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Sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att arbeta utifrån programmet Family Infant Neurodevelopmental Education på en neonatalavdelning

Bakgrund: I takt med att allt fler barn med lägre födelsevikt och kortare graviditetslängd kan räddas kommer barn och deras familjer i kontakt med avancerad sjukvård under en längre tid i början av barnets liv. NIDCAP är en modell som utvecklades med utgångspunkt hos det för tidigt födda barnets behov genom kunskap om barnets beteende och familjens särskilda vårdbehov. Från NIDCAP har FINE utveckl

The social fragility of financial development. A regional panel analysis of the financial development and inequality nexus on prior middle-income countries

This paper investigates the impact of financial development as a bi-dimensional concept on inequality in a regional comparison of Asian as well as Latin American countries. The policy has previously been explicitly proposed for middle-income economies to boost growth and overall prosperity. While allowing for nonlinearities, this paper exploits both static, fixed effects as well as dynamic GMM est

Possibilities and challenges for expanding the electric vehicle adoption: A case study of Swedish consumers’ perception of electric vehicles

Electric cars are by many considered a sustainable solution to the ever-growing demand for road vehicles and fuel. The transportation sector is responsible for almost a third of the total greenhouse gas emissions globally and approximately 80% of these emissions can be attributed to road vehicles. Thus, there is an urgent need for a shift away from fossil fuels in the sector. While the consumer in

En pandemi i pandemin - En studie om kvinnors utsatthet av våld i nära relationer under coronapandemin

The aim of this paper is to examine how the covid-19 pandemic and the restrictions around have effected domestic violence against women in Sweden. The year 2020 has been affected hard by the coronavirus spreading throughout the world. Alot of nations applied a lockdown strategy to fight the spread of the virus. Sweden choosed to handle things differently and let the government give out recommendat

Acceptorless Dehydrogenation of 4-methylpiperidine in Continuous Flow by Metal Oxide Supported Pincer-Ligated Iridium Catalysts

I dagens samhälle finns det en stor drivkraft att verka för mer hållbara alternativ till de fossila material som varit allmänt förekommande i flera områden av bland annat energiproduktion. Den begränsade mängden kombinerat med de klimatförändrande effekterna av växthusgasutsläpp skapar inte bara en efterfrågan utan gör det ytterst nödvändigt att hitta nya vägar för samhällsutveckling. En sektor soAs concerns grow ever larger about the negative effects of CO2 emissions, the use of hydrogen gas as an alternative to fossil fuels is becoming a more attractive objective. This however, requires practical ways of storing and transporting a highly flammable gas and is generally not compatible with much of the existing infrastructure. One proposed solution to this problem is implementation of liqui

The Future of Global Britain: A Faircloughian Discourse Analysis of British Foreign Policy in the Post-Brexit World

This thesis examines the Global Britain discourse and its articulation in the Integrated Review, a foreign policy paper, published by the British Government in March 2021. Global Britain is not a new phenomenon but an imperial legacy. The study highlights this legacy and underlines what British foreign policy focuses on in the future post-Brexit world. Faircloughian critical discourse analysis and

Modellering av föroreningsreduktion i dagvatten - Fallstudie på Ståstorpsån i Trelleborg

Föroreningar i dagvatten är en stor bidragande faktor till dålig vattenkvalitet i sjöar och vattendrag, och en stor andel av dessa föroreningar generas av mänskliga aktiviteter. Dagvattens föroreningssammansättning varierar kraftigt beroende på vilka ytor vattnet kommer i kontakt med. I ett jordbruksdominerat landskap transporteras stora mängder näringsämnen via ytavrinning och dränering till närl

Benefits perceived by Participating Start-ups through Online Corporate Accelerator Programmes

Participation in corporate accelerator programmes is considered a powerful tool for early-stage start-ups for operational go-to-market and strategic business development acceleration. With the COVID-19 outbreak, all the activities related to the corporate accelerators were forced to move online. However, due to the novelty of the phenomenon, the influence of switching the modality of corporate acc

Analysis of Market-Based Flexibility Services- An Evaluation of Flexible Resources’ Indirect Impact on Network Congestion.

