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Optimering av växelbyten

At this point, railway switching systems exchange takes about 15 hours to perform. It means that long time is needed if performing multiple exchanges. It even means that traffic on tracks has to be disallowed for a long amount of time. It costs maintenance companies like Infranord a lot of money to keep tracks free from other vehicles during the work. The company needs to purchase special permissi

Development and Validation of a Turbulent Flame Propagation Model

The aim of this thesis was to develop a model for flame propagation, to implement in a zero-dimensional engine simulation tool (DARS 0d-SRM) which previously only used fitted Wiebe-functions to describe the flame propagation. The idea was to create a model which could replace or complement the Wiebe function, but with predictive capabilities, avoiding the need to perform curve-fitting when certain

Ålders- och könsskillnader i uppfattningar om tand- och allmänhälsa: en attitydundersökning

Tandhälsobeteende styrs till viss del av attityder. Därför undersöktes attityder genom en enkätundersökning med 218 medverkande (studenter n=159, seniorer n 58) med ett bekvämlighetsurval. Svarsfrekvens 76,6%. Arbetet kartlägger existerande attityder till tandsjukdomar och tandhälsa, samt behandlar hur viktig tandhälsa uppfattas, jämfört med hur viktig allmänhälsa. Tandhälsa och allmänhälsa ansågs

Konsten att verka inom orimlighetens gränser : En studie om socialsekreterares strategier för att hantera sin arbetssituation

Social Work Education today places great importance to convey values such as respect in the relation between social worker and client, and to embrace a user perspective in the professional practice. Yet, many clients find themselves mistreated and ignored and experience social service work as arbitrary and inaccessible. The purpose of this study is to examine what takes place in the encounter betw

Development of a spectroscopic technique for assessment of optical properties and gas content in porous turbid media

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Spektroskopi handlar om teoretiska modeller och experiment där man observerar ljus som har växelverkat med materia. Spektroskopiska metoder används inom många olika ämnesområden som exempelvis kemi, fysik och biologi. Ett jordnära exempel på tillämpad spektroskopi är människans öga. Reflekterat ljus från olika föremål samlas in av linsen i ögat, avbildas på näthiIn this thesis a novel spectroscopic method consisting of a combination of frequency domain photon migration (FPDM) and gas in scattering media absorption spectroscopy (GASMAS) is developed, for assessment of the mean optical path length and gas absorption in porous media. The system stability is experimentally investigated and measurements are performed on balsa and pine wood to evaluate the rela

Fysiskt sätt händer det ingenting

Grooming is a widespread problem all over the Internet. Swedish research proves this issue to be more common than suspected for youth spending time on the Internet. This study focuses on Internet relationships from the perspective of exposed grooming victims. Central questions are: What are the consequences for young people after establishing contacts with unknown persons? Which are the main featu

Living with Cyclone: coping and recovery strategies

Bangladesh has a long history of coping with and recovery from disasters. Although climate extremes are increasingly taking huge tolls especially in the Southwestern part of the country, households are resisting the negative outcomes of these events as best they can. This research explores the coping strategies of the people of a coastal village in the wake of a cyclone, Aila. The vulnerability ap

Spatial Discrimination Performance at Levels of Pattern Separation Demand after Global/Local Processing

The pattern separation process, where sensory input is given an individual place in memory without compromising or overwriting older memory representations, is highly sensitive to small changes in input, and as the similarity between items increases so does pattern separation demand (Clelland et al., 2009; Yassa & Stark, 2011). This experiment tested performance on a pattern separation-depende

Time and energy calibration of large-volume segmented sodium-iodide detectors

Nuclear physics research is focused upon determining the structure of the atomic nucleus and nuclei, and understanding the interactions both within it and between them. To accomplish this, various probes of the nucleus are used - two types are 'electromagnetic' and 'hadronic'. An example of an electromagnetic probe is the photon, which has the advantage of interacting with the nu

AF Bostäder’s house allocation problem

This paper evaluates the practicality and efficiency of different solutions to the house allocation problem faced by the company providing housing for students at Lund University. Both static and dynamic mechanisms are considered. A series of simulations show that the problem could be solved more efficiently by altering the booking period length of the currently used mechanism, and even more effic

"Porr är inget för tjejer" – en kvalitativ studie om hur pornografi kan påverka unga kvinnor i deras identitetsskapande

“Porn is not for girls” – a qualitative study concerning how pornography affect young women in shaping their identities The aim of this study is to enrich the understanding of how pornography affects young women. What does it mean to be female? How do young women relate and communicate about pornography? What kind of influence does pornography have on young women’s identity development? Is pornog

