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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11117 hits

Konstnärligt masterprogram i kyrkomusik, Orgel och klaver

Musikhögskolan i Malmö erbjuder kvalificerade yrkesutbildningar på kandidat- och masternivå för blivande musiker, kompositörer och kyrkomusiker för professionell verksamhet i orkestrar och ensembler eller som musiker i församlingar inom Svenska kyrkan eller andra trossamfund. Under utbildningstiden utvecklar du de kunskaper och färdigheter du behöver för att på hög konstnärlig nivå kunna verkThe Malmö Academy of Music offers advanced professional first and second cycle programmes for prospective singers, musicians, composers and church musicians for work in orchestras and ensembles or as a church musician within the Church of Sweden or within other denominations. During the period of study, you will develop the knowledge and skills you need in order to work at a high artistic level in

Samhällsvetenskap: Teorier och frågeställningar inom utveckling

This course is about development and sustainability in times of poverty, inequality and climate change. It is interdisciplinary and attracts students from several social science disciplines and teachers from several departments at Lund University. A major question addressed throughout the course is why there is poverty amidst plenty despite numerous development policies and comprehensive knowledgCurrent Key Issues in Development Studies This course is about development and sustainability in times of poverty, inequality and climate change. It is interdisciplinary and attracts students from several social science disciplines and teachers from several departments at Lund University. A major question addressed throughout the course is why there is poverty amidst plenty despite numerous deve

Statsvetenskap: Jämförande politik - Institutioner och aktörer

Syftet med kursen är att fördjupa de studerandes kunskaper och färdigheter inom några av de viktigaste forskningsområdena inom ämnet jämförande politik. Av särskild vikt är teorier, metoder och empiriska resultat som relaterar till politiskt beslutsfattande i olika politiska system. Kursen ger en överblick över aktuella debatter inom området och ger studenterna verktyg att förstå och analysera polThe purpose of the course is to deepen students' knowledge and skills in some of the main areas of research in comparative politics. Of particular importance are theories, methods and empirical results that relate to political decision-making in different political systems. The course gives an overview of current debates in the field and gives students the tools to understand and to navigate the i

Beräkningsvetenskap: Reproducerbar dataanalys och statistisk inlärning

BERN02. Kursens övergripande mål är att låta studenterna arbeta med och kombinera två områden för dataanalys inom beräkningsvetenskap: reproducerbara arbetsflöden och statistisk inlärning. Detta inbegriper att kunna skapa rapporter där programmeringskod, resultat och rapporttext kombineras i samma dokument, tillämpat på ett urval av vanliga metoder i statistisk parametrisk modellering och masBERN02. The overall learning outcome for the course is to let the students work with and combine two fields for data analysis in computational science: reproducible work flows and statistical learning. This includes to be able to create reports where programming code, results and text are combined in the same document, applied on a selection of common methods in statistical parametric modelling an

Företagsekonomi:Varumärken och varumärkesarbete i en dynamisk värld

Brands and branding have an extensive influence on, and entail large consequences for, today’s marketers, consumers and society as a whole.   This course provides knowledge of three major perspectives on brands and branding. During the course, the students will develop their analytical skills and ability to use key concepts, models and theories, both orally in case discussions and in writteBrands and branding have an extensive influence on, and entail large consequences for, today’s marketers, consumers and society as a whole.   This course provides knowledge of three major perspectives on brands and branding. During the course, the students will develop their analytical skills and ability to use key concepts, models and theories, both orally in case discussions and in writte

Japanska: Fördjupningskurs - Läsförståelse och muntlig framställning

Denna kurs består av cirka 10 föreläsningar och cirka 10 grupparbeten. Under föreläsningar kommer studenterna att läsa och diskutera vetenskapliga texter skrivna på japanska om det japanska språket, för att förbättra sina läsförmåga samt för att bekanta sig med relevanta forskningsämnen och forskningsmetoder. Under grupparbeten kommer studenterna att diskutera och sammanfatta innehållet i föreläsnThis course consists of approximately 10 lectures and approximately 10 group work sessions. In lectures, students will read and discuss scholarly texts written in the Japanese language on the Japanese language, in order to improve their reading skills as well as to familiarise themselves with relevant research topics and research methods. In group work sessions, students will discuss and summarise

Språk och språkvetenskap, Svenska som andraspråk - Masterprogram

The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializatiThe MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. In the language specific specialization subjects, an additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializati

Fysik: Fysiken för lågdimensionella strukturer och kvantkomponenter

Kursen behandlar artificiella material med strukturer på nanometerskalan där elektronernas rörelse är begränsad till två, en eller noll dimensioner. Tyngdpunkten ligger på heterostrukturer av halvledare men även andra lågdimensionella system diskuteras. Koncept och grundläggande teori introduceras med utgångspunkt från kvantmekaniken och fördjupas genom applicering på heterostrukturer. Kursen gerThis course concerns artificial materials with substructure on the nanometer scale such that the electronic motion is restricted to two, one or zero dimensions. The emphasis is on semiconductor heterostructures but also other low-dimensional systems will be discussed. The concepts and the underlying theory are introduced based on quantum mechanics and extended by the application to heterostructure

