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Your search for "*" yielded 532967 hits

Investment in Relationship-Specific Assets: Does Finance Matter?

Banks (but not stock markets) promote economic growth by facilitating relationship-specific investment between buyers and suppliers of intermediate goods. Combined insights from literature on signaling role of banks and on relationship-specific investment motivate this economic channel: A supplier is reluctant to undertake relationship-specific investment as she cannot observe financial stability

Dynamic Mapping of Diesel Engine through System identification

From a control design point of view, modern diesel engines are dynamic, nonlinear, MIMO systems. This paper presents a method to find low-complexity black-box dynamic models suitable for model predictive control (MPC) of NOx and soot emissions based on on-line emissions measurements. A four-input-five-output representation of the engine is considered, with fuel injection timing, fuel injection dur

Narrow-Front Loop Migration in a Population of the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus, as Revealed by Satellite Telemetry.

Narrow migration corridors known in diurnal, social migrants such as raptors, storks and geese are thought to be caused by topographical leading line effects in combination with learning detailed routes across generations. Here, we document narrow-front migration in a nocturnal, solitary migrant, the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus, using satellite telemetry. We tracked the migration of adult cuckoo

A Systematic Study of Gene Mutations in Urothelial Carcinoma; Inactivating Mutations in TSC2 and PIK3R1.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Urothelial carcinoma (UC) is characterized by frequent gene mutations of which activating mutations in FGFR3 are the most frequent. Several downstream targets of FGFR3 are also mutated in UC, e.g., PIK3CA, AKT1, and RAS. Most mutation studies of UCs have been focused on single or a few genes at the time or been performed on small sample series. This has limited the possibility

Past, present and future state of the biogeochemical Si cycle in the Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea is one of many aquatic ecosystems that show long-term declines in dissolved silicate (DSi) concentrations due to anthropogenic alteration of the biogeochemical Si cycle. Reductions in DSi in aquatic ecosystems have been coupled to hydrological regulation reducing inputs, but also with eutrophication, although the relative significance of both processes remains unknown for the observ

On EPP effects

In this paper I argue that EPP effects are of two different types, NP-movement and the Filled Left Edge Effect. While NP-movement is driven in Narrow Syntax by the computation of Person, some Filled Left Edge phenomena, including Icelandic Stylistic Fronting, seem to take place in PF. Even so, these phenomena also reflect the clausal computation, that is, the matching processes that value clause i

Improving the Efficiency of Gas Engines using Pre-chamber Ignition

The aim of this project is to explore and understand the combustion phenomenon in engines operating on gaseous fuels, and develop technologies as an alternative to the present diesel engine technologies for heavy duty applications; which are facing severe challenges like stringent emissions norms, high technology costs and unsustainable fuel supply. The studies presented in this thesis focus on th

Rate-Adaptive Tasks: Model, Analysis, and Design Issues

In automotive systems, some of the engine control tasks are triggered by specific crankshaft rotation angles and are designed to adapt their functionality based on the angular velocity of the engine. This paper proposes a new task model for specifying such a type of real-time activities and presents an approach for analyzing the system feasibility under dynamic scheduling for different scenarios.

A fast and scalable kymograph alignment algorithm for nanochannel-based optical DNA mappings.

Optical mapping by direct visualization of individual DNA molecules, stretched in nanochannels with sequence-specific fluorescent labeling, represents a promising tool for disease diagnostics and genomics. An important challenge for this technique is thermal motion of the DNA as it undergoes imaging; this blurs fluorescent patterns along the DNA and results in information loss. Correcting for this

Platecarpus tympaniticus (Squamata, Mosasauridae): osteology of an exceptionally preserved specimen and its insights into the acquisition of a streamlined body shape in mosasaurs

