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Your search for "*" yielded 533433 hits

Lessons for Iceland from the Monetary Policy of Sweden

The purpose of this report is to derive lessons from inflation targeting in Sweden for the choice of the future monetary policy regime of Iceland. Swedish inflation targeting has been a success in terms of reducing inflation and inflation volatility, but real economic volatility is not lower compared to previous periods. In addition, financial imbalances have grown rapidly. A key lesson is that th

Solitary juvenile xanthogranuloma in the spine pretreated with neoadjuvant denosumab therapy followed by surgical resection in a 5-year-old child : case report and literature review

Purpose: We present a case report that describes neoadjuvant denosumab therapy initiated in a child with a solitary giant cell-rich juvenile xanthogranuloma tumor involving the spine, and review the current literature.Methods: A giant cell-rich histiocytic lesion involving the 11th thoracic vertebral body was identified in a healthy 5-year-old girl with persistent back and pelvic pain for several

Shock efficacy of single and dual coil electrodes - New insights from the NORDIC ICD Trial

Aims Dual coil (DC) electrodes are preferred to single coil (SC) electrodes because of an assumed higher shock efficacy. However, DC-electrodes may be associated with an increased difficulty and risk of lead extraction. We aimed to compare SC- and DC-electrodes with respect to the first shock efficacy (FSE) after implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) implantation. Methods and results One th

Search for the Decay of the Higgs Boson to Charm Quarks with the ATLAS Experiment

A direct search for the standard model Higgs boson decaying to a pair of charm quarks is presented. Associated production of the Higgs and Z bosons, in the decay mode ZH→ + -cc is studied. A data set with an integrated luminosity of 36.1 fb-1 of pp collisions at s=13TeV recorded by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC is used. The H→cc signature is identified using charm-tagging algorithms. The observe

Mapping shallow nearshore benthic features in a Caribbean marine-protected area : assessing the efficacy of using different data types (hydroacoustic versus satellite images) and classification techniques

Various benthic mapping methods exist but financing and technical capacity limit the choice of technology available to developing states to aid with natural resource management. Therefore, we assessed the efficacy of using a single-beam echosounder (SBES), satellite images (GeoEye-1 and WorldView-2) and different image (pixel-based Maximum Likelihood Classifier (MLC), and an objectbased image anal

PREHAB vs. REHAB - presurgical treatment in vestibular schwannoma surgery enhances recovery of postural control better than postoperative rehabilitation : Retrospective case series

OBJECT: To evaluate post-surgical postural stability when treating patients with remaining vestibular function with intratympanic gentamicin (PREHAB) prior to schwannoma surgery. METHOD: 44 consecutive patients with some form remaining vestibular function scheduled for vestibular schwannoma surgery. 20 were medically deafferented with intratympanic gentamicin before surgery and 24 were not. Both g

Synchronizing 10Be in two varved lake sediment records to IntCal13 14C during three grand solar minima

Timescale uncertainties between paleoclimate reconstructions often inhibit studying the exact timing, spatial expression and driving mechanisms of climate variations. Detecting and aligning the globally common cosmogenic radionuclide production signal via a curve fitting method provides a tool for the quasi-continuous synchronization of paleoclimate archives. In this study, we apply this approach

Proteins and antibodies in serum, plasma, and whole blood—size characterization using asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation (AF4)

The analysis of aggregates of therapeutic proteins is crucial in order to ensure efficacy and patient safety. Typically, the analysis is performed in the finished formulation to ensure that aggregates are not present. An important question is, however, what happens to therapeutic proteins, with regard to oligomerization and aggregation, after they have been administrated (i.e., in the blood). In t

Does the cost of development scale allometrically with offspring size?

Within many species, larger offspring have higher fitness. While the presence of an offspring size–fitness relationship is canonical in life-history theory, the mechanisms that determine why this relationship exists are unclear. Linking metabolic theory to life-history theory could provide a general explanation for why larger offspring often perform better than smaller offspring. In many species,

Effect of more vs less frequent follow-up testing on overall and colorectal cancer–Specific mortality in patients with stage II or III colorectal cancer the COLOFOL randomized clinical trial

IMPORTANCE Intensive follow-up of patients after curative surgery for colorectal cancer is common in clinical practice, but evidence of a survival benefit is limited. OBJECTIVE To examine overall mortality, colorectal cancer–specific mortality, and colorectal cancer–specific recurrence rates among patients with stage II or III colorectal cancer who were randomized after curative surgery to 2 alter

Automaticity in the recognition of nonverbal emotional vocalizations

The ability to perceive the emotions of others is crucial for everyday social interactions. Important aspects of visual socioemotional processing, such as the recognition of facial expressions, are known to depend on largely automatic mechanisms. However, whether and how properties of automaticity extend to the auditory domain remains poorly understood. Here we ask if nonverbal auditory emotion re

Accelerating delayed-acceptance Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms

Delayed-acceptance Markov chain Monte Carlo (DA-MCMC) samples from a probability distribution, via a two-stages version of the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm, by combining the target distribution with a "surrogate" (i.e. an approximate and computationally cheaper version) of said distribution. DA-MCMC accelerates MCMC sampling in complex applications, while still targeting the exact distribution. W

Making direct democracy work : a rational-actor perspective on the graphe paranomon in ancient Athens

The specific way the Athenians set up their democracy presents both theoretical and empirical challenges. Decisions were taken by majority vote in the Assembly. To keep politicians in line, the Athenians first used ostracism, which however was replaced by the graphe paranomon around 415 BCE. The latter provided that anybody who had made a proposal in the Assembly could be accused of having made an

Poor outcome after a surgically treated chondral injury on the medial femoral condyle : early evaluation with dGEMRIC and 17-year radiographic and clinical follow-up in 16 knees

Background and purpose — The optimal treatment for traumatic cartilage injuries remains unknown. Contrast-enhanced MRI of cartilage (dGEMRIC) evaluates cartilage quality and a low dGEMRIC index may predict radiographic osteoarthritis (OA). The purpose of this study was (a) to explore the results 17 years after surgical treatment of an isolated cartilage knee injury and (b) to evaluate the predicti

Generalization of prostate cancer classification for multiple sites using deep learning

Deep learning has the potential to drastically increase the accuracy and efficiency of prostate cancer diagnosis, which would be of uttermost use. Today the diagnosis is determined manually from H&E stained specimens using a light microscope. In this paper several different approaches based on convolutional neural networks for prostate cancer classification are presented and compared, using th

Characterization of the Multi-Blade 10B-based detector at the CRISP reflectometer at ISIS for neutron reflectometry at ESS

The Multi-Blade is a Boron-10-based gaseous thermal neutron detector developed to face the challenge arising in neutron reflectometry at neutron sources. Neutron reflectometers are challenging instruments in terms of instantaneous counting rate and spatial resolution. This detector has been designed according to the requirements given by the reflectometers at the European Spallation Source (ESS) i