Capacity shortages in electricity grids can impose significant costs on society due to missed investments in industry. Due to limited profit opportunities and long lead times, grid reinforcements are not a viable solution to the problem, which must therefore be prevented through efficient use of existing grid resources. Local flexibility markets can financially compensate electricity users to shif

Brownian Motion and the Dirichlet Problem

In this Bachelor's thesis, a solution to the Dirichlet problem using Brownian motion is given. Brownian motion is constructed using Kolmogorov's existence and continuity theorems. Blumenthal's zero-one law and the strong Markov property in various formulations are proven. Using these results, a solution to the Dirichlet problem is given using Brownian motion. The cone condition which g

Estimates of the Return to Schooling and Variations Between Countries and Ability Groups

This study analyzes the return to schooling in 22 countries. More specifically, the effect on earnings of receiving a bachelor’s and a master’s degree is estimated by applying a propensity score matching approach on microdata. Unlike many other techniques, propensity score matching addresses selection bias to a higher extent making the estimates of the treatment effect on the treated more reliable

Publicly Auditable Privacy Revocation in Practice

PAPR Credentials is the name of a not yet published credential scheme that provides conditional privacy for its users. This means that an administrator can choose to revoke a user's anonymity. Doing so, however, the administrator must broadcast her intention, as the success of the privacy revocation depends on the help of other users, since the administrator does not have access to sufficient

Sweeping Shale Gas Under the Rug: Communicating Clean Energy Futures Through the Caribbean Energy Security Initiative

Energy sector transformation will define our coming decade, as an unprecedented energy transition is required to keep the planet to 2°C warming. Despite this urgency, strong governmental resistance to low-carbon energy transitions is observed. Under the Obama administration, a Caribbean energy policy was pursued that exemplifies this resistance. Promoted as a clean energy policy, the Caribbean Ene

Policy Approaches to Dis/ability Inclusive Development

Dis/ability rights have for a long time been excluded from the discourse and practice of international development. This has taken a turn with the creation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. International organisations have extended their policies on dis/ability, and some development agents now explicitly mainstream dis/ability. Sweden, however, does not h

Anfall som bästa försvar - om det svenska straffandets drivkrafter och syften

Under 1900-talets senare hälft kan straffrätten sägas ha bytt fot – från behandlingsideologi till nyklassicism. Behandlingsideologin betonar brottslingens behov av vård och vilar på individualpreventiv grund. Straff utmäts för att brottslingen ska behandlas till laglydighet. Nyklassicismen betonar istället straffrättsliga principer som proportionalitet, skuld och ansvar. Straffet konstituerar ett During the 20th century the penal law has changed stance – from a treatment based ideology to neoclassicism. The ideology of treatment accentuates the offenders need of care and is based on individual prevention. Punishment is motivated by its ability to treat the criminal into law-abidingness. Neoclassicism stresses principles of penal law such as proportionality, guilt and liability. The punishm

Inte samma måttstock - en studie i hur närståendebegreppet i bestämmelsen om grov fridskränkning tolkas vid våld i ungas partnerrelationer

Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka i vilken utsträckning unga personer som utsätts för våld av en partner med vilken de varken är gifta eller sambo omfattas av närståenderekvisitet i brottet grov fridskränkning och att analysera hur ungas utsatthet vid våld i ungas partnerrelationer bedöms vid tillämpningen av detta brott. Med utgångspunkt i förarbeten och prejudikat från Högsta domstoleThe purpose of this thesis has been to investigate to what extent young people who are subjected to violence by a partner whom they neither are married to nor cohabiting with, are considered to have a close relationship to the perpetrator according to the offence of gross violation of integrity, and to analyze how the vulnerability of young people in violent youth relationships is being assessed i

Materiell processledning och edition i Pragreglerna - En jämförelse med såväl lagen om skiljeförfarande (1999:116) som IBA-reglerna

Skiljeförfarandet är och har länge varit en populär alternativ tvistlösningsmetod. Detta gäller i synnerhet i internationella kommersiella tvister där parterna önskar ett neutralt förfarande utan koppling till endera parts nationella domstolar. Skiljeförfarandet har dock på senare tid börjat kritiseras för att ofta resultera i långdragna och kostsamma processer för parterna. Mot bakgrund av denna Arbitration is, and has been for long, a popular alternative dispute resolution. This is particularly true for international commercial disputes where the parties wish to have their case tried in a neutral setting. However, arbitration has in recent times received a lot of criticism for being slow and costly. In light of this criticism a new soft law-tool was presented in 2018 called the Rules on