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General syllabus for third cycle studies in visual arts 170531 0

Brevmall Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Malmö General Syllabus for Third Cycle Studies in Visual Arts leading to a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts 1. Programme details Programme and specialisation: Third cycle studies in Visual Arts Code: KOKOFK01 Credits: 240 Cycle: Third Degree title in English: Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts in Visual Arts Degree Title in Swedish: Konstnärl - 2025-03-08

General syllabus music 140925

Brevmall Facul ty o f F ine and Performing Ar ts , Malmö General Syllabus for Third Cycle Studies in Music leading to a Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts 1. Programme details Programme and specialisation: Third cycle studies in Music Code: KOKOMUS1 Credits: 240 Cycle: Third Degree title in English: Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts in Music Degree title in Swedish: Konstnärlig doktorsexamen i musi - 2025-03-08

General syllabus theatre 140925

Brevmall Facul ty o f F ine and Performing Ar ts , Malmö General Syllabus for Third Cycle Studies in Theatre leading to a Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts 1. Programme details Programme and specialisation: Third cycle studies in Theatre Code: KOKOTEA2 Credits: 240 Cycle: Third Degree title in English: Doctor of Philosophy in Fine Arts in Theatre Degree title in Swedish: Konstnärlig dokt - 2025-03-08

Individual studyplan template 0

Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts Individual study plan for PhD students Date of establishment/revision: 1. Personal data Date of birth Name Address Phone Work phone E-mail 2. Basic data regarding PhD studies Admission date Studies began on (if other than admission date) Subject of third cycle studies (state one of the following alternatives: Music - 2025-03-08

Notification sheet 2

Uppsatsmall title undertitle Name [if necessary, extra logo for cooperating Academy] DOCTORAL DISSERTATION by due permission of the Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University, Sweden. To be defended at xxxxxx xxxx. Date xxxxx and time xxxx. Faculty opponent Xxxxxx xxxxxxx Organization LUND UNIVERSITY Document name Date of issue Author(s) Sponsoring organization Title and subtitle A - 2025-03-08

Public defence and degree certificate 0

Brevmall Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts Public defence of theses and degree certificates in research studies Internal rules of procedure at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University. In general, the department is in charge of practical issues while the faculty office is responsible for formal decisions and overall coordination and support in the process. Applying to publicly de - 2025-03-08

Public defence of theses and degree certificates at the faculty

Brevmall Konstnär l iga fakulteten i Malmö Public defence of theses and degree certificates in research studies This guide is designed to support the public defence process of doctoral students at the Lund University Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts. The Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts is responsible for the formal decisions, quality assurance and support in the process. For details, please - 2025-03-08

Public defence of theses and degree certificates at the faculty 2016

Brevmall Konstnär l iga fakulteten i Malmö Public defence of theses and degree certificates in research studies This guide is designed to support the public defence process of doctoral students at the Lund University Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts. The Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts is responsible for the formal decisions, quality assurance and support in the process. For details, please - 2025-03-08

Public defence of theses and degree certificates for external phd students 2017-01-25

Brevmall Facul ty o f F ine and Performing Ar ts Public defence of theses and degree certificates in research studies This guide is designed to support the public defence process of doctoral students admitted under a special agreement on research studies at the Lund University Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, and - doctoral students admitted to the national graduate school in the arts, Konstnä - 2025-03-08

Public defence of theses and degree certificates for external phd students lucris 2016

Brevmall Facul ty o f F ine and Performing Ar ts Public defence of theses and degree certificates in research studies This guide is designed to support the public defence process of doctoral students admitted under a special agreement on research studies at the Lund University Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, and - doctoral students admitted to the national graduate school in the arts, Konstnä - 2025-03-08

Request for an extension of a doctoral studentship

Brevmall Reg. no STYR 2017/34 Approved by the Faculty Board on 14 December 2016 Request for an extension of a doctoral studentship at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts Requests are normally submitted after having completed at least three and a half years, and no later than two months short of completing a four-year appointment. Personal information: Personal identity number Name Department T - 2025-03-08

