ingen lag - var går nödrättens gränser?

24 kap. 4 § brottsbalken stadgar att handlingar eller underlåtenheter som normalt utgör brott är tillåtna om de begåtts i nöd och inte är oförsvarliga. Nöd är en objektiv ansvarsfrihetsgrund som är tillämplig när fara hotar liv, hälsa, egendom eller allmänna intressen. I uppsatsen utreds denna s.k. nödrätt ur ett rättsdogmatiskt och rättsutvecklande perspektiv. Syftena är att belysa nödrätten, somChapter 24 section 4 of the Swedish Penalty Code (brottsbalken) states that criminal actions or omissions which are committed out of necessity, do not constitute a crime as long as they are not indefensible. Necessity is an objective general ground for exemption from criminal responsibility, and is applicable when a danger threatens life, health, property or public legal interests. This paper look

Peace promoting or spurring tension further? How The Indian Express frames Prime Minister Modi´s speeches in regard to identity groups in India

Political leaders affect the ordinary citizen´s perception of the world, making them important to study in relation to the upsurge of tension and conflict. In this specific thesis the focus is on how The Indian Express frames the discourses of the Prime Minister Narendra Modi in India concerning the relationship between Hindus, minorities and Non-Hindus. The analysis is done through an interrelate

Control of an Oscillatory System

Systems with structural resonances are difficult to control if fast responses are required. Rapid changes in the control signal may excite the resonant modes. In digital control with zero-order-hold sampling there will be very rapid changes in the control signal. A way to deal with the problem is to use predictive first-order-hold sampling instead. The control signal is then linear between the sam

Adaptive Control of Systems with Backlash

Backlash is often present in mechanical transmission systems and can be one of the main causes that severely limits control systems performances. In this work are presented a number of adaptive algorithms that through a proper feedforward nonlinear action try to compensate the backlash. Due to the nonlinear nature of the problem, convergency proofs are very difficult; nevertheless simulations show

Collision Avoidance for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

This Master Thesis project is a pilot study in developing a collision avoidance function for an autonomous underwater vehicle, also called AUV. A collision avoidance function is necessary to ensure safe operation of an AUV. The AUV gets information about the surroundings through an active sonar. The image from the sonar has to be processed to extract information about the environment, e.g., detect

Modellbygge och simulering av värmebatteri

The purpose of this master thesis has been to find a simulation model for a crossflow heat exchanger in an air conditioning plant. The air temperature was controlled by changing the relation between hot water and recirculated water from the heat exchanger. The model which was obtained partly from literature studies was based on physical relations describing the heat transfer and energy balance. Th

Implementation of Adaptive Tracking Control for an Industrial Robot

An adaptive tracking controller is implemented using an industrial robot, the ASEA IRB L6/2. A dynamical model is used to simulate the robot together with the control law. The control law is implemented using two IBM AT compatible computers, and comparison with a PD controller is done.

Sökrutin för optimering av effekten i ett vindkraftverk med variabelt varvtal

To get a wind power plant with variable speed to deliver maximum power at actual windspeed it is important that the speed of the turbine is correct. This paper describles a mthod how to obtain this, by optimization of a parameter of amplification, KQ, in the electrical control of the power plant. A model of the wind power plant and the optimizing algorithm have been designed and implemented in the

Uppbyggnad av en digital bildhantering i ett svepelektromikroskop

The programs are made to decide testing points in an integrated circuit. The measurements on the IC are performed in a SEM using digital electronbeamdeflection and digital secondary-electrondetection. A PDP11/23 computer and a QRGB-256 video-interface are used. Programs are written in MACRO-assembler and FORTRAN. Pictures may be taken up and stored on a mass storage (floppy-disk) for later retriev