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Intra-EU vs. extra-EU scientific co-publication patterns in EU

The increase of co-authored papers is a recognized fact. At the same time the factors influencing this change is not well known. This article aims at studying the patterns of EU science co-authorships. We analyzed articles published in 18 EU countries and their intra-EU (within EU) and extra-EU (with partners outside EU) co-publication pattern in five scientific fields. The results point to a Euro

Time kill assay and bactericidal mechanism of action of ethanolic flowers extract of Sphaeranthus indicus

The purpose of the study was to identify the bactericidal mechanism of action and time kill assay of a medicinal plant Sphaeranthus indicus Linn against some highly resistant Gram positive and Gram negative clinical pathogens. Antimicrobial action of this plant was compared with four different antibiotics using disk diffusion method. The MIC and MBC of extract was measured by broth dilution method

Therapeutic Potential of Iridoid Derivatives: Patent Review.

Iridoids belong to a family of monoterpenoids comprising the cyclopentan[c]-pyran system; this class of compounds offers a wide range of biological effects, namely antileishmanial, anticancer, antiplasmodial, and anti-inflammatory potency. To date, a large number of biologically active iridoid derivatives have been reported from various plant families, including Rubiaceae, Plantaginaceae, Scrophul

New configurations and applications of molecularly imprinted polymers

Molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) are applicable in a variety of different configurations. For example, bulk polymers imprinted with β-lactam antibiotics are presented to be used as stationary phases for the chromatographic separation of β-lactam antibiotics with both aqueous and organic mobile phases. However, in some analytical applications, monosized spherical beads are preferred over the c

Temperature control and light penetration in a feedback interstitial laser thermotherapy system

The aim of this study was to describe the performance of a closed loop interstitial laser thermotherapy system in processed liver and to demonstrate its suitability for treating a vascularized tumour in vivo. The thermotherapy system consisted of an Nd:YAG laser and a temperature feedback circuit including an automatic thermometry system and thermistor probes. Experiments in processed liver were p

Malignant esophageal strictures : treatment with a self-expanding nitinol stent

A self-expanding esophageal nitinol stent was implanted under fluoroscopic guidance in 40 patients with malignant esophageal strictures and clinically significant dysphagia. The strictures were caused by squamous cell carcinoma (n = 14), adenocarcinoma (n = 12), recurrent anastomotic carcinoma (n = 8), and mediastinal tumors (n = 6). Eight stents were balloon dilated to maximum diameter immediatel

Self-compression of ultrashort pulses in filaments

We report the self-compression of linearly and circularly polarized light pulses down to the few-cycle regime by self-guided beam propagation of intense 38-fs pulses in different gases with uniform density and with a pressure gradient.

Digital in-line holography with a single high-order harmonic pulse

In this paper, we review the optimization and characterization of a high-order harmonic generation (HHG) source for application in coherence imaging, and the use of this light source in a digital in-line holography setup. The high-order harmonic beam is generated by focusing a powerful infrared beam into an Ar gas cell. The length of the cell and the focusing parameters are optimized to maximize t

Laser-intensity effects in the energy distributions of electrons produced in multiphoton ionization of rare gases

The energy spectra of electrons produced in multiphoton ionization of rare gases display a large number of peaks corresponding to the absorption of much more than a minimum number of photons required to ionize the atom. A retarding-potential method has been used to analyze the energy of electrons produced in the multiphoton ionization of He, Ne, and Xe at 1064 and 532 nm in a broad range of laser

Attosecond excitation of electron wavepackets

We present experiments, supported by time-dependent Schrödinger simulations, on the dynamics of Helium bound states after an attosecond excitation in the presence of a strong infrared laser field.

On exposure to anorexia nervosa, the temporal variation in axial and appendicular skeletal development predisposes to site-specific deficits in bone size and density : A cross-sectional study

Skeletal development is heterogeneous. Throughout growth, bone size is more maturationally advanced than the mineral being accrued within its periosteal envelope; before puberty, appendicular growth is more rapid than axial growth; during puberty, appendicular growth slows and axial growth accelerates. We studied women with differing age of onset of anorexia nervosa to determine whether this tempo