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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 12075 hits

Kurslitteratur mven16 ht15 26okt15

Kurslitteratur MVEN16_HT15_26okt15 Kurslitteratur MVEN16, HT15 2015-10-26 MVEN16 KURSLITTERATUR, HT15 OBS! Fler artiklar, rapporter o.dyl. kan tillkomma under kursens gång. Kursböcker Boyce, T., Lewis, J. (eds.) (2009). Climate Change and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Series. Peter Lang Pub Inc. (261 sid). (OBS! Svårtillgänglig; utvalda kapitel tillhandahålles) Bulkeley, H. and P. Newell - 2025-02-07

Att se empatiskt - Samtida fotografiers möte med globaliserade rörelser, samspel och konflikter

This article takes a selection of works of contemporary photography as starting points in a discussion about globalised movements, connections, and conflicts. The aim of the article is two-fold; first, to bring out and analyze how contemporary photography today finds new strategies with which to engage with aspects of the phenomenon of globalisation, and second, to contribute to a beginning tenden

Kartering av makrofyter, framtagandet av en klassificeringsmetod för att kunna beräkna ekologisk status för Ålands skärgård och skapandet av miljöövervakningsprogram

Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Kartering av makrofyter, framtagandet av en klassificeringsmetod för att kunna beräkna ekologisk status för Ålands skärgård och skapandet av miljöövervakningsprogram Europeiska unionen har i sitt miljöarbete bestämt att varje medlemsland ska upprätta övervakningsprogram och klassificeringsmetoder för att övervaka miljöns ekologiska status. Varje medlemsland anAbstract This mater project was conducted in Åland by assignment by the Government of Åland Islands. The project consisted of two parts, one survey of macrophytes and classification of the ecological status and a proposal on a marine monitoring program. The survey of macrophytes was conducted in the late summer of 2012, by SCUBA divers along 50 meters long transect at twelve sites in the Åland ar

Att vara statsminister är mest naturligt för män - Ungdomars attityder till genussystemet och dess orsaker

This thesis examines youth attitudes toward the gender-system and the believed causes of gender roles: biology or social factors. The study has been designed as a survey conducted among 116 Swedish 9th graders, where the students had to classify weather stereotype roles and tasks are more natural for one sex than the other, or both. By comparing the answers of the pupils with respect to their own

Att ge utrymme åt etniska minoriteter i nyhetsmedia : en kritisk diskursanalys av The Huffington Posts underkategorier "Black Voices" och "Latino Voices"

In the United States of America media and the press have the important role of being ”the fourth estate of government” which means that American media has the task to examine the political processes taking place within the country, as well as the USA's actions abroad. The importance of media not being biased or not framing certain kind of information cannot be overemphasized, but despite this,

Socialt arbete bedrivet av ideella organisationer i Kanada- och deras sätt för att uppfylla sina uppdrag

This study aims to highlight conditions for some selected non-profit organizations providing social services in Toronto, Canada. The essay is a case study which includes literature studies, field observations and interviews with respondents working in the non-profit sector. The analyses are mainly based on qualitative semi structured interviews with respondents working in non-profit organizations