Fysik: Introduktion till programmering och datoranvändning för naturvetare

Kursen behandlar breda programmeringsaspekter som är väsentliga för naturvetare. Det börjar med en grundläggande introduktion till relevant informationsteknik och avslutas med en fördjupad studie av ramverk för vetenskaplig dataanalys. Följande ämnen tas upp: Användning av ett UNIX-baserat operativsystem, till exempel Linux Översikt över användning av programmering i olika naturvetenskapligThe course covers broad programming aspects essential for scientists.  The following aspects are addressed: Use of UNIX-based operating systems, such as Linux Overview of the use of programming in various scientific fields (Data analysis, simulation, etc.​) Overview of common programming languages such as C++ and Python Basic concepts of object-oriented software design Basic Soft

Litteratur - kultur - medier, Barn- och ungdomslitteratur - Masterprogram

The aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural toThe aim of the programme is to strengthen students’ historical knowledge and theoretical understanding of relations between literature, culture and modern media. The student can choose to specialise in Children's and Adolescent, English, French, General, German, Russian, Spanish, or Yiddish literature, and in Scandinavian studies. There are theoretical courses, discussing aesthetic and cultural to

Beräkningsvetenskap: Introduktion till artificiella neuronnätverk och djupinlärning

Recent development in machine learning have led to a surge of interest in artificial neural networks (ANN). New efficient algorithms and increasingly powerful hardware has made it possible to create very complex and high-performing ANNs. The process of training such complex networks has become known as deep learning and the complex networks are typically called deep neural networks. A possibility Recent development in machine learning have led to a surge of interest in artificial neural networks (ANN). New efficient algorithms and increasingly powerful hardware has made it possible to create very complex and high-performing ANNs. The process of training such complex networks has become known as deep learning and the complex networks are typically called deep neural networks. A possibility

Polsk litteratur och kultur från medeltiden till modernismen

Kursen börjar med en översikt över utvecklingen av polsk litteratur, från dess tidigaste skrivna verk till idag. Särskild tonvikt läggs på distinkta litterära epoker och övergångar mellan dem, särskilt under 1800- och 1900-talen fram till 1939. I kursen ingår en omfattande analys av utvalda litterära texter genom linsen av intellektuell historia och ideologisk progression. Litteraturen undersöks i

Polsk litteratur och kultur från 1939 fram till idag

De fyra delkurserna utforskar litteraturen i relation till olika teman. Efter en historisk översikt studeras litteraturen i relation till avgörande historiska skeenden - krig och kommunism - och slutligen i relation till vår nutid. Genom dessa varierande studier av polsk litteratur kan studenten få en djupare förståelse för de politiska och sociala processer som har format Polens kulturella och naThe four modules explore literature in relation to different themes. After a historical overview, the literature is studied in relation to crucial historical events - war and communism - and finally in relation to the present. Through these varied studies of Polish literature, students can gain a deeper understanding of the political and social processes that have shaped Poland's cultural and nati

Mellanösternstudier: Kontinuitet och förändring inom Mellanöstern

This course consists of two separate modules, each 7.5 credits.  The first module (7.5 credits), focuses on social movements in the MENA region (for example the Green Revolution in Iran and the Arab Uprisings of 2011) and studies their political, social, and economic roots. Through a critical inquiry embedded in political science, history, and sociology, this module will unpack the underlyinThis course consists of two separate modules, each 7.5 credits.  The first module (7.5 credits), focuses on social movements in the MENA region (for example the Green Revolution in Iran and the Arab Uprisings of 2011) and studies their political, social, and economic roots. Through a critical inquiry embedded in political science, history, and sociology, this module will unpack the underlyin

Säkerhetspolitiska aspekter av medicinsk vetenskap: risker och möjligheter med framtida bioteknik

Interdisciplinary understanding of security policy and medical science The course will give you an interdisciplinary understanding of the interplay between security policy and medical science, particularly in the light of contemporary challenges, such as the Covid pandemic and conflicts in Europe where healthcare has become a target for disinformation and direct attacks. How to deal with data proInterdisciplinary understanding of security policy and medical science The course will give you an interdisciplinary understanding of the interplay between security policy and medical science, particularly in the light of contemporary challenges, such as the Covid pandemic and conflicts in Europe where healthcare has become a target for disinformation and direct attacks. How to deal with data pro

Cecilia Fredriksson

Professor Contact details Email: cecilia [dot] fredriksson [at] ses [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 42 35 66 42Organisation Department of Service Studies Room number: E323 WebpageCecilia Fredrikssons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Affiliated researcher Centre for Retail Research at Lund UniversityCecilia Fredriksson is a professor. Her main fields of research are consump - 2025-01-06

Kurslitteratur mven16 ht15

Kurslitteratur MVEN16_HT15_2nov15 Kurslitteratur MVEN16, HT15 2015-11-02 MVEN16 KURSLITTERATUR, HT15 OBS! Fler artiklar, rapporter o.dyl. kan tillkomma under kursens gång. Kursböcker Boyce, T., Lewis, J. (eds.) (2009). Climate Change and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Series. Peter Lang Pub Inc. (261 sid). (OBS! Svårtillgänglig; utvalda kapitel tillhandahålles) Bulkeley, H. and P. Newell ( - 2025-01-06