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Konstnärligt masterprogram i musik, Komposition - Musik för film och media

Musikhögskolan i Malmö erbjuder kvalificerade yrkesutbildningar på kandidat- och masternivå för blivande musiker, kompositörer och kyrkomusiker för professionell verksamhet i orkestrar och ensembler samt för en växande frilansmarknad. Genom att studera vid något av kompositionsprogrammen vid Musikhögskolan i Malmö förbereder du dig inför en framtida professionell verksamhet som kompositör och/elleThe Malmö Academy of Music offers advanced professional first and second cycle programmes for prospective singers, musicians, composers and church musicians for work in orchestras and ensembles and for the growing freelance market. Studies in one of the performance programmes at the Malmö Academy of Music will prepare you for future professional musicianship as a composer or/and arranger. During t

Fysik, Kvantinformation och kvantvetenskap - Masterprogram

Att förstå kvantteorin leder till grundläggande insikter om den fysiska världen och det faktum att kvantsystem kan användas för att manipulera informationsbehandling på sätt som inte har någon motsvarighet i klassisk fysik och vanlig teknik. Du kommer att studera kvantteori, fysikens roll i information och dess kopplingar till stora kvantteknologier som kvantdatorer, kvantkommunikation och kvantsiUnderstanding quantum theory leads to fundamental insights about the physical world and the fact that quantum systems can be used to manipulate information processing in ways that have no counterpart in classical physics and mainstream technology. You will study quantum theory, physics' role in information, and its connections to major quantum technologies such as quantum computers, quantum commun

Klimatförändringar och samhälle - Masterprogram

Klimatförändringarna är vår tids största samhällsutmaning. Den omfattar ekonomiska, moraliska, tekniska och politiska dimensioner och är ett globalt problem med enorma lokala och regionala konsekvenser. Redan nu ser vi hur klimatförändringar förvärrar extrema väderfenomen så som stormar, värmeböljor och översvämningar och leder till brist på mat och vatten med konflikter till följd. LUCAS-proClimate change is one of the most complex issues facing humanity today. It involves many dimensions – science, economics, society, politics, and moral and ethical questions – and is a global problem, felt on local scales. If left unchecked climate change will cause average global temperatures to increase beyond 3°C, and will adversely affect every ecosystem. Already, we are seeing how climate chan

Konstnärligt masterprogram i scenkonst som kritisk praktik

Det nya konstnärliga masterprogrammet i scenkonst med inriktning kritisk praktik är en tvåårig heltidsutbildning. Programmet riktar sig till konstnärer inom teater, dans och performance som önskar ge sig ut på en forskningsledd bana och situera sin scenkonstnärliga praktik inom samtidens sociala, politiska och ekonomiska förhållanden. Programmet syftar till att utbilda konstnärer som kan närma sigThe new international Master’s programme in Performing Arts with a specialisation in Critical Practice and a social focus is a two-year, full-time study, starting in September, 2023. It is open to artists within theatre, dance and performance who want to embark on a research-led study and to situate their practices within the social, political and economic conditions of the contemporary world. T

Läkemedelsteknologi: Forskning, utveckling och produktion - Masterutbildning

Läkemedelsindustrin upplever en fortsatt och växande efterfrågan på högkvalificerade medarbetare med kunskaper som täcker hela utvecklingsprocessen fram till ett färdigt läkemedel.  Masterprogrammet är ett av få med en bred ingång som omfattar hela läkemedelsprocessen; från upptäckt och identifiering av aktiva substanser, till utveckling och produktion av slutligt läkemedlet. Programmet är näThe Master’s programme in Pharmaceutical Technology will prepare you for an exciting career in pharmaceuticals, no matter if you aim for working in the pharmaceutical industry, regulatory authorities or for future PhD studies. The programme is one of few with a broad approach that includes the entire pharmaceutical process; from discovery and identification of the active substance, to the developm


LL_SMMM20_rev141111 Reading list for Service Management: Master’s (120 credits) Thesis, 30 credits (SMMM20) The literature was approved by the Board of the Department of Service Management 27 October, 2011, revised by the Board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies 11 November 2014. The literature is valid from 1 January, 2015. Booth, Wayne C., Colomb, Gregory G. & Williams, - 2024-11-05

