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Your search for "*" yielded 531754 hits

Renewable hydrogen production. The role of Solar Thermal Water Splitting.

In a context of environmental crisis and depletion of conventional energy resources, the current energy model based on fossil fuels is obsolete and needs to be redefined and redesigned. Hydrogen economy can represent a good alternative. To get it, developing carbon-free renewable hydrogen production processes will be crucial. This Master Thesis is focused on the ones using solar thermal energy to

Fysikalisk modellering av avancerad racingstötdämpare

A shock absorber is used in road vehicles to provide comfortable driving and to optimize the grip. The characteristics are advanced and it takes powerful tools to model a shock absorber. Öhlins Racing AB in Upplands-Väsby is looking for a tool to physically describe their products; in this thesis the task is performed by using the modeling language Modelica and the simulation tool Dymola. The mode

Improve and Secure the Supplier Capacity Process

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to implement the One Supplier Capacity Process, a standardized method of working with capacities within IKEA. In order to do this the current way of working with capacities is investigated prior to the actual implementation of the process. The key contribution of the authors is the development of a template to support the implementation process and ensure acc

Mathematical Modeling of Inventory Control Systems with Lateral Transshipments

This master thesis is about the mathematical modeling of an inventory control system. The system is a single-echelon two-location system with one type of item. The locations replenish from a supplier that is assumed to have an ample stock. The demand is modeled as customers arriving according to a Poisson process with a known intensity and each customer only demands one item. In addition to replen

Förstärkt skydd, för vem? En rättssociologisk studie om lagen om kontakt med barn i sexuellt syfte

In July of 2009 punitive measures were taken by the Swedish government in order to deal with the somewhat new phenomenon known as grooming. The law, called “contact with children for sexual purposes” requires that the adult perpetrator contacts a child, with the purpose of committing sexual offences at a future meeting with the child. Although the law was received with gratitude from many parts of

Business Case for Indirect Sales - How a business case can work as a tool for generating support for a change project

Background and the Situation at Company X To remain competitive, it is essential for companies to take advantage of new business opportunities. However, seizing new opportunities often imply changes within the organization, and projects associated with change are bound to encounter resistance. To efficiently manage change and thereby avoid resistance and engage in measures that generate support fo

Motion detection and temporal filtering of noisy image sequences

When capturing digital video there is always some amount of noise in the resulting signal. This is more pronounced in low-light conditions. In this thesis we have evaluated five algorithms for motion detection and noise reduction. All algorithms produce a filtered image and a motion mask. One of the algorithms is based on block-matching, one on fuzzy logic and one on low-rank matrix completion. Th

Stock Market Response to Changes in Managerial Stock Ownership

The main aim of this thesis is to analyse the Swedish stock market and find any evidence that Swedish CEOs are able to gain abnormal returns by using inside information. The theoretical framework is based on the previous studies within the insider trading field. The key theories for this study are the Efficient Market Hypothesis and the Signalling Hypothesis. In order to determine the abnormal ret

Who’s Heritage? : A study of the perceptions of cultural heritage in south-western Sweden among immigrants and Swedes with a foreign background

This essay has investigated immigrants and Swedes with foreign background’s perception of cultural heritage as it has been specified by UNESCO. The approach to focus on this particular sample population was born out of the realisation that the EU, nationalist parties and far - right extremists all point to a common her itage. What has not been studied however is the effect of immigration on nation

Självkänsla hos barn och ungdomar med psykisk ohälsa

This study examined the relationship between self-esteem and mental illness in a clinical group, consisting of children and adolescents, ages 10-18, who had been in contact with the child- and adolescent psychiatry. The participants (N=22) filled out the questionnaires “I think I am” and “Beck Youth Inventories”, which were used as measurements of perceived self-esteem and mental illness. These re

Öppen Stadsutveckling - En komparativ studie om öppen innovation och hållbar stadsutveckling

I denna uppsats har jag studerat och analyserat hur Region Skåne och SLL arbetar med hållbar stadsutveckling, hur de förhåller sig till öppen innovation i arbetsprocessen samt hur nya hållbara lösningar och innovationer implementeras inom området. Jag har valt ett mer generellt perspektiv där jag jämför dessa platser och arbetssätt med varandra, istället för att analysera specifika stadsdelar elle

Vems latte? En analys av Malmö stads kaféboom

The story of Malmö - from industrial city to knowledge city - Will be followed by a new one. The coffee shop explosion in Malmö is examined here from a qualitative approach. Through interviews, observations and discourse analysis. The essay examines the relationship between the coffee shop boom and the City of Malmö's development during the 2000s and analyzes the physical and cultural implicat

Anknytningsstil och val av psykoterapiutbildning och berättelser om anknytning

Syftet med studien är att dels undersöka om terapeutens anknytningsstil är en prediktor för val av terapiinriktning, och dels hur det kan se ut i psykoterapeutens upplevelsevärld i berättelser rörande centrala anknytningsteoretiska teman: närhet, distans, beroende och oberoende. Studien använde sig av självskattningsinstrumentet RQ som besvarades av 57 psykoterapistuderande samt nio genomförda per

Kvinnor är fria individer! - en diskursanalys av surrogatmödrar

This essay is a critical discourse analysis of the phenomenon of surrogate mothers. Surrogacy is prohibited in Sweden but it is still possible for a swedish couple to recive the service in a foreign country, such as India. Surrogacy is a inflected question and the opinions are varied. The purpose is to analyze in what way the writers uses the language to express their opinion and to problematize t

Purification of Violaxanthin De-epoxidase expressed in E.Coli and identification of disulfide bonds using MS

Plants need light to convert earbon dioxide to organic compounds, but when exposed to too much light the photosynthetic machinery takes damage. This is prevented by conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin, which participate in a process that converts the excess light into heat. The conversion of violaxanthin to zeaxanthin is done by the enzyme violaxanthin de-epoxidase. VDE from spinach have bee

Development of WEPO - Water Extraction and Particle formation On-line

There are many valuable substances present in nature such as antioxidants. The conventional method for extracting the antioxidants employs organic solvents. Subcritical Water Extraction (SWE) is a sustainable method for extraction of high valuable compounds. This method uses subcritical water as a solvent instead of organic solvents but leaves the compounds in a water solution. Keeping the antioxi

Substitution Kinetics of Palladium Pincer Complexes

The substitution reaction of complexes, (PCNR)PdCl, where R = (methyl) (1), (ethyl) (2) and(propyl) (3), with iodide where studied in 1-10 mM LiCl in methanol. The substitution was followed under pseudo first order conditions with an excess of incoming and leaving ligand. The high reactivity of complex 1 was attributed to the low steric bulkiness of the methyl substituent. The order of reactivity

A Small Cog in a Large Wheel? : Experiences of Swedish Local Government

The primary purpose to this study was to explore the role of local government in Sweden, primarily through the eyes of some of the people working within one. Consideration of some of the structural characteristics of local government in Sweden, in particular the privileges and responsibilities accorded to local municipalities there and in what context, lead the author to conclude that Swedish muni