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Asienstudier: Dagens kinesiska samhälle

The course starts with a brief account of contemporary history, religion and culture, as well as geography and demography. The course examines the co-existence of continuity and change in relation to identity, beliefs, and social and political values. It particularly addresses how social and political developments affect different individuals and groups of people such as women, religious groups anThe course starts with a brief account of contemporary history, religion and culture, as well as geography and demography. The course examines the co-existence of continuity and change in relation to identity, beliefs, and social and political values. It particularly addresses how social and political developments affect different individuals and groups of people such as women, religious groups an

Asienstudier: Dagens japanska och koreanska samhällen

The course takes a multidisciplinary perspective and is divided into four parts. The first part provides a general understanding of the social and political processes in Japan and North Korea and South Korea. The countries history and impact on contemporary Japanese and Korean societies are discussed. The focus is on the post-Cold War era. The second part of the course makes comparisons between JThe course takes a multidisciplinary perspective and is divided into four parts. The first part provides a general understanding of the social and political processes in Japan and North Korea and South Korea. The countries history and impact on contemporary Japanese and Korean societies are discussed. The focus is on the post-Cold War era. The second part of the course makes comparisons between J

Asienstudier: Utvecklingsteorier och utvecklingsfrågor i Öst- och Sydöstasien

Since the middle of the twentieth century, Asian countries have been at the forefront of developmental revolutions and the site of developmental ‘miracles’, making the region a perfect lens for analysing and understanding the emergence of our current global development system. During the course we adopt a critical approach to development theory and practice, providing you with tools to theoreticalSince the middle of the twentieth century, Asian countries have been at the forefront of developmental revolutions and the site of developmental ‘miracles’, making the region a perfect lens for analysing and understanding the emergence of our current global development system. During the course we adopt a critical approach to development theory and practice, providing you with tools to theoretical

Kulturkriminologiska teorier, perspektiv och begrepp

Course name: CCRN01, Theories, Perspectives and Concepts of Cultural Criminology (Swedish name: Kulturkriminologiska teorier, perspektiv och begrepp). Advanced level Master Course (Second Cycle). 15 credits. Autumn semester. Language of instruction: English. To be eligible for a master course you must have passed the bachelor/undergraduate level.  The course deals with cultural-sociological

Tillämpad kulturkriminologi - Analys, organisering och strategier

Course name: CCRN10, Applied Cultural Criminology - Analysis, Organisation and Strategies (Swedish name: Tillämpad kulturkriminologi - Analys, organisering och strategier). Advanced level Master Course (Second Cycle). 15 credits. Spring semester. Language of instruction: English. To be eligible for a master course you must have passed the bachelor/undergraduate level. To be admitted to this cours

Asienstudier: Det globala Kina

The course delves into the uneven and diverse nature of China’s global push, examining a range of topics, such as labour regimes, environmental issues, logistics/supply chains, digital globalisation, informal/illicit industries, foreign policy, and human rights. Various active actors beyond the state and the Communist Party are also analysed, including state and private businesses, civil society aThe course delves into the uneven and diverse nature of China’s global push, examining a range of topics, such as labour regimes, environmental issues, logistics/supply chains, digital globalisation, informal/illicit industries, foreign policy, and human rights. Various active actors beyond the state and the Communist Party are also analysed, including state and private businesses, civil society a

Asienstudier: Dagens sydöstasiatiska samhällen

The course is divided into four parts where the first part provides a basic understanding of the region’s socio-cultural processes. The historical context and its impact on contemporary South-East Asian societies are discussed. It discusses religion as a field of meanings that informs individual people’s lives and strengthens social and political identities, and influences social and political disThe course is divided into four parts where the first part provides a basic understanding of the region’s socio-cultural processes. The historical context and its impact on contemporary South-East Asian societies are discussed. It discusses religion as a field of meanings that informs individual people’s lives and strengthens social and political identities, and influences social and political dis

