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Your search for "*" yielded 460526 hits

Energy production from agricultural residues: high methane yields in pilot scale two-stage anaerobic digestion

There is a large, unutilised energy potential in agricultural waste fractions. In this pilotscale study, the efficiency of a simple two-stage anaerobic digestion process was investigated for stabilisation and biomethanation of solid potato waste and sugar beet leaves, both separately and in co-digestion. A good phase separation between hydrolysis/ acidification and methanogenesis was achieved, as

Quantum chemistry predicts multiply bonded diuranium compounds to be stable

Results from quantum chemical calculations that predict the existence of a series of diuranium molecules are reported. Two diuranium chlorides, U2Cl6 and U2Cl82-, and three different carboxylates, U-2(OCHO)(4), U-2(OCHO)(6), and U-2(OCHO)(4)Cl-2 have been studied. All species have been found to be stable with a multiply bonded U-2 unit.

Titanium dioxide thin-film growth on silicon(111) by chemical vapor deposition of titanium(IV) isopropoxide

The initial stages of TiO2 growth on Si(111) under ultra-high vacuum conditions is studied using core level photoelectron spectroscopy, x-ray absorption spectroscopy, and scanning tunneling microscopy. The TiO2 film was formed by means of chemical vapor deposition of titanium(IV) isopropoxide at a sample temperature of 500 degreesC. The thickness and composition of the amorphous interface layer an

Suicidal intent and psychiatric symptoms among inpatient suicide attempters.

The objective of this study was to investigate associations between suicidal intent and psychiatric symptoms, and to study the usefulness of the Suicidal Intent Scale (SIS) and the Comprehensive Psychopathological Rating Scale (CPRS) for suicide risk assessment in an inpatient population. One hundred and ninety-six suicide attempters, of whom 15 eventually committed suicide, were admitted to a psy

Nocturnal autumn bird migration at Falsterbo, South Sweden

We investigated the patterns of nocturnal bird migration in autumn 1998 at a coastal site on the Falsterbo peninsula in south-western Sweden, by means of a passive infrared device. In total 17 411 flight paths, including track direction and altitude, of migrating birds were recorded for 68 nights from August to October. Mean migratory traffic rate per night varied between 6 and 6618 birds km1 h1,

Possible association between the androgen receptor gene and autism spectrum disorder

Autism is a highly heritable disorder but the specific genes involved remain largely unknown. The higher prevalence of autism in men than in women, in conjunction with a number of other observations, has led to the suggestion that prenatal brain exposure to androgens may be of importance for the development of this condition. Prompted by this hypothesis, we investigated the potential influence of

The mitochondrial external NADPH dehydrogenase modulates the leaf NADPH/NADP+ ratio in transgenic Nicotiana sylvestris

Plant mitochondria contain alternative external NAD(P)H dehydrogenases, which oxidise cytosolic NADH or NADPH and reduce ubiquinone without inherent linkage to proton pumping and ATP production. In potato, St-NDB1 is an external Ca2+-dependent NADPH dehydrogenase. The physiological function of this enzyme was investigated in homozygous Nicotiana sylvestris lines overexpressing St-ndb1 and co-suppr

Low umbilical artery vascular flow resistance and fetal outcome.

Background. An abnormally high [above mean + 2 standard deviations (SD)] umbilical artery (UA) pulsatility index (PI) indicates impaired fetal outcome, whereas the impact of an "abnormally" low (below mean -2 SD) PI is unknown. Methods. Perinatal outcome was compared between cases with a UA PI less than mean -2 SD (group A: high-risk cases selected from a database, n = 330; group B: unselected ca

Ultramicrobiosensor for the selective detection of glutamate

Carbon fiber microelectrodes, able to detect catecholamine release from single cells, have significantly contributed to our present understanding of the mechanism of secretory neurotransmission. In spite of their obvious advantages, there are only a few amperometric sensors (characterized by appropriate size, sensitivity, and selectivity) able to measure the release of other (not easily oxidizable

Temporal and spatial variability of carbon cycling in a subarctic landscape

This thesis deals with the carbon balance in a subarctic landscape at different temporal and spatial scales. Its focus is mainly on the peatland and mountain birch forest (Betula pubescens ssp. czerepanovii) ecosystems within the Abisko area in northernmost Sweden. This is an area with a temperature close to the 0 OC mean annual isotherm. The area has during the last 30 years experienced a limited

Från Koranen till Ben Hur - Gunnar Jarrings samling av östturkiska handskrifter

In 1982, the Swedish diplomat and Turkologist Gunnar Jarring (1907–2002) donated his unique collection of Eastern Turkestan manuscripts to the Lund University Library. The Jarring Collection at Lund is the third biggest collection of Eastern Turkic manuscripts in the world and consists of 560 pieces, many of which are miscellanies. It is a broad collection and represents the history and culture of

Copper Tolerance of Microfungi Isolated from Polluted and Unpolluted Forest Soil

Microfungi were isolated from unpolluted and copper polluted forest soils and their tolerance was tested on agar plates. Species from polluted sites were usually tolerant to Cu. The species were Paecilomyces farinosus, Beauveria bassiana, Verticillium spp. and Penicillium pactum. Sensitive species were found among Mortierella, Oidiodendron and Penicillium. usually rare in polluted sites. Little ev

Streptozotocin induced diabetes in minipig: a case report of a possible model for type 1 diabetes?

Studies on the pathogenic process in type 1 diabetes are often performed in animal models. Low-dose administration of streptozotocin has been used to induce diabetes with pathological alterations similar to human type 1 diabetes in the animals. Rodent models are frequently used but there is a need of developing new models including larger animals. In this study we wanted to investigate to what ext

Fusion of the EWSR1 and ATF1 genes without expression of the MITF-M transcript in angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma

Angiomatoid fibrous histiocytoma (AFH) is a rare soft tissue tumor that usually occurs in children and young adults. Only two cases of AFH with genetic rearrangements have been reported previously; both of these had a FUS-ATF1 fusion gene. We have studied an AFH from a 9-year-old boy whose tumor displayed a t(12;22)(q13;q12) as the sole cytogenetic aberration. FISH,RT-PCR, and sequence analyses re

Changes in microfungal community structure after fertilization of Scots pine forest soil with ammonium-nitrate or urea

The microfungal population structure of two Scots pine forest soils in Southern Sweden was studied 8–13 yr after nitrogen fertilization. The different fertilizers used. ammonium nitrate and urea. influenced the species composition in different ways. The main effect of the NH4NO3 treatment was an increased isolation frequency of Penicillium spinulosum and 4Oidiodendron echinulatum, while Penicilliu

Enterococcus faecalis heme-dependent catalase

Enterococcus faecalis cells cannot synthesize porphyrins and do not rely on heme for growth but can take up heme and use it to synthesize heme proteins. We recently described a cytochrome bd in E. faecalis strain V583 and here report the identification of a chromosomal gene, katA, encoding a heme-containing cytoplasmic catalase. The 54-kDa KatA polypeptide shows sequence similarity to members of t