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Jiddisch: Judisk tro och tradition

Kursen syftar till att studenten ska förstå den religiösa värld, de religiösa föreställningar och den religiösa praxis som präglade det klassiska jiddischsamhället och som än idag i högre eller lägre grad genomsyrar svenska judars liv och identitet.The course examines the religious world, religious concepts and religious practice which characterized classical Yiddish society and which still today, to some degree, helps form the lives and identities of Swedish Jews.

Judiska kulturella reaktioner på förintelsen

Inom ramen för kursen ges en översikt över huvuddragen i det judiska minnet av förintelsen med huvudfokus på detta minnes kulturella uttryck i Europa (Västeuropa,Centraleuropa och f.d. Sovjetunionen), USA och Israel. Ur det här perspektivet belyses bl.a. viktiga processer under vilka några av de främsta nazistiska krigsförbrytare ställdes inför rätta, viktiga historiekulturella produkter som filmeThe course provides an overview of the fundamental features of the Jewish remembrance of the Holocaust with a main focus on the cultural expressions of this remembrance in Europe (Western Europe, Central Europe and the former Soviet Union), the USA and Israel. This perspective is used to illuminate, among other things, important processes during which some of the most prominent Nazi war criminals

Jiddisch: Språk och litteratur, grundkurs I

I denna den första av våra två grundkurser i Jiddisch fördjupas dina kunskaper i morfologi, syntax och ordförråd i jiddisch i förhållande till vad som erhålles på nybörjarnivå. Din muntliga och skriftliga språkfärdighet fördjupas också, främst genom översättning av litteratur och videoinspelat material. Undervisningen sker i form av föreläsningar, gruppövningar och seminarier.In the first of our two introduction courses in Yiddish, your knowledge of morphology, syntax and vocabulary in Yiddish is deepened in relation to what is obtained at the beginner level. In addition, your oral and written language skills are deepened, mainly through the translation of literature and video-recorded material. Teaching takes the form of lectures, group exercises and seminars.

Jiddisch: Språk och litteratur, grundkurs II

I den här kursen får du ytterligare fördjupa dina kunskaper i jiddisch formlära, syntax och ordförråd utöver den första grundkursen. Din muntliga och skriftliga språkfärdighet fördjupas också, främst genom översättning av litteratur och videoinspelat material samt samtalsövningar.In this course, you will further deepen your knowledge of Yiddish morphology, syntax and vocabulary, in addition to what you learned at the first level 1 course. Your oral and written language skills are also deepened, mainly through translation of literature and video-recorded material as well as conversation exercises.

Jiddisch: Fortsättningskurs I

Kursen tar upp jiddischspråkets uppbyggnad och fördjupar sig i dess språkhistoriska och kulturella kontext. Olika verk på jiddisch inom jiddischlitteraturen studeras och sätts i ett kulturhistoriskt sammanhang varvid studenternas muntliga och skriftliga färdigheter tränas. Vetenskaplig metodik introduceras i kursen. Kursen består av följande delkurser: 1. Språk- och kulturhistoria, 7.5 hp 2. SpThe course focus on the structure of the Yiddish language and delves into its linguistic, historical and cultural context. Various works in Yiddish within Yiddish literature are studied and placed in a cultural-historical context, whereby the students' oral and written proficiency is trained. Scientific methodology is introduced in the course. The course consits of the following sub courses: 1.

Jiddisch: Nybörjarkurs I

Jiddisch är ett av Sveriges nationella minoritetsspråk och Lunds universitet är det enda universitet i Skandinavien som erbjuder undervisning och bedriver forskning i jiddisch. Kunskaper i jiddisch är värdefulla för dig som vill tränga in i jiddischkulturen, arbeta med språkförståelse och/eller bedriva forskning i den uppsjö av skrifter och primärmaterial som aldrig hunnit bearbetats eller översätYiddish is one of Sweden's national minority languages, ​​and Lund University is the only university in Scandinavia that offers teaching and conducts research in Yiddish. Knowledge of Yiddish is valuable for those who want to learn more about Yiddish culture, work with language understanding and/or conduct research in the plethora of writings and primary materials that remains unedited or untransl

Jiddisch: Nybörjarkurs II

I kursen fördjupas kunskaperna i jiddischspråkets formlära, syntax och ordförråd samt den studerandes förmåga att översätta mellan jiddisch och svenska/engelska. Den studerandes muntliga och skriftliga språkfärdighet utökas betydligt i förhållande till föregående kurs genom praktiska färdighetsövningar i såväl tal som skrift. Den studerande övas såväl i att tala och skriva språket i enspråkiga sitThe course allows students to deepen their knowledge of Yiddish morphology, syntax and vocabulary as well as their ability to translate between Yiddish and Swedish/English. The student's oral and written language proficiency is significantly improved in relation to the previous course through practical skills exercises in both speech and writing. The student practises speaking and writing the lang

Öst- och centraleuropakunskap: Centraleuropa efter järnridåns fall (Polen, Tjeckien, Slovakien, Ungern)

Kursen ger dig en översikt i fråga om Polens, Tjeckiens, Slovakiens och Ungerns postkommunistiska samhällsutveckling. De viktigaste politiska och kulturella tendenserna som genomsyrade Centraleuropa efter järnridåns fall kommer att problematiseras och diskuteras. Du får möjlighet att fördjupa dig i specifika frågor rörande nationella och etniska identiteter, demokratiseringsprocess och övergång tiThe course provides an overview of the post-communist development of the societies of Central Europe, i.e. Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. The key political and cultural tendencies permeating Central Europe after the fall of the Berlin Wall are problematised and discussed, as is the question of the region's role as a potential bridge between East and West and North and South. A s