Asienstudier: Mänskliga rättigheter i Öst- och Sydöstasien

This course equips you to critically analyse the problems and future prospects of human rights work in East and South-East Asia. We focus on the cultural, social, economic and political factors that prevent or promote the protection for human rights in different societies in East and South-East Asia. You analyse and discuss differences and similarities with regard to problems and policies coThis course equips you to critically analyse the problems and future prospects of human rights work in East and South-East Asia. We focus on the cultural, social, economic and political factors that prevent or promote the protection for human rights in different societies in East and South-East Asia. You analyse and discuss differences and similarities with regard to problems and policies co

Tillämpad beräkningsvetenskap - Biologi: Examensarbete för masterexamen

Examensarbetet kräver en litteraturgenomgång och specialstudier. Dessutom ingår det ett antal obligatoriska moment, i form av lektioner och seminarier, som behandlar bland annat vetenskapligt skrivande på engelska och svenska, populärvetenskapligt skrivande, akademisk hederlighet och användande av biblioteksresurser. Examensarbetets innehåll och utförande planeras i samråd med en handledare. ExameThe degree project requires a literature review and special studies. In addition, it includes a number of compulsory elements, in the form of lessons and seminars, which deal with, among other things, scientific writing in English and Swedish, popular science writing, academic conduct and the use of library resources. The content and execution of the degree project are planned in consultation with

Beräkningsvetenskap: Modellering i beräkningsvetenskap

Kursen behandlar: • Modellering baserad på differentialekvationer: Numeriska metoder för ordinära differentialekvationer och konvergensordning. Tillämpningar rörande exempelvis cellomprogrammering eller sjukdomsspridning mellan städer. • MKMC-metoder: Centrala gränsvärdessatsen, Metropolis-Hastings algoritm och felskattning. Tillämpningar hämtade från statistisk termodynamik. • MaskininlärniThe course treats: • Differential equation based modelling: Numerical methods to solve ODEs and convergence order. Applications to for instance predicting the spread of diseases and cell programming will be used. • MCMC based modelling: Central Limit Theorem, Metropolis-Hasting algorithm and error propagation will be covered with examples from statistical thermodynamics. • Machine learning a

Beräkningsvetenskap: Reproducerbar dataanalys och statistisk inlärning

BERN02. Kursens övergripande mål är att låta studenterna arbeta med och kombinera två områden för dataanalys inom beräkningsvetenskap: reproducerbara arbetsflöden och statistisk inlärning. Detta inbegriper att kunna skapa rapporter där programmeringskod, resultat och rapporttext kombineras i samma dokument, tillämpat på ett urval av vanliga metoder i statistisk parametrisk modellering och masBERN02. The overall learning outcome for the course is to let the students work with and combine two fields for data analysis in computational science: reproducible work flows and statistical learning. This includes to be able to create reports where programming code, results and text are combined in the same document, applied on a selection of common methods in statistical parametric modelling an

Bioinformatik: Programmering i Python

Denna kurs hålls till stor del som lärarledda övningar. Kursen ger erfarenhet och kunskap i programmering i allmänhet och i Python i synnerhet. Fokus är speciellt på bioinformatiska tillämpningar. Arbetet sker i Linux-miljö och kursen kommer utveckla studentens kunskaper inte bara i Python men också i Bash (kommandoskal) och CGI (Common Gateway Interface).This hands on course will give you experience and knowledge of programming in general and in Python  in particular. The focus is especially on applications in bioinformatics. Working environment is Linux and the course will develop the students’ skills in Python but also in Bash and CGI (Common Gateway Interface).    