Request for extension of doctoral employment

Brevmall Facul ty o f F ine and Performing Arts Request for re-employment (extension) as a doctoral student at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts The request concerns extension due to:  absence of leave  sick leave  departmental duty  parental leave  membership / deputy membership in a board or committee (state which board or committee): ________________________________ Date of birth: __ - 2025-03-08

Strategic plan - faculty of fine and performing arts 2018-2022

Strategic plan FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS Student production ”Destruktion”, Malmö Theatre Academy. Photo: Sandra Saied 2 STRATEGIC PLAN - FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS Content: the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts Layout: Jessica Arwidsson, Faculty Office 3STRATEGIC PLAN - FACULTY OF FINE AND PERFORMING ARTS Preface The Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts creates and conveys know - 2025-03-08

Strategic plan for research and research studies at the faculty of fine and performing arts lund uni

Postadress Box 8084, 200 41 Malmö Besöksadress Bergsgatan 31 B Telefon växel 040-325450 E-post Facul ty o f F ine and Performing Ar ts Facul ty Board Strategic plan for research and research studies at the Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts, Lund University, 2019-2022 This strategic plan is a policy document that is to facilitate prioritisation and resource allocation within - 2025-03-08

Strategisk plan konstnarliga fakulteten 2018-2022

Strategisk plan LUNDS UNIVERSITET I KONSTNÄRLIGA FAKULTETEN Studentproduktionen ”Destruktion”, Teaterhögskolan. Foto: av Sandra Saied 2 STRATEGISK PLAN - KONSTNÄRLIGA FAKULTETEN Förord Konstnärliga fakulteten skapar och förmedlar kunskap på konstnärlig och vetenskaplig grund. Uppdraget innebär att förvalta och förnya konstnärlig kunskapsbildning och konstnärliga traditioner inom fri konst, teater - 2025-03-08

Study plan english

Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts Malmö Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts Date:_________________ Individual study plan for PhD students Date of birth: Admission date Name: Subject Address: Main supervisors Assistant supervisors Homephone Workphone E-mail Subject - Summary of research topic: Date for intended degree - dr, lic or both Date for exam - semester + total in % Study pace in % P - 2025-03-08

Supervision and other resources

Brevmall Faculty of Fine and Performing Arts Approved by the Faculty Board 25 September 2014 Regulations on supervision and other resources for third-cycle education 1. Supervision and other resources Legislation and regulations • Higher Education Ordinance, Chap. 7 Sec. 34 paragraph: “The number of doctoral students admitted to third-cycle courses and study programmes may not exceed the number th - 2025-03-08

Supervision and other resources 2016

Brevmall Facul ty o f F ine and Performing Ar ts Approved by the Facul ty Board 19 October 2016 Regulations on supervision and other resources for third-cycle education 1. Supervision and other resources Legislation and regulations • Higher Education Ordinance: Chapter 7 Section 34 “The number of doctoral students admitted to third-cycle courses and study programmes may not exceed the number that - 2025-03-08

Barn i fokus - program

Varmt välkommen till BARN I FOKUS ETT VETENSKAPLIGT SYMPOSIUM OM BARNCENTRERAD VÅRD OCH E-HÄLSA Slutsymposium LUC3 28/11 - kl. 12:00-17:00 Under två delsymposier presenteras den forskning som bedrivits och implementerats inom LUC3 och den forskning som pågår och planeras inom eChildHealth de kommande sex åren. Symposium eChildHealth 29/11 - kl. 09:00-13:00 Sedan 2013 har forskare från Sverige, Dan - 2025-03-08

Barnkirurgisk omvardnad

Barnkirurgisk omvårdnad 7,5HP (G) Utbildning har en inriktning mot omvårdnad vid kirurgi hos barn och vänder sig till sjuksköterskor som i sitt arbete möter barn som ska genomgå eller har genomgått kirurgi. Utbildningen genomförs av Lunds universitet i samarbete med Verksamhetsområdet Barnkirurgi och Neonatalvård vid Skånes universitetssjukhus i Lund. För barn som genomgår kirurgi sker vården och - 2025-03-08