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Att filosofera med fågel Fenix : en essä om Adornos förhållande till Kants teoretiska filosofi och upplysningstänkande

This essay seeks to articulate how one should understand Adorno´s perspective on Kant. The essay produces an interpretation of this very complicated relationship using the (Nietzschean) concepts "affinity" and "ressentiment" : an elucidation that will hopefully make clear that the works of Adorno in many ways constitute a pursuance of Kant´s philosophical insights to their logi

United by Principles - Transversal Politics and the Women's Social Movement in Lebanon

In this field study, the possibilities and obstacles facing five organisations in the women's social movement in Lebanon are described and discussed. In the light of globalisation, transnational social movements have emerged as an alternative political arena to promote various issues of global concern, among them women's rights. The idea of ?transversal politics? emphasises the importance

Den ociviliserade "norrlänningen" - en studie om social kategorisering och stereotyper

In this thesis we have tried to show the problems that the categorisation of ?norrlänningar? generates. We have also tried to describe what the stereotypes of ?norrlänningar? are by examining what people say on web logs. The method we have used to find the stereotypes in our empirical material is the discourse analyse. Our starting point has been a critical perspective on the power relations that

Why Being Single? : A Research For The Delayed Marriage Among People (Aged 25-35) In Shanghai, China

Get married is the rite of passage that coincides with exit from the parental household, solemnizing the establishment of a new household and commitment to a sexual partner (Allan, G. et al, 2003:135), which is a ubiquitous phenomenon across human society. Almost all adult men and women seek to marry or form a permanent stable relationship with another person for the sake of bear children and rais

Tro, hopp och samarbete: en fallstudie av Olofströms mellankommunala samverkan i västra Blekinge

The municipality of Olofström is intensifying the co-operation with Sölvesborg and Karlshamn, the two other municipalities in the west of Blekinge. They co-operate in two local federations and for the moment negotiations are going on about a third local federation in continuation school, but the municipalities do not agree. The aim of this thesis is to examine why Olofström co-operate with Sölvesb

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13 December 2005, a proposal to include sexual orientation into the act of anti-discrimination in the Faroese criminal code was read in the Faroese parliament, Løgtingið. The result of the voting was that the proposal was rejected. Accordingly, the Faroe Islands is still the only Nordic country where homosexuals have not obtained any special rights. The investigation conducted in this report, ha

Sociala orättvisor och utbrott av inbördeskrig En metod för kvantifiering av strukturellt våld som instrument för att studera omvandlingen av strukturellt våld till direkt våld

Den teoretiska utgångspunkten för denna teoriutvecklande studie ligger i Galtungs resonemang om det utökade våldsbegreppet och det strukturella våldet. Vi utvecklar här en egen metod för mätning av strukturellt våld som vi sedan applicerar på alla stater för vilka det finns tillgänglig statistik. Det strukturella våldet i vår empiriska undersökning utgörs av en politisk, en ekonomisk och en kult

Vägen till enighet - Regional integration i Afrikanska unionen

Uppsatsens analysområde är uppkomsten av regional integration och prägeln på samarbetet inom den Afrikanska unionen. På en kontinent som ofta betraktas av omvärlden som ett hjälplöst problemområde har unionen uppstått som ett forum för samarbete och enighet. Kontexten ur vilken Afrikanska unionen uppkom skiljer sig från tidigare afrikanska samarbeten. Med hjälp av integrationsteorin neofunktionali

Den rättvisa skatten - Ett etiskt argument för platt skatt

How should a fair income tax system be designed? Since Estonia became the first country to introduce a flat tax on incomes in 1994, this question has been in focus of public debate. The aim of is this thesis is to show that a flat income tax system, combining a proportional tax rate on all incomes with an allowance exempt from tax, is consistent with the demands of justice. In order to achieve thi

"Världens omöjligaste jobb": En analys rörande generalsekreterarens effektivitet i FN-arbetet

Hammarskjöld och Boutros-Ghalis effektiva ledarskap inom FN analyseras. Teorierna som används är path-goal teorin och Greensteins teori. Genom dessa finner vi utgångspunkterna för analysen, vilka är: generalsekreterarnas administrativa arbete, val av lösningar i kris- och konfliktsituationer samt deras relationer med medlemsstaterna. Utifrån dessa tre kategoriseringar analyserar vi sedan deras eff