Central and Eastern European Studies: Understanding Belarus and Ukraine

The course critically reflects on theoretical approaches and concepts applied in studies of Belarus and Ukraine, such as postsocialism, postcolonial space, democratisation,and neoliberal transformations. It looks at how events and processes in Belarus and Ukraine are shaped by tensions between “the West” and “the East”, while also focusing on the local, regional and national subjectivities. It alsThe course critically reflects on theoretical approaches and concepts applied in studies of Belarus and Ukraine, such as postsocialism, postcolonial space, democratisation,and neoliberal transformations. It looks at how events and processes in Belarus and Ukraine are shaped by tensions between “the West” and “the East”, while also focusing on the local, regional and national subjectivities. It als

Svensk ekonomi och politik

This elective package consists of a course in Swedish economic development covering modern times, as well as a course in Swedish politics that is taught by historians and political scientists. The package provides an overview of political and economic developments in Sweden leading up to the current situation. These developments are put in an international context. The package also introduces the

Ekonomiska kriser i ett historiskt perspektiv

I detta kurspaket kommer vi först att utforska orsakerna till tidigare ekonomiska kriser. Vi ställer oss även frågor om hur olika kriser påverkar produktionssystem, finansiella system samt befolkning och miljö. Vi kommer också att undersöka vad ekonomiska kriser avslöjar om styrkorna och svagheterna i våra ekonomiska system och titta på konsekvenserna av kriser. Vi studerar också i vilken utsträckThis course will explore the causes of previous economic crises, such as those affecting production, finance, population, and the environment, and will cover the lessons scholars have learned from them and the recommendations they make. We will also examine what economic crises reveal about the strengths and weaknesses of our economic system. And we will look at the consequences of crises and see


This elective package consists of courses focusing on social transformations. The first course is taught at the department of Economic History and provides the student with basic knowledge about gender, social change and modernity in Sweden and Scandinavia, covering the period from the late 1800s up to the 1950s as well as to present the development of some theoretical debates within this field. T

Entrepreneurship and Innovation - Bachelor course (Course Pack)

This courses package consists of two courses; FEKH91 - Entrepreneurship To be able to solve some of the challenges the world is facing, entrepreneurial skills are needed. With a course in entrepreneurship, you have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills needed for becoming a change agent in the future – within an organization or by starting your own business or initiative. In the coursThis courses package consists of two courses; FEKH91 - Entrepreneurship To be able to solve some of the challenges the world is facing, entrepreneurial skills are needed. With a course in entrepreneurship, you have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills needed for becoming a change agent in the future – within an organization or by starting your own business or initiative. In the cours

History, Culture and Society of Central, East and Southeast Europe

In this course you will study the historical, political and cultural development in East and Central Europe with a focus on the formation of democracy and civil society, as well as the problems associated with this process in the 20th and 21st centuries.  The course provides you insight into issues connected with the creation of different identities and values, as well as the historical proceIn this course you will study the historical, political and cultural development in East and Central Europe with a focus on the formation of democracy and civil society, as well as the problems associated with this process in the 20th and 21st centuries.  The course provides you insight into issues connected with the creation of different identities and values, as well as the historical proce

Arbete och befolkning

This elective package consists of two courses focusing on social change and social policy. The first will discuss long-run demographic and labour market trends together with policies relating to work and family life. The second focuses on the post-war period, with a special focus on the functioning of the labour market, social welfare system and the economy. Both courses connect the Scandinavian e

Nationalism and Communism in Central Europe (Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary)

Kursen inleds med en teoretisk granskning av begreppen nationalism och kommunism, de dominerande ideologierna under 1900-talet i Centraleuropa, det vill säga Polen, Tjeckien, Slovakien, Ungern. Därefter studeras nationalismens och kommunismens uppkomst, utveckling och nutida arv i regionen. Olika konkreta fall av nationalismens och kommunismens uttryck i Centraleuropa så som bildandet av nya natiThe course will discuss the emergence, development and contemporary legacy of nationalism and communism as the two major political ideologies in the twentieth century Central Europe. A particular focus will be directed towards Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary. Communism will be further explored as a political and cultural system that dominated the societal transformation of these stat

Öst- och centraleuropakunskap: Ryssland och Östeuropa - nutid och dåtid

The course focuses on historical processes and their role in shaping identity in modern Russia and its Eastern European neighboring countries (such as Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova), which were part of the Soviet Union before 1991. Key identity-shaping events both before and after 1917 (such as the Russian communist revolution, the famine and terror of the 1930s, World War II, the Cold War, the faThe course focuses on historical processes and their role in shaping identity in modern Russia and its Eastern European neighboring countries (such as Ukraine, Belarus, and Moldova), which were part of the Soviet Union before 1991. Key identity-shaping events both before and after 1917 (such as the Russian communist revolution, the famine and terror of the 1930s, World War II, the Cold War, the fa

Svensk socialpolitik

This elective package consists of a course in social developments in Sweden and the rise of the Swedish welfare state, as well as a course in Swedish politics that is taught by historians and political scientists. The package provides an overview of political, demographic, and social developments in Sweden leading up to the current situation. These developments are put in an international context.

Familj, genus, arbete

This elective package consists of courses focusing on social change and social policy. The first is taught at the department of Economic History and focuses on long-run demographic and labour market trends, and policies relating to work and family life. The second course is taught at the Department of Gender Studies and focuses on debates about the Scandinavian welfare states and upon critical per

Asiens ekonomiska utveckling

This package consist of courses about the rise of Asian economies. The first course explores and explains the historical processes of rapid industrialisation and socio-economic modernisation in Pacific Asia. The second looks more specifically at the recent rise of Asia’s two giants – China and India. Both courses provide perspectives from development economics.