LL SMMM20 rev141111 rev201124

LL_SMMM20_rev141111_rev201124 Reading list for Service Management: Master’s (120 credits) Thesis, 30 credits (SMMM20) The literature was approved by the Board of the Department of Service Management 27 October, 2011, revised by the Board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies 11 November 2014. The literature is valid from 1 January, 2015. Booth, Wayne C., Colomb, Gregory G. & - 2024-11-05

Statistik: Magisterkurs - Statistiska metoder för data science (kurspaket)

Kurspaketet består av följande kurser: STAN48 Statistics: Programming for Data Science, 7.5 hp I den här kursen får du lära dig modern statistisk datoranvändning inom data science genom implementeringar i populära programspråk såsom R och Python. Du kommer att lära dig R- och Python-miljöerna och att använda deras paket och moduler för statistik och att arbeta med data frames, arrays och matriser.The following courses are included in the package: STAN48 Statistics: Programming for Data Science, 7.5 cr. In this course, you will learn modern statistical computing as viewed in data science through implementations in popular computing platforms such as R and Python. You will learn the R and Python environment, and to use the R packages and Python modules for statistics and working with data fr

Ll smmm20 141111

See appendix. Literature for SMMM20, Service Management: Master's (Two Years) Thesis applies from spring semester 2015 Literature established by the board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies on 2014-11-11 to apply from 2015-01-01 Reading list for Service Management: Master’s (120 credits) Thesis, 30 credits (SMMM20) The literature was approved by the Board of the Department - 2024-11-05

Telomere Shortening After Induced Premature Senescence by Ionizing Radiation

Induced Cell Aging by Radiation Aging is a natural phenomenon that affects almost all living organisms and brings with it an array of disease. In humans, aging is in part due to shortening of one’s telomeres. Telomeres are sequences of DNA at the end of our chromosomes that do not code for any genetic information. Thus, they can serve as protection, non-coding DNA taking damage that would otherwi

Gism01 kursplan

Kursguide - Course Syllabus • • • • • • Details of approval The syllabus was approved by Study programmes board, Faculty of Science on 2008- 05-22 to be valid from 2008-05-23, autumn semester 2008. General Information The course is a compulsory course for second-cycle studies for a Master of Science in geographic information science. Language of instruction: English Learning outcomes On completion - 2024-11-05

Relative compound eye size differences in Bombus species – investigating the influence of habitat, sex and caste

Bumble bee compound eye sizes in different climates Bumble bees are important pollinators with over 250 species spread over the world. One could even argue that they are the cornerstones of life as we know it, considering their immense task of pollinating almost everything we eat, as well as everything that what we eat eats. But how does the bumblebee do all this, in all these vastly different p

A comparison of compound eye sizes between bumblebees of different habitats using micro-CT

The Bumbling Bumblebee, they see more than you think! Bumblebees are probably one of the most universally loved insects in the animal kingdom. They don’t irritate you or sting you unlike their relatives, instead they do their own thing while performing their daily tasks of collecting pollen and nectar for the colony. We wanted to learn more about how the bumblebee view the world and how the envir

Do immune challenges affect migratory decisions?

Should I stay or should I go? Every year billions of animals migrate! For different reasons, to different places and different distances but they all have the act of migration in common. In almost all groups of animals migration have evolved time and time again. This raises the question of how and why migration came to be? One possible answer is that it evolved from partial migration, where only

Common words and phrases

What's the difference between a department and a faculty? What is Ladok? On this page, you will find descriptions of a selection of terms that you may encounter during your studies at Lund University (Swedish terms in brackets). Below, you can find common words and phrases related to: Studies Student life Roles Studies Academic quarter (akademisk kvart) The academic quarter is a concept of time us - 2024-11-03

Polymorphism in non-coding region affects expression of the innate immune defense gene IFIH1 in the bank vole (Myodes glareolus)

Genetic variation in an immune defense gene The immune system is one of the barriers to the external world, and the multiple types of microbes that could be dangerous to our health. In the part of our immune system that we normally call the innate immune system, we have different sensors for these various types of microbes. The sensors are found inside some of the cells of mammals or on the surfa

Does sex-specific selection change mating behaviour in a hermaphrodite?Martin MajvallMartin Majvall

Experimental Evolution: From hermaphrodite to two sexes! When one hears the word evolution most of us think of Charles Darwin and his theory of natural selection. He once said, ”It is not the strongest of species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change”. We will get back to that, but a very important thing here is that the timeframe he is talking about is mil