Biologi: Examensarbete - masterexamen

Kursens övergripande mål är att den studerande med stor självständighet skall genomföra ett vetenskapligt projekt inom ett väl definierat biologiskt ämnesområde. Du kan göra ett masterexamensarbete i biologi omfattande 30, 45 eller 60 högskolepoäng.You can perform a Master's Degree project of 30, 45 or 60 credits in either General Biology, or one of the specializations Animal Ecology, Aquatic Ecology, Conservation Biology or Plant Science. To be able to do a Master´s Degree Project in Biology you should be enrolled in the Master´s Program in Biology at Lund University, and should have completed 45 credits of relevant advanced level courses

Biologi: Biologisk miljöövervakning

Kursen är en avancerad kurs i Ekologi och kan ses som en del i en utbildning inom naturvård. Övergripande målsättning för kursen är att studenterna ska lära sig att med minimal tid i fält skaffa sig maximal kunskap om naturen med utgångspunkt i vad det insamlade materialet skall användas till. Övervakning av naturen innebär i sin strängaste betydelse att undersökaren vet vilken förändring som kan The main objective of this course is that you learn to optimise time in the field in order to obtain maximum information about the conditions and status of the natural environment. Monitoring of nature is based on that the investigator knows what change is expected and can construct a programme, including collection of data and material, which can detect a particular change. You may also do a gene

Biologi: Ornitologi

Kursen är en avancerad kurs i ekologi och fokuserar på artkunskap, metodik och grundläggande ekologi om fåglar. Kursen bygger på lärande av metoder för att studera fåglar i fält, fältbestämning av fåglar (med avseende på igenkänning av arter mha utseende och sång) samt teori om fåglars morfologiska, fysiologiska och ekologiska anpassningar. Mer specifikt innebär fältstudierna att du lär dig grundeThis is an advanced course in ecology that focuses on species identification, methodology and basic ecology about birds. The course is based on learning the basic skills about techniques for studying birds in the field (including visual identification and identification on vocalizations), as well as theoretical moments about bird morphology, physiology and ecological adaptations. More specifically

Biologi: Neurobiologi

Neurobiologi är ett internationellt stort forskningsområde på gränsen mellan biologisk grundforskning och medicinskt tillämpning. Vår kurs ger en introduktion i ämnet som du kan bygga på med andra mer specialiserade kurser, ett eget examensarbete, egen forskning eller ett jobb i ett av de stora biomedicinska företagen. Samtidigt, även om du inte vill fortsätta i ämnet, så får du en gedigen överbliNeurobiology is an internationally important research field where biological basic research and medical research come very close. We teach an introductory course that will allow you to continue with more specialized courses, a degree project and start your own research or get a position in one of the large biomedical companies. At the same time, if you do not want to specialize in this field, the

Biologi: Molekylär mikrobiologi

Bakterier utgör grunden för biosfären och är en förutsättning för allt liv på jorden. Denna kurs ger insikter i hur gener är organiserade och reglerade i bakterier och deras virus. Kursen omfattar molekylärbiologiska aspekter av gener, proteiner, proteinkomplex och andra biomolekyler som ger struktur och upprätthåller organismens funktioner. Användningen av genteknik och moderna tekniker såsom ”trBacteria make up the foundation of the biosphere and sustain all life on earth. This course provides insights into how genes are organised and regulated in bacteria and in their viruses. The course comprises molecular biology of genes, proteins, multicomponent protein complexes, and other biomolecules that provide structure and perform the organism’s functions. The use of genetic engineering and m

Biologi: Limnologi och marinekologi - organismer och habitat

Kursens övergripande mål är att studenten ska tillägna sig en helhetssyn på organismer och abiota förutsättningar i akvatiska system, från källflöde via avrinningsområde till hav.  Kursen omfattar struktur och funktion hos akvatiska ekosystem, akvatiska organismgrupper och deras roll i akvatiska ekosystem, provtagningsmetodik och kemiska och fysikaliska analysmetoderna i akvatiska system samThe aim of the course is that the student should acquire an overall view on organisms and abiotic preconditions in aquatic systems from source to sea.  The course includes structure and function of aquatic ecosystems, aquatic organism groups and their role in aquatic ecosystems,  sampling methodology and the most common chemical and physical analytical methods in aquatic systems an