LACM 128319, which was collected in western Kansas, U. S. A., and is assignable to Platecarpus tympaniticus (Mosasauridae, Plioplatecarpinae), represents arguably one of the most exquisite mosasaur specimens known to date. Measuring 5.67 m from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail, it comprises an exceptionally well-articulated skeleton, accompanied by soft-tissue remains, such as skin impr

Pathological complete response after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an independent predictive factor irrespective of simplified breast cancer intrinsic subtypes: a landmark and two-step approach analyses from the EORTC 10994/BIG 1-00 phase III trial

Pathological complete response (pCR) following chemotherapy is strongly associated with both breast cancer subtype and long-term survival. Within a phase III neoadjuvant chemotherapy trial, we sought to determine whether the prognostic implications of pCR, TP53 status and treatment arm (taxane versus non-taxane) differed between intrinsic subtypes. Patients were randomized to receive either six cy

Technological Waves and Economic Growth - Sweden in an International Perspective 1850-2005

This paper presents a model of long waves and an empirical analysis of Swedish growth since 1850. The model emphasises the creation of new complementarities around macro innovations. The growth process is periodised in two main parts. The first period is characterised by transformation when development is uneven and unbalanced. The second period is characterised by rationalisation when the economy

Clinical course and prognosis of individuals with severe alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (PiZZ)

Popular Abstract in Swedish Svår alfa-1antitrypsinbrist (AAT-brist), s.k. PiZZ, är ett ärftligt tillstånd som har en hög förekomst i Sverige, cirka 1/1600. Bristen innebär ökad risk för utveckling av kroniskt obstruktiv lungsjukdom (KOL), speciellt hos rökare. Leversjukdom är också relativt vanlig och kan förekomma såväl i barndomen som i hög ålder. Levercirros (skrumplever) och levercancer är öveSevere alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) is a genetic disorder associated with increases risk of developing of chronic obstructive lung disease and liver disease. The Swedish National Registry for individuals with severe AATD was started 1991.Up to October 2008, a total of 1349 individuals were included in the registry. The aims of the studies in this thesis which bases on AATD registry are to

Mothers, Play and Everyday Life: Ethnology Meets Game Studies

This article should serve as an introduction to a relatively new topic in ethnological studies requiring very specific methods as it involves both offline and online research as well as material objects and immaterial practices. How do we embark on an interdisciplinary venture such as this, and be sure to produce qualitative research of high standard? How should gaming mothers best be studied? In

A SEM, EDX and XAS characterization of Ba(II)Fe(III) layered double hydroxides

The structural characteristics of Ba-Fe double hydroxides were studied by various methods, such as scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) fluorescence and X-ray absorption spectroscopies (XAS). It was verified that under hyperalkaline conditions (using 10 M or 20 M NaOH solution for precipitating the substances) layered double hydroxides could be prepared and the structu

Inverse Problems for Quantum Graphs: Recent Developments and Perspectives

An introduction into the area of inverse problems for the Schrodinger operators on metric graphs is given. The case of metric finite trees is treated in detail with the focus on matching conditions. For graphs with loops we show that for almost all matching conditions the potential on the loop is not determined uniquely by the Titchmarsh-Weyl function. The class of all admissible potentials is cha

Hydrolysis of Surfactants Containing Ester Bonds: Modulation of Reaction Kinetics and Important Aspects of Surfactant Self-Assembly

The effects of self-assembly on the hydrolysis kinetics of surfactants that contain ester bonds are discussed. A number of examples on how reaction rates and apparent reaction orders can be modulated by changes in the conditions, including an instance of apparent zero-order kinetics, are presented. Furthermore, it is shown that the examples on reaction kinetics display parallels and connections to

Changes in cognitive domains during three years in patients with Alzheimer's disease treated with donepezil

Background: The objective was to identify separate cognitive domains in the standard assessment tools (MMSE, ADAS-Cog) and analyze the process of decline within domains during three years in Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients with donepezil treatment. Method: AD patients (n = 421) were recruited from a clinical multi-centre study program in Sweden. Patients were assessed every six months during thr