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Your search for "Konsten att dö: om döendets teologi och filosofi" yielded 11112 hits
Härskarsymbol och högsäte - om betydelsen av västmarkeringar i romanska kyrkor
While the liturgical centre of the church is the high altar in the chancel, the western part of the Romanesque church has often been ascribed a more secular character. This seems to be an area where those in power could assert their authority in a religious setting. The magnitude of these manifestations vary greatly, from the ostentatious westworks of the cathedrals and the miscellaneous forms of
Framtidens digitala konsument: En kvalitativ studie om konsumenternas attitydformering till personuppgifter och företags arbete med individanpassad marknadsföring
This study aims to create a deeper understanding of consumer attitudes regarding personalized marketing and companies collection and analysis of personal data. It also aims to contribute to a broader knowledge about the opportunities and challenges companies can face if consumer change their behavior if more control is given to them regarding their personal data. By working with relationship and p
"Man är del av något större... Man jobbar med livet.": En studie om sociala odlingsprojekt- vinster, hinder och möjligheter
"You are part of something bigger... You work with life.": A study about social horticultural projects- gains, obstacles and possibilities. The public interest in gardening and horticulture is growing, in Sweden and internationally. Despite this, social horticultural projects still earned little attention in Swedish research. This paper aimed to examine social projects that use horticul
Öresundsidentitet - En studie om regional identitet och identitetsskapande i en transnationell kontext
The Öresund region, or Greater Copenhagen as it also is represented as, is a cross-border region connecting Skåne with Copenhagen. Political initiatives have forced development towards a more integrated region with one regional identity. This has been complicated by border controls, redefining the national borders in an inconvenient way, especially for everyday transnational commuters. Through sem
Patientnöjdhet med information - En enkätstudie om information, ålder och sjukdomsrelaterade sökningar på internet
God information har samband med hög patientnöjdhet. Yngre patienter samt patienter som sökt på internet har visat sig vara mindre nöjda med vården på en akutmottagning. Tidigare studier visar att det finns brister i informationen till patienterna på akutmottagningar. Syftet var att undersöka om patienternas nöjdhet med information från sjuksköterskan hade ett samband med patienternas ålder och der
"Reklam handlar om effekt och bang for the buck"
Reklam kan inte ses som en isolerad kommunikation mellan företag och konsumenter, den existerar i samtiden, i en kontext och i ett samhälle som låter sig påverkas av den. Vad som exponeras i det offentliga påverkar de uppfattningar och föreställning människor har om omvärlden i ett långsiktigt perspektiv. Syftet med studien är att undersöka och skapa förståelse för hur reklambyråer hanterar balans
Mammor och barn (med erfarenhet av våld) i skyddat boende - en kvalitativ studie om konflikterande perspektiv på kvinnojourer
The purpose was to explore how the staff at women’s shelters handle potential conflicts as part of their overall mandate as well as in their practical day to day work. This qualitative study was based on interviews carried out with staff members at women’s shelters. The people interviewed were chosen for geographical reasons -they were staff members working in shelters in Scania- and partly for re
Om distinktioner mellan klassisk och modern retorik
The article has become a classic in american rhetorical scholarship. It criticizes four major misconceptions about classical rhetoric often found in contemporary rhetorical scholarship. The misconceptions are traced to an incomplete and faulty understanding of Aristotle's rhetoric.
I otakt med tiden. Om rösträttsmotstånd och nazism bland svenska kvinnor
Privatisering som samhällsförändring - om sambandet mellan värdeförändringar och samhällsförändring
This master's thesis examines the relationship between privatisation as a social change in Sweden and changes in social values. Theories of democratic values form the theoretical foundation of the thesis were it is concluded that freedom and equality are values closely linked to democracy. The importance of freedom and equality is, by method of text analysis, examined in the governmental repo
Magnificent work on Swedish-Armenian relations : (Ann Grönhammar, Drömmen om Armenien: Armenier och svenskar under tusen år, Medströms Bokförlag, Stockholm 2021)
Recension av Ann Grönhammar: "Drömmen om Armenien. Armenier och svenskar under tusen år"The reviewer presents the content of the work of Ann Grönhammar on relations between Sweden and Armenia, beginning from cloudy – from the perspective of sources – times of Vikings who wandered as far as the Caucasus, through significantly better documented episodes from the 17th century, until the beginning of the 20th century. The reviewer indicates Polish threads, resulting from the existence of
Estrid - moder, mäktig och maskulin? : Berättelser om en rekonstruktion av en senvikingatid kvinna
This paper investigates the stories that unfold and are created after an excavation in 1990s in Sweden of a few Late Viking Age burials. The excavation is followed by excavation reports, articles and an exhibition that also showcases a reconstruction made of one of the buried persons. The analysis is made from three perspectives; from the archaeological, the museum and the municipality. It is demo