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Combined computational and crystallographic study of the oxidised states of [NiFe] hydrogenase

[NiFe] hydrogenases catalyse the reaction H2 2H(+) + 2e(-). Several states of the enzyme have been observed by spectroscopic methods. Among these, the two most oxidized states, called the unready Ni-A and Ni-SU states, have been especially intriguing, because they take a much longer time to activate than the corresponding ready Ni-B and Ni-SI states. It has recently been suggested that the unread

Cystatin C reduces the in vitro formation of soluble A beta 1-42 oligomers and protofibrils

There are an increasing number of genetic and neuropathological observations to suggest that cystatin C, an extracellular protein produced by all nucleated cells, might play a role in the pathophysiology of sporadic Alzheimer's disease (AD). Recent observations indicate that small and large soluble oligomers of the beta-amyloid protein (A beta) impair synaptic plasticity and induce neurotoxicity i

Glutamic acid decarboxylase antibody positivity is associated with an impaired insulin response to glucose and arginine in nondiabetic patients with autoimmune thyroiditis

To study whether antibodies to glutamic acid decarboxylase (GADab) are associated with subclinical beta-cell damage and impaired insulin secretion, we screened 441 nondiabetic patients with autoimmune thyroiditis (AT) for GADab, and 15 (3.4%) were found positive. Antibodies to IA-2 were found in two GADab+ and one GADab- patients. We matched 11 GADab+ and 13 GADab- AT patients who were euthyroid o

Floating-Point Analog-to-Digital Converter

Popular Abstract in Swedish I denna avhandling har jag undersökt hur man kan utöka det dynamiska omfånget utan att öka noggrannheten i en analog-till-digital omvandlare med en flyttalsliknande lösning. Den valda lösningen går ut på att man förstärker en analog insignal med flera oberoende analoga förstärkare med skilda förstärkningar. Sedan väljs den förstärkare som ger den starkaste utsignalen sTo deal with the wide dynamic rage necessary for a radio receiver or corresponding applications, but to avoid impractically high resolution at high data rates, the approach of using a floating-point analog-to-digital converter (FP-ADC) has been investigated. This approach de-links the dynamic range with the resolution, and a very wide dynamic range can be achieved by an ADC with a moderate resolut

Sense of coherence is a sensitive measure for changes in subjects with Parkinson's disease during 1 year.

To investigate subjective and objective changes in function in subjects with Parkinson's disease (PD) home visits with interviews were performed with a 1-year interval. Depressive symptoms were rated with the Geriatric Depression Scale, subjective health with the generic SF-36 scale and the disease-specific PDQ-8 scale; objective changes were assessed according to the Hoehn and Yahr scale; insomni

Sensitivity analysis for antenna near-field imaging

Although imaging and inverse scattering problems have been thoroughly studied during the last century, there is only a partial understanding of these complex problems. Most of the efforts have been placed on the development of efficient inversion algorithms and mathematical uniqueness results. In comparison, there are very few results and a limited knowledge about the information content in the in

Acquisition, extinction, and reacquisition of a cerebellar cortical memory trace.

Associative learning in the cerebellum underlies motor memories and probably also cognitive associations. Pavlovian eyeblink conditioning, a widely used experimental model of such learning, depends on the cerebellum, but the memory locus within the cerebellum as well as the underlying mechanisms have remained controversial. To date, crucial information on how cerebellar Purkinje cells change their

Diagnosis of early preterm labour.

While preterm contractions occur almost as often extremely preterm as they do closer to term, birth due to spontaneous preterm labour before 27 weeks of gestation is rare, accounting for 0.05–0.7% of all births in different populations. Although the likelihood that uterine contractions before 27 weeks of gestation represent true preterm labour is low, the risk of adverse outcome in such cases is h

Continuity-based interfacing of models for wastewater systems described by Petersen matrices

In this paper the Petersen and composition matrices that modellers are now familiar with are used as a basis to construct interfacing models between subsystems considered in wastewater treatment. Starting from continuity considerations and a set of transformation reactions between components used in the two models of the subsystems to be interfaced, a set of linear algebraic equations needs to be

High Angular Momentum States Populated in Fragmentation Reactions

The population of metastable states produced in relativistic-energy fragmentation of a U-238 beam has been measured. For states with angular momentum greater than or similar to 20h, a much higher population than expected has been observed. By introducing a collective component to the generation of angular momentum the experimental data can be understood. This is the first time that a collective de