Living La Vida Low-Carb: A Low Carbon Society in Latin America. Estimating the Effects of Road Transport Management in Carbon Emissions Through a Visioning-Backcasting Model

Carbon emissions have recently been put under the spotlight since it is widely accepted that global warming is caused by the emission of greenhouse gases, of which carbon dioxide is the main component. One of the fastest rising sources of emissions from carbon emissions is the transport sector, with emissions often rising faster than the GDP growth rates of developing countries. The estimated shar

Civilrättsliga följder vid brott mot processuella avtal i skiljeförfarandet

Uppsatsen ämnar behandla vilka civilrättsliga följder ett brott mot ett avtal, som på något sätt styr processen i ett skiljeförfarande, kan få. En anledning till att allt fler näringsidkare väljer att lösa sina tvister i ett skiljeförfarande beror antagligen på att möjligheterna att kontrollera processen är större i jämförelse med ett motsvarande förfarande i allmän domstol. Det kan handla om att This essay examines which consequence a breach of contract aimed at dictating the process in arbitration can have under civil law. One of the reasons why more businesses choose to solve their disputes in arbitration proceedings probably depends on the fact that their possibilities to influence this process is greater in comparison to an equal process undertaken in general court. The parties might

Sambandet mellan fonders förvaltningsavgift och avkastning - En studie av fonder i Indien, Kina och Ryssland

Syftet med denna studie är att komma fram till om den effektiva marknadshypotesen gäller för marknaderna Indien, Kina och Ryssland. Detta görs främst genom att jämföra fonders avgifter med deras avkastning. Fokus ligger på prestation över 5 års sikt men även 3- och 1 års sikt redovisas. För att göra en jämförelse har jag tittat på alla fonder från dessa länder som är tillgängliga för svenska småsp

Does Hukou make a difference? : a study of rural migrant workers in urban regions in China

Internal migration has become debatable issue in China, since there are more and more migrant workers after social economic reform. Those migrant workers, attracted by better job opportunities in cities, have made great contribution for urban areas; but at the meantime they are suffering from restrictions caused by household system. In this thesis the main purpose is to figure out the links betwee

Att översätta ett polysemt ord - En närstudie av hur ordet policy kan översättas i texter om hållbart fiske

Detta examensarbete bygger på en översättning av nio texter ur en Greenpeace-kampanj som handlar om hållbart fiske. Texterna är publicerade på Greenpeace internationella webbplats och ska översättas för att kunna publiceras på Greenpeace svenska webbplats. Arbetet inleds med en analys av källtexten som baseras på de metoder för textanalys som Hellspong och Ledins presenterar i sin bok Vägar genom

Evaluation of Long-term Impact of Coal Mining in Zambezi River Basin in Mozambique

Zambezi River Basin is an international river basin which sustains life of about 30 million people in its riparian countries: Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The main stream of the river enters to Mozambique with average flow of about 2330 m3/s and reaches the outfall in the Indian Ocean with about 4134 m3/s. This makes both the activities in the upstr

När makten blir din kompis - en studie i polisens kommunikation på Facebook

Idag har många organisationer, både inom privat och offentlig sektor, etablerat en närvaro på olika sociala medieplattformar. Det är av högsta relevans att granska aktörer i samhället som innehar en stor maktposition. Denna studie undersöker hur den svenska polisen använder Facebook som ett strategiskt verktyg för att kommunicera med medborgare, men också vilka möjligheter och faror som finns koppToday, many organizations, both within the private and the public sector, have developed a presence in different social media channels. It is of most importance to perpetually scrutinize entities because of their position of power in the society. This study examines how the Swedish Police use Facebook as a strategic tool to communicate with citizens, but also what the potential advantages and disa

Vibation Reduction by Shaping the Terrain Topography

MAX-lab is a synchrotron radiation laboratory run in cooperation between Lund University and the Swedish Research Council. It currently consists of three stor-age rings, however, construction has begun of the fourth. MAX IV will be located outside of the Lund University Faculty of Engineering campus, in the northeastern part of Lund. Induced by the development in material technology at the nanomet

Användarnas egenuttryckta behov och talboksverksamhetens framtid : den svenska talboksverksamheten ur ett användar- och empowermentperspektiv

The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine how the Swedish model for production and distribution of talking books to the print disabled can be designed in the future, on the basis of the self-expressed needs of the users. Three questions were formulated in order to achieve this aim: 1. What needs do the users, according to themselves, have in relation to talking books to achieve equal means of