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Input och output : ordföljd i svenska barns huvudsatser och bisatser

This thesis investigates the word order in the main and embedded clauses of four Swedish monolingual children, covering the age range 1;3–4;0. Using a generative framework, a quantitative and qualitative analysis focusing on the syntax of verb placement and complementizers is presented. Chapters 1 to 4 offer a background to the thesis. In chapter 1 the aims and the material are presented. Chapter

Patients with shoulder impingement remain satisfied 6 years after arthroscopic subacromial decompression A prospective study of 46 patients

Background Although arthroscopic subacromial decompression (ASD) is a common procedure for treatment of shoulder impingement, few long term results have been published. In this prospective study, we determined whether the high degree of patient satisfaction at 6 months postoperatively reported by us earlier remained at the 6-year follow-up. Patients and methods We originally reported high patient

Organizations and their consumers: Bridging work and consumption

The last 20 years or so have seen a far-reaching reconfiguration of the characters that dominate the world of organizations. For much of its life, the study of organizations was dominated by two central characters, the manager and the worker, whose relationship with all its tensions, conflicts and accommodations unfolded with within a broader environment of markets, governments, shareholders, soci

Rendered rainscreen walls - cavity ventilation, ventilation drying and moisture-induced cladding deformation

Over the past five years, moisture damages in external walls of wood frame structure and rendering on insulation as a cladding has been a widely debated subject which has received a lot of attention. In the light of this, the interest in an alternative construction method where rendering is applied on boards instead of insulation has increased. In this method, carrier boards are mounted on battens

A Swedish Population-Based Multivariate Twin Study of Externalizing Disorders.

In epidemiological and twin populations, prior interview studies have identified an externalizing spectrum of disorders. Could this be detected utilizing objective registry data? In 20,603 twin pairs from the Swedish Twin Registry, we obtained information from national medical, criminal and pharmacy records on drug abuse (DA), criminal behavior (CB) and alcohol use disorders (AUD). Multivariate tw

RF Characterization of Vertical InAs Nanowire Wrap-Gate Transistors Integrated on Si Substrates

We present dc and RF characterization of InAs nanowire field-effect transistors (FETs) heterogeneously integrated on Si substrates in a geometry suitable for circuit applications. The FET consists of an array of 182 vertical InAs nanowires with about 6-nm HfO high-gate dielectric and a wrap-gate length of 250 nm. The transistor has a transconductance of 155 mS/mm and an on-current of 550 mA/mm at

A dimerized single-chain variable fragment system for the assessment of neutralizing activity of phage display-selected antibody fragments specific for cytomegalovirus.

Abstract in UndeterminedCytomegalovirus (CMV) causes severe sequelae in congenitally infected newborns and may cause life-threatening disease in immuno-deficient patients. Recent findings demonstrate the possibility to alleviate the disease by infusing intravenous immunoglobulin G (IgG) preparations, indicating that antibodies are an effective therapeutic option. Modern molecular methodologies, li

Revisiting Strawsonian Arguments from Inescapability

Peter Strawson defends the thesis that determinism is irrelevant to the justifiability of responsibility-attributions. In this paper, I want to examine various arguments advanced by Strawson in support of this thesis. These arguments all draw on the thought that the practice of responsibility is inescapable. My main focus is not so much the metaphysical details of Strawsonian compatibilism, but ra

Laminar burning velocity of hydrogen and flame structure of related fuels for detailed kinetic model validation

Popular Abstract in English The word “combustion” describes a number of physical and chemical processes, whose common characteristic is an interaction between fuel and oxygen and their subsequent transformation into products, such as CO2 and water. Even though the process is often described as a single chemical reaction between fuel and oxygen, in reality, their chemical transformation requires maThe laminar burning velocity and the flame structure are common targets for combustion studies aimed at detailed kinetic model development. In the present work, fuels relevant to hydrogen combustion were considered. The laminar burning velocity of rich and lean hydrogen flames was studied experimentally and numerically, including its pressure dependence in rich mixtures and temperature dependence

Transference of Vector-valued Multipliers on Weighted L-P-spaces

New transference results for Fourier multiplier operators defined by regulated symbols are presented. We prove restriction and extension of multipliers between weighted Lebesgue spaces with two different weights, which belong to a class more general than periodic weights, and two different exponents of integrability that can be below one. We also develop some ad-hoc methods that apply to weights d

Response to cholinesterase inhibitors affects lifespan in Alzheimer's disease.

Background: A varying response to cholinesterase inhibitor (ChEI) treatment has been reported among patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Whether the individual-specific response, specific ChEI agent or dose affects mortality is unclear. We aimed to examine the relationship between the 6-month response to ChEI and lifespan. Methods: Six hundred and eighty-one deceased patients with a clinical AD

Growth and segregation of GaAs-AlxIn1-xP core-shell nanowires

The development of a ternary AlxIn1-xP shell grown around GaAs nanowires epitaxially grown in the [(1) over bar (1) over bar (1) over bar] direction has been studied. Morphology and composition of the shell have been studied using cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The side facets of the shell are found to develop dominant {1 (1) over bar 0} macro facets with small (approx. 5

Solvent Dependence of the Electronic Structure of I- and I-3(-)

We present synchrotron-based I4d photoelectron spectroscopy experiments of solutions from LiI and LiI3 in water, ethanol, and acetonitrile. The experimentally determined solvent-induced binding energy shifts (SIBES) for the monatomic I- anion are compared to predictions from simple Born theory, PCM calculations, as well as multiconfigurational quantum chemical spectral calculations from geometries

Extreme-right responses to the European economic crisis in Denmark and Sweden : the discursive construction of scape-goats and lodestars

This article examines extreme-right online media as a site of discursive struggle over definitions of the causes, consequences and remedies of the European economic crisis. The authors focus on two Scandinavian countries, Denmark and Sweden, which have seen a rise in extreme-right activities across different arenas and in different media in the turbulent years since the collapse of global financia

Inner-shell photofragmentation of Cl-2

We report an extensive study on partial-ion-yield spectroscopy around the Cl 1s and 2p ionization thresholds for Cl-2. All positive ion channels, several with the same mass/charge ratio, which could be distinguished by taking the advantage of the Cl-37 isotope, have been measured at a photon resolution of nearly 6500. At the Cl 1s ionization threshold, no significant differences are reported betwe

Systematic Approach to the Design of Operation and Control Policies in Activated Sludge Systems

This article describes the systematic design of a control structure for a biological wastewater treatment process as given by the test-bed Benchmark Simulation Model No. 1 (BSM1) and Activated Sludge Model No. 1 (ASM1). The objective of this work was to formalize and implement a systematic and yet simple procedure for the selection of control structures in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) and t

J/psi production as a function of charged particle multiplicity in pp collisions at root s=7 TeV

The ALICE Collaboration reports the measurement of the relative J/psi yield as a function of charged particle pseudorapidity density dN(ch)/d eta in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV at the LHC. J/psi particles are detected for p(t) > 0, in the rapidity interval vertical bar y vertical bar < 0.9 via decay into e(+)e(-), and in the interval 2.5 < y < 4.0 via decay into mu(+)/mu(-) pairs. An approxima

The fate of phosphorus of ash-rich biochars in a soil-plant system

The objectives were to investigate (i) the forms and release pattern of P from an ash-rich biochar-amended sandy soil; (ii) the transformation of biochar P in a soil-plant system. Several methodologies (a bioassay test, soluble P extractions, a sequential P fractionation and successive P extractions via resin strips) were used to study the bioavailability and transformation of P in a sandy soil