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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Low molecular weight heparin compared with dextran as prophylaxis against thrombosis after total hip replacement

The effect of low molecular weight (LMW) heparin given once daily as prophylaxis against venous thrombosis was compared with that of dextran 70 in an open randomised trial of 100 patients undergoing elective total hip replacement. Four patients were withdrawn after randomisation and thus 96 were included in the final analysis. The development of thrombus was surveilled by the 125I fibrinogen test,

The voltage-gated Ca2+ channel is the Ca2+ sensor of fast neurotransmitter release

Previously it demonstrated that in the absence of Ca2+ entry, evoked secretion occurs neither by membrane depolarization, induction of [Ca2+]i rise, nor by both combined (Ashery, U., Weiss, C., Sela, D., Spira, M. E., and Atlas, D. (1993). Receptors Channels 1:217-220.). These studies designate Ca2+ entry as opposed to [Ca2+]i rise, essential for exocytosis. It led us to propose that the channel a

Forage availability for moose of young silver birch and Scots pine

Forestry in Sweden suffers from browsing damage caused by large herbivores, mainly moose (Alces alces) and roe deer (Capreolus capreolus). Silviculture affects the availability of forage for these animals, and thus the browsing pressure. A step towards modeling the response of trees or to predict browsing damage is to gain more knowledge on the availability of food in forest stands. Individual gap

Environmental and climatic aspects of the early to mid Holocene calcareous tufa and land mollusc fauna in southern Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling är ett resultat av ett doktorandprojekt vid Kvartärgeologiska avdelningen, Lunds Universitet. Syftet med avhandlingen har varit att utröna huruvida bildningen av kalktuff i Sverige har varit beroende av klimatet samt under vilka tider och i vilken närmiljö tuffen bildats. I samband med under-sökningen har ett stort antal landsnäckor påträffats och analyAlthough deposition of freshwater calcium carbonates, tufa, has occurred in large areas with carbonate soil or bedrock in Sweden, no tufa formation has been observed in Sweden. To better understand the factors controlling tufa formation in southern Sweden, bio- and lithostratigraphical studies were carried out on (paludal) calcareous tufa deposits in the province of Skåne. The biostratigraphical m

Degranulation patterns of eosinophil granulocytes as determinants of eosinophil driven disease

BACKGROUND: Degranulation of eosinophils in target tissues is considered a key pathogenic event in major chronic eosinophilic diseases. However, because of a lack of appropriate methods, little is known about degranulation of eosinophils in common eosinophilic diseases. METHODS: Using transmission electron microscopic (TEM) analysis, a novel approach has been devised and validated to quantify eosi

Light-induced absorption changes in etiolated Coleoptiles

Blue (or green) light induced reversible and irreversible absorption changes in etiolated wheat (Triticum aestivum) coleoptiles. Immediately after a 10 s pulse of blue light, there was an absorbance increase at 440 nm and a decrease at 420 nm. The absorbance at 440 nm returned to the original level in a biphasic way with 1st-order rate constants of 0.05 s-1 and 0.006 s-1 at C. The chang

Excited state properties of novel p- and n-type organic semiconductors withl an anthracene unit

Photoinduced dynamics of novel p- and n-type organic semiconductors with an anthracene unit are theoretically investigated with quantum chemistry methods. The calculated vertical absorption and fluorescence frequencies of them are consistent with the experimental data. The changing tendencies of the dihedral angles between anthracene unit and trifluoromethylphenyl (or thiophene) in the photoinduce

The gestural organization of vowels: a cinefluorographic study of articulator gestures in Greenlandic

Movements of individual articulators are analyzed to elucidate principles of gestural organization in vowels. Procedures for tracking articulator gestures from x-ray motion films, and results obtained on coarticulation in Swedish, Bulgarian, and Greenlandic are reported in Wood [J. Phon. 19, 281–292 (1991); Proc. 3rd Congr. I. C. P. L. A. 191–200, Helsinki (1994); Proc. 13th I. C. Ph. Sc. 1, 392–3

Self-assembled lipid superstructures: Beyond vesicles and liposomes

A unique set of nanoparlicle dispersions of self-assembled lipid mesophases with distinctive reversed cubic, hexagonal, and sponge phase structures has been prepared by use of original lipid combinations and a simple, generally applicable and scalable method. All key properties, particle size distributions, shape, phase structure, and stability, are controlled predictably and reproducibly. The res

Intermodulation noise realted to THD in dynamic nonlinear wideband amplifiers

In this work it is shown that the power of the intermodulation noise of a wide-band amplifier with dynamic nonlinearities can be estimated by the total harmonic distortion (THD) with a sinusoid input signal of appropriate amplitude and frequency. The THD is, as opposed to the intermodulation noise, easy to measure and use as a design parameter.

A generic model for MIMO wireless propagation channels in macro- and microcells

This paper derives a generic model for the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless channel. The model incorporates important effects, including i) interdependency of directions-of-arrival and directions-of-departure, ii) large delay and angle dispersion by propagation via far clusters, and iii) rank reduction of the transfer function matrix. We propose a geometry-based model that includes t

The relation between accidents and output in Swedish industry

Traditionally, occupational injury rates are measured as number of injuries per amount of work. In contrast, we propose that for certain purposes of economic policy, a more relevant measure could be obtained by considering them as production costs and comparing them with output. This was accomplished by replacing “hours worked” in the traditional formulae for estimating accident risk with “value a


The NORDBALL detector array has been used in a gamma-ray spectroscopic study of neutron deficient nuclei close to 100Sn. A beam of 270 MeV 58Ni ions was used to bombard a target of Fe-54. Reaction channel separation was achieved with a 4pi charged particle Si-ball together with a 1pi neutron detector wall. Altogether 29 final nuclei were identified and excited states were observed for the first ti