Kameraövervakning och deliberativ demokrati - En normativ studie av dagens kameraövervakning utifrån teorier om panopticon, den andre och det kommunikativa handlandet

The main aim of this thesis is to introduce a normative perspective to surveillance studies. I examine how the use of videocameras or CCTV-systems can create a social sorting and, then, try to answer why it ought to be reconstructed based on a normative study. For the empirical analysis I use Foucaults theory about the panopticon, maintained by the psychological subjection of the common citizen i

Varför blev det fred i Indonesien? ? Kan rational choice förklara fredsuppgörelsen??

The conflict in Aceh had been going on for 30 years time, but ended after a tsunami hit the area in 2004. The impact the natural catastrophe had on the conflict was that both GAM and the Indonesian government was brought together with the intent of reaching a peace agreement. The authors to this thesis paper ask the question of why it became peace after such long time of war, but also if rational

Vem håller i taktpinnen i krisberedskapsarbetet? - En studie av risk- och sårbarhetsanalyserna i länsstyrelserna

Crisis management planning is a relatively new policy area in the European countries. It has materialized since the fall of the iron curtain and because of the increased interest to prevent wide-ranging national emergencies. In Sweden, the county administrative board has a key obligation to perform risk analysis guidelines. This assessment involves identifying crisis, planning response to the cris

Förnuftets spärrar - En kritisk analys av en universell förnuftsförståelse

In this thesis I discuss how the western conception of reason is an aspect of power. I consider the western comprehension of rationality to be a masculine and ethnocentric understanding, though by itself acclaimed to be universal. My purpose with this thesis is to analyze how this western and masculine conceptualisation of reason follows a gramscian structure of power, which makes it reproduce its

Demokratins gränser. Ett liberalt alternativ till påverkanprincipen

What every theory of democracy has in common is a reference to ?a people? who are, in one way or another, collectively self-governing. Given that, surprisingly little attention has been paid to the so called boundary problem of democratic theory, or, in other words, the question of who should be included in the democratic community. Lately, the historically given boundaries have been questioned in

En diktator utan vapen en komparativ studie av amerikansk retorik och teorin om rättfärdiga krig

Den 11 september 2001 förändrades världen. USA var inte längre skyddat av stora hav utan var nu sårbart för anfall. En ny värld krävde nya krig och de gamla doktrinerna för rättfärdigande av krigföring och nationalstatens suveränitet sattes ur spel i sökandet efter terrorister. Efter att Talibanregimen var störtad i Afghanistan var det största hotet mot USA säkerhet och världens fred diktaturen i

Imperiet och mängdens möjlighet till motstånd - en idéanalys av Hardt och Negris teorier och idéer inom den globala rättviserörelsen

Böckerna Imperiet (2000) och Multitude (2004), skrivna av Michael Hardt och Antonio Negri, har skapat stor debatt i politiska sammanhang, i synnerhet inom den globala rättviserörelsen. I böckerna presenteras en teori som beskriver den nya världsordning som vi idag lever i. Hardt och Negri anser att världens medborgare ? mängden ? lever under en ny global självständig politisk enhet som de kallar f

Uteblev effekterna av 9/11? En analys av förändringen inom EU:s samarbete mot terrorism utifrån historisk institutionalism

In 1992, the European Union began institutionalizing the cooperation against terrorism within the EU structure. Since then, this cooperation has gone through a number of changes. From a historical institutionalistic point of departure we explain these changes by identifying sources of institutional resilience and institutional change. Based on these results, we were able to pose hypotheses of when

U-137 svenskt politiskt och militärt agerande under kris

This bachelor thesis deal with the Soviet submarine U-137 and it's grounding in the Swedish archipelago outside the city of Karlskrona and one of Sweden?s largest naval-bases. The actions that took place in October 1981 were special because of the clear violation of Swedish territory. When the Swedish authorities later suspect nuclear armament onboard the crisis gets worse. In the thesis w