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Novel electrode design for non-destructive resistivity measurement on material in geotechnical standard sample cylinders

We present a novel design of an electrode arrangement for measurement of the resistivity of soil samples contained in a sample cylinder used in standard geotechnical site investigations in Sweden. The objective is to make it possible to measure the resistivity of the same samples that are to be used for mechanical tests, without disturbing the samples in order to get unbiased mechanical test data.

Is there any criminal law protection for exploited migrant workers in Sweden? Logics of criminal law and the labour migration regime

The exploitation of migrant workers is widespread in the Nordic countries in labour intensive sectors. This article investigates whether there is any criminal law protection in practice for exploited migrant workers in Sweden. On the basis of descriptive statistics regarding the outcomes of criminal investigations on human trafficking for forced labour and on human exploitation for forced labour aThe exploitation of migrant workers is widespread in the Nordic countries in labour intensive sectors. This article investigates whether there is any criminal law protection in practice for exploited migrant workers in Sweden. On the basis of descriptive statistics regarding the outcomes of criminal investigations on human trafficking for forced labour and on human exploitation for forced labour a

Learner–environment adaptations in multiple language learning : casing the ideal multilingual self as a system functioning in context

Multiple language learning has been largely neglected in L2 motivation research. Recently, complexity principles have been used to model multilingual motivation. In this work, multilingual self-guides are conceptualised as emergent from interactions between the motivation systems of different languages. Motivational systems and their emergent properties are also influenced by the contexts in which

Syftet med syftet - En analys av syftesöverträdelser inom EU-konkurrensrätten med fokus på matpriskriget inom Sverige 2023

Uppsatsen gör avstamp i att utreda konkurrensrättens syften, hur vertikala prisbindningar regleras och vad konsekvenserna av att tillämpa en vertikal prisbindning innebär. För en samtidsrelevant förankring skapas en kartläggande rättsdogmatisk situation utifrån en av Sveriges största dagligvaruföretags prissänkningskampanjer. I förhållande till deras höga marknadsandelar skulle en slagkraftigare pThe thesis begins by investigating the purposes behind competition law, how vertical price restraints are regulated, and the consequences of applying a vertical price restraint. For a contemporary contextualization, a mapping of the legal dogmatic situation is created based on one of Sweden's largest grocery retailers' price reduction campaigns. Considering their high market shares a more

Motivational teaching as a relational practice : Three concepts, three connections

Language teaching is all about relationships. As Earl Stevick famously put it, success in learning a language “depends less on materials, techniques and linguistic analyses, and more on what goes on inside and between the people in the classroom” (1980 p. 4). For the teacher, getting students engaged in learning activities, and involved in developing communicative competence, requires interpersona

A Novel Anthropomorphic Phantom Composed of Tissue-Equivalent Materials for Use in Experimental Radiotherapy : Design, Dosimetry and Biological Pilot Study

The production of anthropomorphic phantoms generated from tissue-equivalent materials is challenging but offers an excellent copy of the typical environment encountered in typical patients. High-quality dosimetry measurements and the correlation of the measured dose with the biological effects elicited by it are a prerequisite in preparation of clinical trials with novel radiotherapy approaches. W

Timing of adverse events in patients undergoing acute and elective hip arthroplasty surgery : A multicentre cohort study using the Global Trigger Tool

Objective To explore timing in relation to all types of adverse events (AEs), severity and preventability for patients undergoing acute and elective hip arthroplasty. Design A multicentre cohort study using retrospective record review with Global Trigger Tool methodology in combination with data from several registers. Setting 24 hospitals in 4 major regions of Sweden. Participants Patients ≥18 ye

Women in Music - Are they absent from Western Music History?

Are women absent from Western Music History? This is a question of an apparent and easy answer; however, the reality differs. This issue prevails and only started to be discussed more seriously in recent years, since feminism has been a current on-going discussion through the world. In music, circumstances are seemingly slower to evolve still allowing discriminative actions. Through the analysis o

Empowerment and enablement and their associations with change in health-related quality of life after a supported osteoarthritis self-management programme - a prospective observational study

BACKGROUND: Osteoarthritis is a leading cause of disability worldwide. Current treatment supports coping strategies to improve health-related quality of life (HRQoL). The need to predict response to treatment has been raised to personalise care. This study aims to examine change in HRQoL from baseline to three and nine months follow-up after participating in a Supported Osteoarthritis Self-Managem

Drug interventions for prevention of COVID-19 progression to severe disease in outpatients : a systematic review with meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses (The LIVING Project)

Objectives To assess the effects of interventions authorised by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) or the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for prevention of COVID-19 progression to severe disease in outpatients. Setting Outpatient treatment. Participants Participants with a diagnosis of COVID-19 and the associated SARS-CoV-2 virus irrespective of age, sex and comorbidities. Interventions Dru

"Månen är ingen ost!": En idéhistorisk kandidatuppsats om Georg Borgström och rymdforskningen

"The Moon is not made of cheese!": A history of ideas thesis on Georg Borgström and the space research This thesis discusses and analysis Georg Borgström’s arguments against the space research program in the 1960s. It begins with his appearance in the Swedish radio on the 28 of August 1960 with the title “Mat eller månraketer” (“Food or moon rockets”). It then stretches throughout the 6

Data-Driven Adaptive Control of Unmanned Surface Vehicles Using Learning-Based Model Predictive Control

In this thesis, the subject of data-driven control of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) is explored. The control task is formulated through Nonlinear Model Predictive Path Following Control (NMPFC). System identification (SYSID) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) are employed to improve performance in a data-driven manner. The objectives were to assess the resulting controller’s path-following ability

Evidence of Unrecognized Indoor Exposure to Toxic Chlorophenols and Odorous Chloroanisoles in Denmark, Finland, and Norway

Production and use of chlorophenols (CPs) are being phased out around the globe, but with considerable lag in some highly populated countries. The process could be incentivized by leading countries sharing their experiences on problems that occurred, including the built environment. We previously reported that Swedish industry and authorities promoted CPs, including pentachlorophenol (PCP), as wooProduction and use of chlorophenols (CPs) are being phased out around the globe, but with considerable lag in some highlypopulated countries. The process could be incentivized by leading countries sharing their experiences on problems thatoccurred, including the built environment. We previously reported that Swedish industry and authorities promoted CPs,including pentachlorophenol (PCP), as wood p

Evaluate Transformer model and Self-Attention mechanism in the Yangtze River basin runoff prediction

Study region: In the Yangtze River basin of China. Study focus: We applied a recently popular deep learning (DL) algorithm, Transformer (TSF), and two commonly used DL methods, Long-Short-Term Memory (LSTM) and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), to evaluate the performance of TSF in predicting runoff in the Yangtze River basin. We also add the main structure of TSF, Self-Attention (SA), to the LSTM and G

The Complex Exhumation History of Jezero Crater Floor Unit and Its Implication for Mars Sample Return

During the first year of NASA's Mars 2020 mission, Perseverance rover has investigated the dark crater floor unit of Jezero crater and four samples of this unit have been collected. The focus of this paper is to assess the potential of these samples to calibrate the crater-based Martian chronology. We first review the previous estimation of crater-based model age of this unit. Then, we investigate

CW-laser radar for combustion diagnostics

A CW-laser radar system developed for combustion diagnostics is described. It is based on triangulation to attain range information. Some initial results from measurements in sooting flames are shown and some future perspectives are discussed.